The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 278: Lobbyist

Fortunately, the Kingsley family’s lack of food is not a matter of one or two days. They have always had a strong sense of worry in this regard. Therefore, all the nobles and lords have the good habit of collecting food, especially after realizing the change of desperate swamp, Buck Duke eats as much food as possible.

   Even from now on, if you can't buy a grain of grain, it won't be a problem to support it for two or three years. After all, the Carter army still has some output by itself, but the consumption is greater than the supply.

   The only good news is that the Black family in Huayu Plateau did not sit on the ground and start the price. It is still the old rule. You can get as much food as you want, but you can ship it out by yourself.

   The mind of the Black family is not difficult to guess, the unique geographical environment, for them, is not only natural danger, but also a cage.

  The biggest pursuit of the Kingsley family is to obtain a grain-producing land.

   The pursuit of the Black family is to transport their own food, convert it into actual value and political influence on the Byron Alliance.

   The goals of the two parties are not only non-conflicting, they even complement each other, and they naturally hit it off.

   But the road is still that road, and it will not change with their wishes. Transportation is still a big problem.

   Fortunately, they found another transportation road.

  The Huayu Plateau, the Carthusian leader and the Swamp of Despair are in a triangle shape.

   The place where the Huayu Plateau meets the Carthusian army is directly blocked by the rolling hills of the Huayu Plateau. It is very difficult for people to pass, let alone transporting a large amount of food.

  The only channel that can transport a large amount of food is in the southeast of Huayu Plateau. After descending from the plateau, after walking along the Despair Swamp, it turned into the Carter Command.

Now the desperate swamp west of the Donau River, most of them fall into their hands, including this grain transportation line. They can directly mobilize their troops to go to the Huayu Plateau to get food, which will save nearly half the distance and reduce food loss. .

   Duke Buck has just received news not long ago that the first batch of grain has been successfully handed over. Although the quantity is small, this is a good start.

  It won’t take long, it’s not just as simple as a steady stream of low-cost food delivered to the Kingsley family.

   At the same time, it also interrupted the previous food monopoly of the Kingsley family in the Asia Minor Plains. There is no way to ask for it like before. Without the Kingsley family's large amount of food, the food in their hands will just wait to be rotten in their hands.

   At that time, when supply and demand reversed, it was not that they took the gold for food, but the greedy lord and nobles asked the Kingsley family to buy food.

   "A group of greedy people." Grand Duke Buck threw a letter to the ground.

   "What makes your Majesty so angry?" asked Channing Scholar, the chief adviser of the Kingsley family.

"Who else, those **** pirates, originally negotiated the price and paid the deposit. Now I have a letter telling me that the raw materials for shipbuilding are scarce, and the price needs to be increased by 30%. This is clearly a starting price. They have grown up as pirates, and they don't even have the most basic face." It's okay if you don't mention it, and when it comes to it, Duke Buck's anger swells.

  If you want to take down the swamp of despair, ships are indispensable.

   Before Akmeser's army marched into the Swamp of Despair, Grand Duke Buck had already begun preparations.

   When talking about shipbuilding, it should belong to the Secret Society of Witches and the exiled family Commons sitting on the Gemini Peninsula.

  The former is because of the unique geography, boats are easier to use than horses, so it is natural to vigorously develop boats.

The latter, because of the miracle peninsula where he started, was lonely, and was attacked by an army led by the White Tiger Chaganba Day of the Odin Empire. It became the fuse for the division of the Odin Empire, and is now under the control of the dying West Odin Empire. After exile at sea, he had to vigorously develop shipbuilding.

   When he chose to buy the ship, Duke Buck was between the two and hesitated for a long time.

   The difficulty of the Secret Society of Witches is well-known. They are a group of beautiful snakes. Once they get involved with them, it is difficult to get rid of them.

   Grand Duke Buck is not worried about the further deterioration of the relationship with the Holy See, the Holy See, the relationship between the two parties has never been better anyway.

   After all, their military leaders practiced out-and-out slavery, and they didn't like the idea that all beings were equal before the gods, which the Holy Ethereal Church promoted. This dangerous thinking would make those mine slaves more difficult to manage.

   The Secret Society of the Witches is no worse than the Holy See in this regard.

   Grand Duke Buck didn't want to have an uncontrollable force rising in his territory.

   And the reputation of the Commons family in recent years has gone from bad to worse. Perhaps because of the long exile, their bones reveal a sense of insecurity, some eager for quick success, tearing up agreements, turning their faces and not admitting things.

