The Only Male Protagonist

The Only Male Protagonist Chapter 859

As the Lord of the Neighborhood, he naturally knew the source of this energy, but he did not anticipate the current changes.

After a brief moment of surprise, Yuuki Rito, who noticed that this power had a lot of similarities with another thing he possessed, smiled.

"I see."

Most of the living beings in a world work hard for one thing. With the cooperation of the world itself, they will condense into the original power of the world. This is the source of the world's development and evolution, and it is also the beginning of the protagonist's luck.

Because of this, the protagonist of a world can often "explode seeds" at a critical moment, because the protagonist's luck is itself an extremely powerful force.

Therefore, by inverting the protagonist's luck, it can return to the pure world's original power, which is the only energy in the world of order that is different from the chaotic evil gods, with an essence higher than the collapse level.

It will allow Yuki Rito to take the final step, stepping into the taboo field that is comparable to or even surpasses the world itself.

Chapter 1215 Take That Step

Originally, after learning that Yuki Rito would return at dawn and leave for a very short time, Muramare Reine was very relieved.

In fact, she also felt that her previous worries were groundless.

After all, Yuuki Rito is undoubtedly the strongest in the whole world, and the elves have gathered around him. The DEM company and the Ratatosk organization with the display device are also Yuuki Rito's vassals. Reine couldn't find anything that would cause Yuuki Rito trouble.

Her previous worry was just because she was not willing to leave Yuki Rito's side because she had not recovered from the vague memory of thirty years ago.

Although he has been with Yuki Rito for dozens of days since his memory was restored, compared with thirty years, it is still short, at least Murasame Reine thinks it is short.

However, at this moment, Murasame Reine felt something strange.

As the Siyuan spirit, the strongest native of this world, even if she distributes the spirit crystals that are the source of power, even if Yuuki Rito did not deliberately block her perception, Murasame Reine can still be indifferent. feel the changes in the neighborhood.

Somewhere there, a doomsday-like disaster broke out.

Its horror is unimaginable, and even spread to the present world, making the sky that was already about to gradually appear in the early morning, and the sky became invisible, and there were faint flashes of thunder.

What should I do now?

Use the power of the Siyuan Spirit to cover the sky and appease the others, or go to the neighboring border immediately to find out about Yuuki Rito's situation?

When Murasame Lingyin was awakened by the changes in the neighboring world and the changes in the sky, and was at a loss, she didn't make much noise, but the sky, which was constantly changing in a terrifying direction, suddenly became brighter.

The original pitch black as ink seemed to be cleaned up by the gods in an instant.

The dark clouds receded, revealing the morning sun, and the unprecedented pure morning light sprinkled on the earth, giving the city made of reinforced concrete a bit of the charm of a fairyland on earth.

At this moment, Yuuki Rito appeared in front of Muramare Reine.

Just like everything around here is jumping for his arrival, the morning light, flowers and plants, forest birds and even the air all reveal a kind of extreme beauty.

Although her clothes and demeanor have not changed, Muramare Reine knows that some unimaginable changes have taken place in Yuuki Rito, that is, even if she is equivalent to a natural god, she was born at the collapse level A change that the existing primordial spirits cannot comprehend.

Originally, the particularity of Yuuki Rito's power and existence essence that Murasame Reine could feel seemed to have disappeared at this moment.


Because Murasame Lingyin vaguely understood that it wasn't disappearing, but that the other party had completely stepped into a realm that he couldn't understand.

Even I can't understand it, let alone other elves and even ordinary people.

that's not important.

Muramare Reine has no intention of exploring Yuuki Rito's power, she just needs to know that the other party is safe and sound.

"came back?"


Yuki Rito nodded, showing his usual gentle smile.

With his last step, the road to becoming stronger in the world of Dating A Live came to an end.

Next, Yuuki Rito could have delved into the mysteries of this new realm, and he could have explored the development path of the neighboring realm, any of which would take decades, even centuries, or millennia once he settled down. , a long and long road ahead.

Yuuki Rito, who inverted all the protagonist's luck that he had, turned it into a fire above the collapse level, and ignited his own path, now no longer has the protagonist's luck.

But he can do more than before.

If Yuki Rito used to stop the passage of time after he left because of his special characteristics such as the protagonist's luck, then now, Yuuki Rito does not need to obtain the will of the world anymore. Whether he values ​​or favors him, he can make equal demands on the other party, and even oppress the other party.

Among the many worlds that Yuki Rito has experienced so far, except for the main world that contains multiple worlds, the other worlds are actually no longer qualified to negotiate with Yuuki Rito on an equal footing.

The will of the world has too many scruples after all. In order to maintain the development of the world, too many creatures must not die in the world, and there must not be too many Jedi that are not suitable for survival. Even battles at the level of collapse are not suitable for outbreaks.

And now Yuki Rito, who has surpassed the collapse level, for many worlds, even if the will of the world has the same level of power as him, unless Yuki Rito wants to destroy the world, he will only give a lot of cooperation, Its treatment is even more generous than that of the protagonist of the world.

However, compared to embarking on the path of destroying the world, plundering everything, and strengthening himself similar to the evil god, Yuuki Rito really likes all kinds of things in this world.

Even if Yuuki Rito can now even ask the will of the world for the specific time flow rate after he leaves, whether it will stagnate or become extremely slow, but he still remembers that he agreed to the date request of the elves before. Leave first without any scruples, and wait until the next time you return, if you are negligent, wouldn't it make the girl very depressed.

So, make a date!

As Yuki Rito's mood changed, everything around him became more and more beautiful.

That kind of attraction as a high-ranking existence, even Murasame Reine, who has reached the collapse level, cannot escape.

In fact, she didn't want to escape in the first place.

There was confusion in the eyes of Elf Siwon, and Rito Yuki raised his eyebrows when he noticed this, and said apologetically.

"Sorry, now I can't perfectly restrain all the special things."

"It's okay. Let's just say—I'm also happy to find that the person I love has such charm."

"Is it."

Smiling lightly, he took Murura Reine's hand, and Yuuki Rito recalled his motivation for wanting to gain power in the first place.

Because I discovered all kinds of favorite characters that exist in the main world, and because I know that if I want to get close to many of them, I need to break away from the group of ordinary people.

And now, I don't change my original intention.

At this point, you should be able to avoid the hatchet completely, right?

Ahead, is the sea of ​​stars!

〇〇 [Comprehensive World]

Chapter 1216 Naiyako wants to date

After Yuki Rito stayed in the Date A Live world for a long time, he set off to return to the main world.

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