The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 49: Face difficulties

Less than one-third of the Bastille soldiers surrendered with the Bull Eriksson, and more of them fled. 80% of these people have ghosts in their hearts. They have harmed the Andis mountain people and feared retaliation. They have seen it with their own eyes. The miserable appearance that fell in the hands of the Andis mountain people, they would rather escape into the mountains than be captured.

Their fate is not much better. Even if Sean does not send troops to chase them down, without supplies, it will be difficult for them to persist in the mountains for too long. Not only is there a question of survivability, but also because it is Mount Andes. The world of the people.

   Regarding the treatment of the captives, there were still disagreements within them. Among them, the Andis mountain people, headed by Skullcrusher McGee, urged to kill them all.

   In McGee’s words, no soldier from the Bastille has a hand that is not covered with Andean blood. There is no need to be tried. It is absolutely not wrong to see one kill the other.

   As for the vows McGee swears on the city, it is purely a fart. If the vows can curse a slave hunter, McGee will definitely take the vows as a meal, even if he will fall into **** forever.

   This view is also very popular in the youth army. Most of these people have suffered from the scourge of slave hunters, and some even have the hatred of genocide.

  The people headed by Marshall do not advocate using killings to solve the problem. The battle for the Bastille has temporarily come to an end. The culprit, Old Bolton, has also paid the price, and there is no need for unnecessary bloodshed.

   Now they have a scarce manpower. Instead of killing them like this, it is better to keep them and create greater value. Knight-level strong labor, but scarce resources.

   After repeated discussions and disputes, the young army led by Marshall, with the support of Sean, temporarily took the upper hand, imprisoned these soldiers, strictly guarded them, and executed them on the spot if they changed a little.

To deal with the battlefield, the Youth Army has formed its own routine. Those who are familiar with the road will gather all the corpses into two corpses and bury them. Those who have had direct contact with the corpses must have their clothes burned on the spot, and armor weapons also need to be specially Soak and disinfect before storage.

No one is sloppy about epidemic prevention, especially from the mouth of the Bull Eriksson that they have a big trouble behind them-a group of knights carrying the disease, from top to bottom, like enemies, Sean and the boy Several leaders of the army formulated corresponding epidemic prevention regulations overnight.

   In addition to the ban on drinking cold water, taking baths, changing clothes, disinfecting and cleaning hard regulations, it also made corresponding regulations for the isolation and investigation of people who are found to be infected with suspected diseases.

   "Prevention is only a short-term plan. We must completely eliminate it from the root. We must simply assemble a team of hundred people, shoot them remotely and bury them on the spot, and it will be a hundred." Ralf suggested.

After the night attack, his performance was remarkable. Sean used it very smoothly. Before he knew it, he had already become a member of the inner circle of the Youth Army. For a slightly important decision, Sean would send someone to call him over and focus on training. The meaning is very obvious.

   As a grass-roots team formed by the influence of Sean's personal influence,    Junior Army does not have a formal position or title. The status depends entirely on the relationship with Sean.

   This situation shouldn't last long, and Sean has intentionally or unintentionally revealed the meaning of adapting to the Junior Army, and only lacks a suitable opportunity.

"Speaking lightly, if it were so simple, Bull Eriksson would have done this long ago. Didn't you see his panic expression when talking about the disease? It was not a disguise, but from the heart. He was not forced to surrender by us, but was frightened by the disease that followed his ass! That was a dozen regular knights led by a great knight. Have you ever thought about completely angering them and what kind of disaster it will cause? Sexual consequences?"

  Marshall and Ralph do not deal with each other, which refers to the huge difference in their styles and values. Even if they are tit-for-tat, they are also a strong basis. They are not to be snarled. This is Sean's bottom line.

   Contending is okay, fair and stimulating and healthy competition. If it is intrigue and harms others, once discovered, no matter who the two is right or wrong, they will be completely marginalized.

   In Xiao En's original words, if a person's heart is crooked, even if it is corrected, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not continue to be crooked in the future. He is not a doctor and nanny, and there is no need or energy to correct them.

   "The disease is terrible, but the bull Eriksson, a man of iron-blooded man, was frightened like this, which is really incredible."

   Skullcrusher McGee smashed his mouth with a look of regret. The destruction of the Bastille is certainly an exciting and brilliant grand occasion, but he has two great regrets personally.

   The first regret is that it is naturally his pursuit and dream to let the old Bolton burn himself to death for more than 30 years in the Andes Mountains and crush his head with his own hands.

The second regret is that he and his general armor failed to shine on the battlefield. The bull Eriksson he originally identified as the biggest opponent was actually bluffed by himself, and the bluff was surrendered, and the whole person seemed to be spirited. After more than half, it was a surrender again, and McGee couldn't hide his face to compete with the opponent.

