The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 177 Transparent Fruit

Next to the spooky island, on board the Sunny Merry.

A circle of people surrounded the 'sand table' built by the paper model and listened to Roman's explanation of the 'strategy'.

"The island in front of us is actually a huge sailing ship 'Barque of Terror' from the West Sea."

Roman pointed to the white sand table and began to explain to everyone——it was not just a mere memory, but the dozens or hundreds of black bats he released had densely covered the entire island, sending back first-hand information.

With Roman's current strength, this 'small' dungeon is already equivalent to opening a full map!

"Different from the 'BOSS' who ran around everywhere in the past, this time we are going to face Shichibukai: Moonlight - Moria will stay here..."

As Roman spoke, he placed a chubby little paper figure of Moriah on the main building of the castle in the middle of the island.

Represents the final boss of the "Dungeon of the Devil's Triangle Area".

A master swordsman who can slash with Kaido passionately, suddenly becomes a chubby mage squatting at home. can only say:

Roman feels sorry for her!

Think about it differently, if the Straw Hats are wiped out and only Roman is left alone, maybe the "Pure White Straw Hat Pirates" will continue to advance towards Ralph Drew soon... ·

In order to avoid such an outcome, training must be strengthened!

? ? ?

Looking at Roman, who suddenly had a face full of bitterness and hatred, everyone had black question marks. but:

Get used to it, get used to it.

"And then here, here, and here—"

Roman marked three buildings, and with a wave of his hand, three small paper figures appeared above the buildings, representing three 'elite monsters'.

"These are the three cadres of the Moria Pirates, they are:"

"Genius surgeon: Hobak."

A chubby middle-aged doctor with long purple hair in...a fishnet suit.

"Zombie Commander: Absalom."

This is a beast-like man, wearing a round top hat decorated with the Moria logo, ball earrings on both ears, wearing a shirt and trousers, a coat with a high-necked long trench coat, and long boots. A long golden hair, two cannons installed on both arms, and a lion's mouth!

"Princess Mononoke: Perona."

A gothic girl with pink double ponytails, a crown, a red skirt and shawl, black and white stockings, and a wine red umbrella in her hand.

"The other two are not worth mentioning, but Perona..."

Roman glanced at Sauron, which made the green algae-headed swordsman of the three-sword style raise his eyebrows.

"See what I do?"

"Nothing," Roman looked away. As soon as Perona is mentioned, I think of the famous emoji in my previous life: ——Perona pointed at the cold sweating Sauron, "If you didn't have me, you would still be..."

Ahem, it's not suitable for children!

"In short, this girl is a 'negative fruit'... Ah, no," Perona's ability is so against the sky that Roman often subconsciously mispronounces her fruit.

"She is a 'ghost fruit' capable user, everyone must be careful when encountering her!"

Maybe the threat to the Straw Hats is higher than that of Moria...

"Mr. Roman!"

Chopper pointed at the first little paper figurine with sparkling eyes in excitement.

"Is this really Mr. Hobak? That world-renowned surgeon? The legend who saved countless lives?"

"It's him, but..."

Looking at the excited Chopper, Roman had to vaccinate the little reindeer.

"He may be 'a little' different from what you think: in fact, he is a person who thinks money is better than saving lives, and creates a large number of zombies to insult the dead."

"The reason why he appears here is because ten years ago, the death of the famous actress Xin Duoli made him feel depressed. Later, he became Moonlight Moria's companion on the condition of resurrecting Xin Duoli."

Another guy who is entangled in the 'past'.

"How come? Mr. Hobak is actually..."

"Well, you don't have to get excited, Chopper. Maybe my information was wrong?"

Roman waved his hand, "When you meet him in a while, you will know what kind of person he is by looking with your own eyes and listening with your ears."

"...Okay, Mr. Roman."

Although Roman comforted Chopper so much, everyone knew that Roman's intelligence had always been reliable. I'm afraid of this doctor...

"Then next—?!"


! !

"Did the anchor drop by itself?"

"How could this be, obviously no one..."

no one! ?

Roman closed his eyes and perceived it carefully, and when he opened his eyes again, he was more dignified and clear.

It's that guy——Abu Salom, the user with the transparent fruit ability!

"Hey hey?"


The corners of Luffy's mouth stretched to both sides out of thin air, making a funny face, which made Roman raise his eyebrows.

Sure enough, knowledge-colored domineering can't be perceived!


In the next second, the knife on Sauron's waist was unsheathed out of thin air, making everyone stunned.



The figure flashed, and Roman grabbed the long knife that was flying towards Luffy out of nowhere. At this moment, he felt that something suddenly "shrunk his hand" and threw away the hilt. Still nothingness.