Grand Duke Buck hesitated for a while, and finally chose the Commons family. The advantage of only profit is to have only profit. That is, as long as enough money is given, they can buy anything they want from them, and the Kingsley family is the most There is no shortage of money.

  In the beginning, the contact with the Commons family went smoothly. Not to mention the purchase of the ship, even the purchase of the shipbuilder was agreed in one go, and it was easy not to do it.

   But when the transaction was officially started, Duke Buck slowly realized that it was not the case.

   Not to mention that the Commons family paid money from the Kingsley family for various reasons. The construction period has been delayed again and again. Most of the year has passed, and Duke Buck has not seen a sampan.

   For Duke Buck’s urging, the Commons family did their best. This time he sent a tough messenger. If they don’t hand over the first batch of ships as soon as possible, the Kingsley family will withdraw their deposit.

As a result, the Robbers of the Commons family were unintentional. Not only were they not prepared to return the Kingsley family’s payment, they also set up the price. It’s no wonder Barker’s pen-hold-holding table, the initial deposit was small, which delayed the Kingsley family’s overall plan. is big.

   "What the other party wants is not more gold coins." Academician Qianning said meaningfully.

   "Don't want more gold coins?" Duke Buck's heart jumped, and an ominous premonition surged.

"The Commons family has lost the Miracle Peninsula for more than a hundred years, but in terms of wealth, the coastal trade that has divided the west coastline with the Secret Society of Witches for so many years is almost much better than that of Kingsley. What they really want is a new territory. Let their family re-establish the territory." The Channing Scholars did not sell off, throwing out their own guesses straightforwardly, "They are planning to use this to threaten us, and want to get a share in the swamp of despair..."

   Without waiting for the Channing Scholar to finish speaking, Grand Duke Buck broke the crystal wine glass that had just been acquired, and roared angrily: "Wishful thinking, with them, I want to step into the swamp of despair!"

But Grand Duke Buck is very clear that the Channing Scholar’s ​​speculation is not problematic. He ignored the real interests of the Commons family. Their demand for a new territory is no better than the Kingsley family’s demand for a grain-producing land. small.

   But looking at the entire Assane, unless the Byron Alliance reshuffles the cards, the Commons family has no chance at all.

   But under the pressure of the common enemy of Odin orcs, the Byron Alliance has been in constant riots over the years, but no major riots.

   There are no eggs under the covering nest.

  This truth is understood by all the great families.

   Once a serious disturbance occurs within them and the Odin orcs are given a chance to go south, the entire human race will become their flock.

   Once involved in the Swamp of Despair, Grand Duke Buck’s emotions are easily out of control, perhaps because he cares too much about it.

  Although I have realized this for a long time, I am trying to control it, but when things happen, I can't help it.

Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, Grand Duke Buck said with a cold face: "It is absolutely impossible for those bandits to get a piece of the pie. It seems that they can't count on it anymore, and find a way to get in touch. Witch secret meeting, see what price they charge, but for this kind of thing, you can't rely on outsiders, you have to rely on yourself, our own shipyard, how are the preparations?"

The Channing Scholar's eyebrows were twisted into a ball, and he sighed: "All kinds of industries, no matter how high or low, have their own strengths, we really don't have much research in shipbuilding. There are many carpenters gathered in the territory, but they know There are fewer than a hundred shipbuilders. Most of the previous ones were small fishing boats. The real shipbuilding craftsmen could not come with money and they were all controlled by those big families. Although the Commons family agreed to hire shipbuilders before For us, I haven't seen a single figure so far."

   "Furthermore, in our military leadership, there are very few tall woods suitable for building large ships. Therefore, shipyards have been opened, but most of the ones built are fishing boats."

   Now the Carthusian army is leading the same path as the Yongye Army, and wants to dig out artisans from other families and open their own shipyards.

   It is a pity that they are holding the Buddha's foot temporarily. The Commons family and the witch secret meeting have been prepared for a long time to guard against them, and they will not be given the opportunity to dig people.

   If I start from scratch, the manpower and material resources spent, I can imagine, the effect is not very satisfactory.

"Something is better than nothing." Grand Duke Buck didn't know the difficulties, and comforted himself. "According to the news from Akmeser, the warship of the Crocodile tribe is not big, and it is not a disadvantage, let alone. We want warships mainly as a means of transportation, and foot combat is what we are best at. Is it possible that we still abandon what we are best at and fail to compete with them in water warfare."

