Chapter 54

No matter how stupid Might Dai was, he felt the killing intent on Yuqi at this time. He took out Kuunai backhand and said coldly, “What do you mean?”

Lu Han on the side of the cave also stood up, but he didn’t think it was Might who was so on guard, just watching the rain and sobbing.

Yu Qi didn’t speak, standing at the entrance of the cave with a sword in his hand, moving his eyes back and forth to scan the two of them.

He seemed to be waiting for Dorondo to go away.

In the pouring rain, Dorondo seemed to feel something was wrong, stopped and looked back, then frowned. The rain was heavy and he couldn’t see clearly.

“Mr. Dorondo, let’s go first.” The ninja urged.

“I need him.” Dorondo said, turning directly to Yuqi. The four Chūnin knew how important Dorondo was, and did not dare to stop them, so they could only follow Dorondo back to the entrance of the cave.

“Did you give me the money?” Dorondo asked as he approached Yu Weeping. Amid the rushing rain, Dorondo’s voice seemed very small, but Yu Weeping heard clearly.

“I will give it, you leave first.” Yu Weeping turned to look at Dorondo.

Dorondo glanced into the cave. Might Dai had already taken out his weapon. He immediately looked at Yu Weeping again and said loudly: “I don’t allow you to kill them! Give them the money quickly, let’s get out of here!”

“You don’t have the right to order me.” Yuqi was still indifferent.

“I warn you!” Dorundo yelled angrily, staring at the rain and weeping, “They protected me and came to the country of rain, if they were not for them! I would have died on the road, I will repeat it again, I will not allow you Do it to them! Otherwise I will tell Master Sanshoyu about this! Don’t blame me then!”

Dare to talk to the killing machine cultivated by Rain Shinobi Village, at this time Dorondo is simply bold.

Lu Han looked at him with a thoughtful expression.

Along the way, Dorondo looked very timid, cowardly, and even a little bit of wind and grass might scream out, but after arriving in the country of rain, he seemed to have become different, and his whole body exuded a feeling of extreme security. He was always wary and perilous. The country of rain seemed to be in no danger to Dorondo.

At this time, Dorondo showed his mighty Haki side even more.

Is he really just a businessman? He is a businessman, but he may also have another identity.

Lu Han can be sure that Dorondo is an ordinary person, not a ninja, but ninjas are not all of this world. Ninjas represent force, merchants represent economy, and money! Few ninjas know how to do big business, and ninjas don’t have that kind of energy. Only ordinary people can put all their energy into business.(Read more @

Regardless of whether the arrogant ninja admits it or not, most of the time, they will sell their lives for money and serve ordinary people with money.

Perhaps, when Dorondo was in other countries, he was just a shrewd wealthy businessman, but in the country of rain, he was a big man! Because he is rich! He will make money! Money is too important for the rain country, which has been war-torn all year round. I just don’t know what kind of entanglement Dorondo has with Rain Shinobi Village.

Yu Weeping looked at Dorondo, his expression still indifferent.

Dorondo glared at Yu and sobbed to see how he decided.

After a while, Yu Chui removed his hand from the handle of the sword, stretched it into his arms, took out a stack of paper, took out a few sheets from the stack, and threw them on the dry ground in the cave.

“Let’s go!” Yu Qi raised his hand for a gesture, turned and dived into the dark rain.

At the moment he gave the order, the names displayed by the other four Chūnin changed from red to orange.

“I’m really sorry, goodbye.” Dorondo smiled with satisfaction, and gestured an apologetic gesture to the two in the cave. Under the escort of four Chūnin, he hurriedly plunged into the dark rain curtain, and the rain weeped around Dorondo again. Behind him, he looked like an extremely loyal guard.

Lu Han came to the fire at the entrance of the cave, frowning at the figures that were drifting away.

The four Chūnin have become harmless orange names, but Yuqi is still a red name, which shows that he has not let go of murderous intentions.

“Mr. Dorondo is such a good man.” Might Dai smiled relievedly. “It seems that he is very satisfied with our mission.”

“Maybe.” Lu Han said uncertainly, picking up the pieces of paper that had been thrown on the ground, and frowned again: “What is this?” These pieces of paper looked like some kind of money ticket. But Lu Han didn’t know him.

In Ninja, each country has its own money deposit and withdrawal system, which is equivalent to the bank in Lu Han’s previous life, called the bank, and the bank in each country is relatively independent. The bank in the country of fire is the joint fire of Konoha Village. The national shogunate was established together. The highest responsibility is Hokage and Fire Country Daimyo. The money ticket is a voucher for saving money. Lu Han remembers that there are such things as a passbook in the original work, but it was Konoha for sixty years, and it is only now. Ye has only money for thirty years.

At this time, the money ticket in Lu Han’s hand has a brief map of the entire Ninja world on the back, and some lines like a spell on the front. In the middle of the spell is the word “Forbearance”, and under the word “Forbearance” are numbers.

A total of five, the numbers are 50000, 50000, 50000, 20000, 10000, totaling 180,000!

The main color of the “money ticket” is dark gray. The material used looks like paper, but it is not. It feels very textured. If it is really a money ticket, this kind of large denomination money ticket is extremely difficult to destroy. It is a normal flame. Can’t be burned.

“This is a black market ticket.” To Lu Han’s expectation, Might Dai knew what it was.

“You know?” Lu Han looked at Might Dai in surprise.

“Of course.” Might smiled, “Furthermore, I have performed some tasks in the past few years. In two of them, the commission I got was this kind of black market money.”

“Need to go to the black market to exchange it?” Lu Han frowned. The black market only opens a few times a year. The location of each opening is uncertain and difficult to find. Lu Han also remembered that he had a black market transaction order, but he I don’t know the usefulness of black market trading orders.

“No, no, no need to go to the black market.” In this respect, Might Dai is more familiar than Lu Han. “Take it back and you can change it in the village. Our ninjas in Konoha Village usually receive money tickets from other countries, or black market money tickets. It can be exchanged in the village, and the village has channels to exchange money in other countries or the black market.”

“That’s good.” Lu Han nodded, think about it, no matter how mysterious the black market is, can you still find Konoha Village, one of the top forces in the Ninja world?

“Finally I can sleep at ease.” Might Dai looked at the heavy rain outside, looking very happy.

“No, we have to leave here immediately.” Lu Han said.


“Danger! Those ninjas have no good intentions. Although Doron is grateful to us, these ninjas may not be so obedient! You don’t want to be cut off when you sleep in the middle of the night?

Might Dai’s face changed, and he touched his neck subconsciously.

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