Sure enough, the transparent fruit is not just a mere 'invisibility'!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Absalom to rescue Moriah from Mingo and a group of pacifists during the war, and it was even more impossible for Shiliu, the number two member of the Blackbeard Pirates, to eat this kind of combat power. Unhelpful 'Old Snakeskin Fruit'.

The reason is here,

The transparent fruit can shield the perception of domineering knowledge!

Moria, who recovered after two years, was almost hacked to death by Shiliu who ate the transparent fruit.


"Don't panic—"

"Paper Dance - Paper Blowing Snow!"

Facing the suspicious Straw Hats, Roman snapped his fingers! Blank sheets of paper flew out of his body immediately! And these white papers quickly split into tiny pieces of paper in the air, like snowflakes in the sky! Then:


As soon as all the confetti appeared, they began to spin and dance around, as if people were in a snowstorm! It filled all the spaces on the Sunshine Melly. Because of the presence of his companions, Roman did not give these papers any lethality, but:

A white 'figure' was outlined by the confetti falling on his body!

He was approaching Robin on tiptoe, stretching out his hands like a salivating old snake skin, making everyone frown!

Just when the opponent's An Lushan claws attacked Robin's chest, Absalom, who was invisible, was stunned! Because he saw the object of his 'attack' back away with disgust on his face, and at the same time:

"Huh? It's you who is making trouble!"

"How dare you touch my knife! Courting death—"

"How dare you covet Miss Robin, I will break all your bones!!"

"Hit him!" X3

Surrounded by Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, Absalom had not had time to shout a classic line, "Speak well if you have something to say", punching and kicking like raindrops!


"Help, help—"

The inhuman scream pierced through the fog, startling a series of bats.

It quickly returned to calm amidst the sound of fists and feet!

"So, this guy is the 'zombie commander' of one of the opponent's three cadres?"

Looking at the lion man who had passed out and revealed his original form on the ground, Sauron said, 'That's it? ’ expression, so Roman had to remind them.

"Don't forget, when he didn't show his figure just now, none of us could perceive him."

"It's because he's so strong. If it were a swordsman-level master, it wouldn't be surprising for any of us to get down on the spot!"

This is absolutely true. No one in the Straw Hats dared to say that they were unscathed when they were unexpectedly attacked by a highly lethal swordsman. ——Except for Roman who can 'elementalize'.

If the Straw Hats hadn't encountered all the masters, Romans would have been able to moleste 99% of the pirates in the first half of the great route without injury, and get a famous title of "BOSS"...

"Very good. Although he is a biochemically modified person, this guy is still a living creature."

After taking two tubes of blood from the other party to make 'transparent pages', Roman nodded in satisfaction. ——With this, as long as you don't encounter a large-scale AOE, your safety is already guaranteed.

Although this guy will be deprived of his fruit ability two years later... the Straw Hats should already have the capital to fight against other forces!

"Well, the opponent sent a head at the beginning, and we have a great advantage~~"

Roman waved his hand, and the paper figurine representing Absalom disappeared instantly. "Then as long as we fight along this planned route, we can easily push to Moria and regain Brook's shadow."

At the same time, Roman repeatedly reminded Luffy, "Don't run around and make it harder for us! I don't want to fight some zombie Ozzy..."

"Hee hee hee, I see!"

With a smile on his face, Luffy holding a net bag and a cage as if preparing to travel, Roman closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

You didn't listen at all, did you?

"Forget it, you are not allowed to leave my sight, or - I will ask Sanji to reduce your food by half!"

"Ah, ah, don't~~~"

"I refuse," but Sanji on the side lit a cigarette, "It is my dignity as a chef to feed the hungry."


"As long as you are happy."

Roman gave up the treatment!

"Roman, what is this?"

Nami pointed to a woman with pink double braids, a strong figure and full lips in the nearby forest. There is a feeling of 'closeness' in the dark.

"Oh, this is a side mission."


"Where can I get the props to strengthen Luffy——but I don't think we need it with our current strength."

? ?

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Anyway, some inexplicable lines popped out of Roman's mouth occasionally, and the Straw Hats were used to it. So:

"Adventure, adventure!!"

"I've got the bento," Robin said while carrying the food, with a good look on his face, "I also like adventure~."

"Adventuring on the mysterious island is really super~~exciting~~"

"Hey, hey, we're going to push the boss, can you be serious..."

Hey, forget it, if they can get serious, they won't be the Straw Hats.



Sheets of white paper flew out to form a long ladder leading to the shore, and Roman pointed forward.

"Moria copy, start a mission."

"Oh oh oh~~~"

Luffy rushed out first, but fortunately he still remembered Roman's words, he just yelled at the shore!

"Follow up quickly!!"

such a loud voice,

······Luffy, are you still the train king?

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