The Only Male Protagonist

The Only Male Protagonist Chapter 852

"My Twelve Bullets..."

"It literally sent me back in time, and I accomplished what needed to be accomplished in that era."

Yuki Rito's affirmative answer made the elf girl look relieved.

Then, that relaxation was quickly replaced by tension and restlessness.

Even Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help showing such a fragile expression under such circumstances.

Because she knows that with the help of Yuki Rito, she can go back to the day when the Siyuan Spirit appeared thirty years ago at any time, and see the buried truth.

After exhaling lightly, Tokisaki Kurumi spoke.

"The Twelve Bullet can only send the hit target to the past time. If I want to go back to the past together, I have to use the Twelve Bullet on you first, and then use it on myself. If it is unavoidable here There was an accident in the interval of time..."

"I've already mastered something. I don't need to use the Twelve Bullets twice. When the space-time tunnel appears, I will take you back to thirty years ago."

In fact, if Yuuki Rito wanted to, he could even take Tokisaki Kurumi's angel directly, and then use it to fire the Twelve Bullets.

Yuuki Rito is not an elf, nor does he have spiritual power, but as an existence at the limit of the collapse, as a being in charge of destiny, he can easily impose orders on spiritual power to achieve his own goals.

This process will not encounter any obstacles, and it will be easier than sometimes Saki Kuangsan completes it by himself.

But Yuki Rito didn't do that.

Although the Twelve Bullet is just a tool to go back to the past, it must be used by Tokisaki Kurumi.

Because this is the last meaning of existence that supports the idea that the girl has walked all the way in these years.

Tokisaki Kurumi, who originally wanted to "destroy the Shiyuan spirits, and then eliminate the existence of all spirits", almost collapsed after discovering that the spirits did not cause damage to humans, and all economic losses were borne by DEM.

It was Yuuki Rito who consoled cleverly, and explained that if Tokisaki Kumzo used the Twelve Bullets to let herself go back to the past and change everything, then she would also be responsible for the fact that "human beings have not been harmed by elves".

If even the final role that Tokisaki Kurumi can play is deprived now, the girl will collapse.

The collapse of the genie is the reversal.

Yuki Rito didn't want to see any elves enter that state.

Chapter 1207 Thirty years ago

Allen, his younger sisters Karen, Westcott, and Woodman are born magicians.

The so-called magic is a general term for artificially reproducing mysterious and miraculous behaviors.

No matter how incredible and mysterious it is, as long as it is caused by nature, it is not magic.

In order to use magic, mana is necessary, and those who produce and manipulate mana are called magi.

In addition to being able to achieve "miracles", they can also see things that ordinary people cannot see or touch. Human beings faintly oppose each other.

And this time, humans won.

Eileen, her younger sister Karen, Westcott, and Woodman swore an oath while looking at the hometown that had sunk into the flames of karma.

Revenge on people, revenge on humanity, and rebellion on the world.

It is up to magicians to create a new order and replace the old world.

In order to realize this illusory dream, the four continued to conduct research and research with extraordinary efforts.

Three of the four were saddened by the destruction of their hometown, but Isaac Westcott was different.

When did the first opportunity happen—by the way, when the pet dog raised at Westcott's house passed away.

The pet dog that lived at home long before Westcott was born was a friend who was born and always by his side for him.

Naturally, Westcott was very sad at the time.

Although he is still young, he has a precocious understanding of the concept of the death of a living being.

But on top of this—in Westcott's heart, an inexplicable sense of excitement was worse than sadness.

The expression of the sad parents, the sympathetic friends, the remains of the dead dog. And—his own sorrow.

Seeing all this, he actually felt a kind of joy that it is no exaggeration to be criticized as deviant.

Naturally, Westcott did not make this emotion appear on the surface. He had the agility to clearly judge it as a different emotion from ordinary people, and he also had the wisdom to clearly understand that it is not appropriate to show this emotion to the outside.

Being different from others, although it can be called a virtue, is more of an excuse to avoid.

Human beings are afraid of those who are different from themselves, of the unknown, and this fear breeds frenzy, and the bred frenzy leads to disputes.

It is precisely because of this that the descendants of magicians live in seclusion in the mountains to avoid people's eyes and ears.

Westcott, who had been taught this truth since he was a child, decided to hide this emotion in his heart just like magicians hide themselves among human beings.

Until the mother died of illness, until the village was destroyed.

In the strange excitement again and again, Westcott finally found a reason to seek greater pleasure.

Since the hometown has been brutally poisoned, it is helpless to retaliate against humans.

Things have turned to this step, Woodman and others should be willing to help themselves.

In despair and anger, Westcott secretly felt joy and took action.

Elven spells are magic mysteries that bring together the unevenly distributed magic power in the world to give birth to supernormal life.

At the moment where the four of them are at the key point in the center of the Eurasian continent, there is the main point of the torrent of magic power, which is the so-called spiritual vein.

Aileen, Karen, and Woodman all hope to create supernatural beings with elf techniques, and then rewrite the rules of the world with His help, and establish a world where magicians can live in a fair and honest manner.

Such as spiritual power covering the entire world, making magicians stronger, strong enough to have the power to fight against humans, and so on.

Although the "magic" mastered by magicians can often achieve all kinds of impressive miracles, in fact, compared to the huge number of human beings who have no less wisdom, magicians are a disadvantaged group.

Otherwise, the hometown of the four will not be destroyed.

And Westcott's idea is slightly different from the other three.

What he hopes is to create a sufficiently terrifying life, and then let this life start a massacre of mankind.

Although there is no magic that controls the products of elf warlocks, so the life of birth may harm the magician in turn, but that is pretty good, isn't it? !

Just imagining all the possibilities, Westcott smiled excitedly.

This was the first time he had difficulty suppressing his inner emotions and making them manifest.

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