"Everyone has something to fear. Some people are naturally afraid of heights, some people are naturally afraid of insects, some people are naturally afraid of snakes and mice, and some people are naturally afraid of diseases. I am afraid. I am terribly afraid of diseases. Not afraid? If we are not afraid, we don't need to sit here."

   The handsome skin that Xiao En said was very solemn.

"Back then, there was a big plague in Eriksson’s hometown. There were no one out of ten people and livestock in a radius of hundreds of kilometers. Eriksson’s tribe was in the hardest hit area, and the entire tribe was left with him panting. Yes, can you imagine what that is like?"

   "I'm sorry, it was me who made a mistake." Marshall took the initiative to admit his mistake.

   "I didn't say anything." Skullcrusher McGee murmured with a dark face. He couldn't pull his face off as easily as Marshall, "Well, I won't say anything in the future."

   "Although Erickson is our captive, we are not slave owners, and we cannot treat them with the eyes of slaves. The most basic respect must be retained."

   Sean paused, then continued.

"The issue of captive delivery is not within the scope of today’s discussion. I won’t say more about that group of knights carrying the disease. We must deal with it carefully. I think the most stable way is to try to communicate with them and find the source of the disease. To cure their disease."

   "This is indeed a good cure for the root cause."

   Marshall nodded in agreement.

"If the source of the epidemic is really found, things will be much simpler. It will not only remove the immediate disaster, but also clean up their camp. After all, their temporary camp is next to the ancient river of Jacob. It is also designated as an epidemic restricted zone. It is a big trouble for us to get in and out. But will the other party cooperate with us?"

"Do they have a better choice? Even if we let go of the Bastille, what will happen to them? Can they insist on seeking medical treatment from the capital 300 kilometers away? The noble lords along the way will allow them to carry the disease on themselves. Traveling through the territory? Even if they reach the capital, can they be sure that they can enter the city? Can they find a doctor to rescue them?"

   Shaun’s series of questions made it impossible for everyone to refute. As long as their status as carriers of the disease spread, they would be unable to do anything. As long as the local noble lords were not fools, they would never be allowed to walk freely in their own territory.

   "The most important question is how to find the source of the disease?"

   Ralph raised the most critical question.

   "We used to deal with minor illnesses and calamities, especially traumatic injuries. We have always avoided diseases as far as we can, and we have never touched our hands. Now we are rushing in contact, I am afraid it is wrong!"

"In the past, you were allowed to hide from the epidemic as far as possible, in addition to the ability problem, but also because there is room for detours, but now it is not, unless you still want to go back to nesting in the mountains as before, as long as you get out of the mountains, as long as we want To be big, the epidemic will be a problem we must face, but sooner or later, and the more people gather, the more likely it will appear."

   Xiao En's gaze swept across the faces of everyone present, "Are you willing to go back? If you do, just treat it as my proposal."

Everyone shook their heads together, what are you kidding The situation in front of us is very good. There are nearly 2,000 armored soldiers and 3,000 to 4,000 auxiliary soldiers. Wherever they are placed, there is a lot of power and supplies. It is abundant, and many people are full of enthusiasm. If they want to make a more brilliant career, how can they say that they have broken up.

The inner castle lit by Old Bolton is an empty castle. Most of the materials in it have been emptied ahead of time, especially the grain and grass, which is the most important thing. In this world, every grain is extremely precious. , Sean was reluctant to waste a pill.

It seemed that they had anticipated their reaction a long time ago, and Xiao En continued to analyze: "So, now is a good opportunity. Firstly, it is small and easy to control. Secondly, their disease seems fierce, but there are actually traces to follow. "

   Skullcrusher McGee twisted his huge body back and forth boredly. He basically couldn't talk about this kind of non-war topic, but he had to attend such high-level meetings.

   After all, he represents the Skullsmasher Corps. The soldiers underneath can't distinguish the nature of the meeting. If he doesn't come to participate, he will be mistaken for being marginalized and will produce ideas that are not conducive to unity.

   But every time I attend this kind of meeting is a kind of torment. Seeing the opportunity, I immediately start to feel the presence, "So, you have found a cure?"

In the mountains, Sean is most famous for his medical skills, although he has always believed that his medical skills are in the category of barefoot doctors. Having mastered several effective herbal remedies, he can also solve some of the more common diseases and treatments. Deal with various traumas.

   As for the intractable diseases and internal injuries, they are basically helpless, but in the eyes of the mountain people, they are already great doctors.

   If someone said that he found a cure for the disease, McGee would definitely slap it with a big mouth first. If Sean said he found it, he would definitely believe it.

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