The Only Male Protagonist

The Only Male Protagonist Chapter 455

Machida Sonoko and Kasumigaoka Shiwa certainly have no objections, and Gabriel, even if she is addicted to games and spends as much time as she can, she also lacks resistance to food. Anyway, she can play games while eating. No rejection.

Gabriel opened the closet, revealing the messy clothes that were not properly stacked but thrown in randomly. Her careless movements suddenly paused, and that delicate and beautiful face, which was cultivated every night, quietly glowed. There was a blush.

"You guys, don't peek, just turn around."

In fact, Gabriel's words were mainly addressed to Yuuki Rito, after all, he was the only man present.

Yuki Rito glanced at Gabriel, her eyes lingering on her ill-fitting large sports coat and the skirt she held in her hand for a moment, and then said bluntly.

"I'll just go out, Yuan Zi and Shi Yu should come out too."

This guy Gabriel really didn't wear bottoms, he covered it with a sports coat at home, maybe he was only wearing a pair of safety pants.

The sloppy angel in Yuki Rito's eyes suddenly added a bit of sexy and coquettish atmosphere, although Yuki Rito also knew that she was definitely not dressed like this to seduce people, but just lazy.

Walked out of the room, closed the door, and let Gabriel change clothes inside. In this spare time, Kasumigaoka Shiwa looked at Yuuki Rito and asked curiously.

"Who is Gabriel's older sister?"

"He is a very powerful guy. Because of some personality problems, Gabriel and her sister have a little conflict."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu probably guessed the reason for the discord between Gabriel and her sister. No matter who it is, they will be very angry when they see their sister addicted to games, playing truant, and having such bad living habits.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa was only surprised by Yuuki Rito's modifiers to Gabriel's sister-very powerful.

This is the first time a girl has heard such a compliment from Yuuki Rito. What she heard before was nothing more than common words such as strong, kind, and cute. Are those common compliments special?

Could it be another love rival?

Kasumigaoka Shiwa quietly looked at Yuuki Rito's thoughtful eyes, and smacked her lips wordlessly, while Machida Sonoko, who was immersed in the sadness caused by the shattered original beautiful fantasy, remained silent.

After about two minutes, Gabriel opened the door of the room a little unnaturally and walked out.

"I'm ready, let's go."

The large and ill-fitting sports jacket was replaced by a cashmere sweater, and a red scarf was wrapped around his neck. The messy blond hair was tidied a few times, but unfortunately there were still a lot of naughty curls.

At this moment, Gabriel has changed from a slovenly house girl to a cute and adorable creature, especially when the cold wind blows outside, Gabriel's eyes are unconsciously narrowed into a line , which adds a bit of cuteness. Because of her personality that doesn't care much about her appearance, it only takes two minutes to get ready to go out. Otherwise, the average girl will take more than ten minutes anyway. To a certain extent Said she was very reassuring.


"Xiaojia, what's the matter with your fragile appearance?"

Seeing Gabriel's fully armed appearance, Yuuki Rito couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Although the temperature is indeed quite low now, it is by no means the coldest time of the year. It is only a day or two before January, and the temperature in January and February is even lower.

However, Gabriel is already armed to this extent, with her hands in her pockets, and it seems that she has given up playing with her mobile phone because of the cold, which is really dumbfounding.

"Well, you know, I stay up late every day and stay at home all day, so my physical fitness will decrease a little."

What Gabriel said is indeed in line with human nature, but she is an angel at the Warring States level! To even show such symptoms, how far has she stayed up all night? !

"... How many hours do you sleep a day?"

"One day? Uh, sometimes I don't sleep for a day. Generally speaking, I don't go to sleep until I am very sleepy. If I count it, I sleep for about five hours in three days."


Hearing Gabriel's answer, the three of them were dumbfounded, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu hurriedly supported Gabriel's shoulders, for fear that she would fall to the ground due to her weakness while walking.

Sleeping for five hours in three days, and it sounds like it lasted for a long time, let alone a girl like Gabriel who looks petite and weak, even a strong man can't handle it, right?

Kasumigaoka Shiwa's heart was full of shock, while supporting Gabriel, he looked at Yuuki Rito hesitantly and asked.