  ‘I’m afraid that I can’t help myself! ’

Academician Channing murmured in his heart, but he didn’t say it. It’s not that Grand Duke Barker didn’t understand the truth, but at the moment there is no better way. Saying it would be annoying. He comforted: "Let’s do everything, Kangman. What the Si family can fight for is still to fight for it. Are they really prepared to lose face? On the witch secret society, we can contact, and we will try our best to see if we can gain something. Our own shipyard, Also step up production expansion and strive to go further."

   "That's the only thing to do, then there will be a plan for the University of Lowe." Duke Buck said helplessly.

   "By the way, there is one more thing that needs to be reconsidered by Your Majesty." The Channing University fellow hesitated and said.

   "What makes the bachelor so embarrassed?" Grand Duke Buck asked suspiciously.

   Channing's bachelor can be regarded as an old man who has been loyal to the Kingsley family for many years. It was the first time he saw the other party with such an embarrassed expression.

   "It's about the envoy of Viscount Philip." The Channing fellow said truthfully,

   "That guy didn't give up, he found a way to find the bachelor's place?" Duke Buck's brows twitched, and a hint of displeasure flashed across his face.

   A week ago, the envoy of Viscount Philip asked for a visit again and again, but was rejected by Grand Duke Buck.

   Grand Duke Buck is also an old fox who has practiced for many years. He knows the purpose of the other party with his knees.

   It is nothing more than that the leader of Man Yu is at a deadlock, and the Viscount Philip wants to find foreign aid to break the situation.

   As his neighbor, the army leader of Man Yu, even if it is not the focus of their strategy, Duke Buck still knows a thing or two about the situation there.

   Especially the four-party talks held by the Princess Regent, it is the biggest joke of the Byron Alliance now.

  Look at who these so-called four-party talks are.

   A viscount who led the first heir to the Man Yu army but did not take the position of succession.

   A wild Countess who was canonized by the wild grand duke who was wrongly placed and did not even hold the canonization ceremony.

A wild force in a remote mountain range. Before that, many people had not even heard of their names. It is said that they were also named guardian knights and kingdom barons by the regent princess. The news was passed back to the capital of Valesta. , There was a disturbance.

The regent princess Sophie Liya took a lot of effort to suppress it, but still left a small handle in the hands of the royal family veterans. The old and cunning old foxes did not attack because of this handle. It is not enough to shake the status of the regent princess, once the time is right, this will become a weapon for them to attack the regent princess.

   Anyway, the Princess Regent is going back more and more, and she really loses the face of the royal family.

   What's even more ridiculous is that this four-party meeting was in the end, and Viscount Philip became a rat in the cracks, and was angry at both ends.

  80% is that the agreement has not been reached, and Viscount Philip has become a victim of the other three parties.

   Viscount Philip's situation is extremely terrible. If he wants to break the game, he must rely on external forces, but looking around, there are really few who can help him.

   The Holy See of Saint Ether and the Secret Society of Witches, who like to do things in other people's territories, have long been standing in line, and they have broken up with the regent princess Sophie Liya.

   The Strache family who broke the blood fort is even more impossible.

Not to mention that they have maintained the same centuries-old tradition of not participating in the power struggles of the other duke families of the Byron League, just their political stand, they have always worn a pair of pants with the Lancelot royal family, especially with the Regent Princess Not to mention The current ruler of the Strache family is her grandfather.

  The only person who may become a foreign aid for Viscount Philip is Grand Duke Barker, the contemporary ruler of his Kingsley family.

  If there is no such big cake as the Swamp of Despair, Grand Duke Buck would be happy to add a kick, after all, the current Man Yu leader is no longer the previous Man Yu leader.

   With the infusion of the Jacob River, the climate here is gradually becoming more suitable for farming. A large number of deserts and Gobi are gradually returning to fertile land, which is completely fertile again here.

   If I support an agent here, it is definitely what the Kingsley family dreamed of before.

   The problem is that they now have better choices. Compared to the Man Yu leader like Rotten Swamp, Desperate Swamp has fewer competitors.

   So, when the waiter of Viscount Philip came to the door, Grand Duke Barker simply came and disappeared.

   The attitude he expressed was obvious enough that the other party kept stalking and found his chief counselor to intercede, which naturally made him a little unhappy.

   was not only aimed at the messenger’s indecision, but also because the Channing fellow even chose to intercede with the other party. How much benefit did the other party benefit? Did he put him in the eyes?

"Your Majesty calms down. If the other party is only for Viscount Philip's affairs, I will never nod to intercede." The Channing fellow has followed Grand Duke Barker for many years, and he didn't know the nature of the other party. Before the other party had a complete attack, he said quickly, "but He also brought news about the Swamp of Despair, but he had to pay attention to it, otherwise we would not know how to eat if we suffered a sorrowful loss."

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