"Why don't you take her to the hospital for a checkup? Maybe this kind of work and rest life has left her with some serious physical hazards."

"No need."×2

Yuuki Rito and Gabriel's unanimous answer stunned Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who was a little confused for a while.

But Sonoko Machida probably guessed the reason - if Gabriel, who is an angel, goes to the hospital for an examination, various indicators that are different from ordinary people will cause unnecessary trouble.

As for the confusion in Kasumigaoka Shiwa's heart, after Yuuki Rito deliberately changed the subject, it was quickly erased.

It is noon now, the sun is shining brightly, and the bright sunshine has raised the original low temperature a lot. However, there are still not many pedestrians on the streets of Chiba City. After all, it is a working day. Although it is time for lunch, most people People settle for lunch at school or work.

When the four of them entered a well-known high-end restaurant in Chiba City, there were not many people at all.

Chapter 0639 holiday activities

The girls present all knew that Yuuki Rito, whose identity was Akihiko Kayaba, was beyond imagination, so they didn't order cheap things in the restaurant, nor did they splurge because of this, but everyone I just ordered two or three of my favorite snacks.

Gabriel was very busy while eating and playing with her mobile phone, but Machida Sonoko and Kasumigaoka Shiwa finally started what they had planned—the follow-up work on light novels.

Love Metronome written by Kasumigaoka Shiwa is a youth love novel, no matter how many obstacles are set up for the male and female protagonists in it, it will eventually end one day, and, compared to that kind of fantasy novel, the romance novel The end of the novel will be shorter. After all, fantasy can include love, but the daily love novels written by Kasumigaoka Shiwa will not have new characters appearing like fantasy novels, and there will be no fighting plots .

Kasumigaoka Shiyu himself doesn't seem to have the intention of writing a love metronome for a long time. From the very beginning, only one male protagonist and one female protagonist are set up. From the two people's meeting, acquaintance to love, although there are also hazy and romantic relationships between boys and girls. Reserved, but there were no overly exaggerated ups and downs.

Smooth sailing, that's about it.

Many readers like the metronome of love, the dreamy and sweet romance, and the warm plot that makes people smile and feel happy after reading it, which can be called the perfect spiritual food.

What Sonoko Machida wants to discuss with Kasumigaoka Shiwa is the style of the next light novel. The genre has been roughly determined, and it will still be a youth romance series.

"Mr. Xia Shizi, do you still plan to continue the current style of the next light novel, this kind of plain and warm daily life? In that case, besides the length of the novel will not be too long, readers may also feel fatigued?"

When talking about matters related to light novels, Machida Sonoko still used the name Kasumi Shiko-sensei to talk to Kasumigaoka Shiwa, which seemed very formal.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who heard Machida Sonoko's words, glanced at Yuuki Rito vaguely, and replied.

"It still focuses on daily life, but I will probably write more than one heroine. As for changing the style, there are already various headaches in reality. If in the world of my novels, still If there is such a tragic relationship that I pursue hard but can't get, I will probably give up on myself."

Yuuki Rito, who was listening to the conversation between Machida Sonoko and Kasumigaoka Shiwa nonchalantly, twitched the corners of his mouth at this moment, why did he always feel that Kasumigaoka Shiwa was insinuating.

The tragic love affair that was pursued hard but could not be obtained, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was talking about herself? As expected of a light novelist, he is very proficient in using exaggerated rhetorical techniques.

"Since this is the case, it's okay. I believe that Teacher Yixia Shizi's writing skills will win more readers, and the library will do a good job of publicity when necessary."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa can now be called a veteran light novelist, and she is considered an excellent type in the Fantasia library, and Machida Sonoko doesn't have much to tell her.

Originally, Sonoko Machida specially made an appointment with Kasumigaoka Shiwa, just to persuade her to change to a light novel style, but Kasumigaoka Shiwa has already shown such a self-pitying attitude, and the reason for this mentality is also related to Yuuki Rito, Machida Yuanzi is not very good to say anything.

She quickly changed the subject to another topic.

"Mr. Kayaba, Sword Art Online light novels, games and anime, do you want to hold online or offline activities during the New Year holiday? It will definitely get a good response."

In front of Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Machida Sonoko formally called Yuuki Rito when talking about business.

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