The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 242: The Hair Is Bound

town of valencia,

A lively celebration is underway!

There is enough food to eat with an open stomach, and the rare wines taken out of the cellar, no matter how stingy people are, they will not feel that this is a 'waste' at this time. Because to ordinary people, all things seem insignificant compared with life.

dream? free? ambition?

Sorry, these are exclusive to the strong. What ordinary people pursue is nothing more than a safe and stable life.

The coast is full of laughter and singing and dancing civilians. Although the city has just been breached by pirates, fortunately, the other party is planning to keep civilians as "bait" for traps. Coupled with the timely arrival of the 211 detachment led by Roman, casualties Not too disastrous.

And thanks to Nami, the 'No. 2' who moved the spring, one day is enough for everyone to cheer up and offer blessings and carnival for the peace that comes again.

“It’s such a lively and familiar atmosphere~~”

Looking at the shore full of laughter and laughter in front of her, Nami couldn't help thinking of the experiences of the Straw Hats all the way: desperately fighting against pirates, the smiles on everyone's faces, and the lively carnival banquet... It seems that there is nothing different from before. What a peaceful place. and:

"Ann, don't you want a drink?"

Facing Iska who rarely smiled, Nami smiled and shook her head.

"No, I'll stay and watch the boat, you go."

"Okay, then—"

The beautiful girl Lieutenant Colonel who walked to the side of the ship turned around and looked at Nami.

"Ann, you can't just wait for a man, or you'll be like me..."

It's too late to regret!

"Anyway, go for it."

Iska clenched his fists and made a gesture of "hard work" and jumped off the warship one step at a time to accept the thanks from the mayor of Valencia and the garrison navy on behalf of the 211th detachment.

Although drinking alcohol is theoretically prohibited in the army, after a big victory to save the entire town, the officers on the ship turned a blind eye to the delicious food, wine and applause from the civilians. What's more:

"Hahaha, don't worry."

Polkin, who took a sip of wine in the crowd, waved his hand generously.

"I've already called my dad... ahem, and asked the headquarters to send someone to defend this place. Safety is by no means a problem."

"Thank you, thank you~~"

"Thank you sir..."

"Long live the Navy!"

Looking at the crowd who said "I am the second generation, I am proud", Nami held her chin.

"Hey, what a group of energetic...?!"

Leaning against the side of the warship, Nami, who was wearing a colonel's coat, looked at the shore. The little girl and her mother who waved to her from afar also waved to each other happily.

"Big sister, I will protect my mother~~"

"Don't say that, thank you Navy adults for your protection."

Facing the woman who bowed while pressing the little girl's head, Nami grinned.

"this is what we are supposed to do."



Pushing open the door of the cabin, Roman who came out happened to see Nami who was in a good mood.

"Why, do you like banquets that much?"

With a wave of his hand, two side-by-side white chairs appeared on the deck. Roman sat down and watched the lively scene not far away and shook his head.

"What's there to be happy about? It's not as good as me—"

As Roman flipped through the book, an extra page appeared, on which were two symmetrical figures on the left and right.

"Replacing pages, good stuff!"

Roman looked happy. After learning from Iska that the pirate captain "Phantom" Klein had a metal hand, Roman figured out how the other party escaped:

Hide one of your own hands on other islands and replace it with a metal prosthesis. In a critical moment, you can directly transport yourself to another place far away through 'replacement'.

This method can guarantee that Klein even has the ability to escape the pursuit of the general! Of course, the premise is to be ruthless to yourself: not everyone can take the initiative to 'keep a hand'.

And these are not problems for Roman at all! Not to mention that Roman himself has the ability to actively split flesh and blood, just the 'return of life' that can quickly grow hair is equivalent to being immune to the price of activating this devil fruit ability.

"Hehe, I really hope that Klein won't die now."

In a good mood, Roman sat on the white chair and casually said to Nami next to him. ——Otherwise, wouldn’t the ‘replacement book pages’ just obtained be scrapped?

"Hehe, I don't know who was shot six times and seven holes yesterday, almost killed on the spot."

Nami gave Roman a white look, although it was to protect herself, but Roman's tragic situation at that time almost scared Nami to tears. ——With Roman's strength, if it wasn't for protecting him, how could he be hit by mere guns?

"Don't panic,"

Roman, who was "six shots and seven holes", waved his hand calmly.

"It's just bullets, even if it can suppress my fruit ability and affect the use of armed domineering, it won't suppress my knowledge-color domineering and 'return life'."

Why did Roman in the past be so greedy for the skill 'Return Life'? Because this is really a divine skill!

"The moment I was shot, I controlled the muscles in my body to gather at the wound, and moved the internal organs out of the trajectory of the bullet. Don't look at my six shots and seven holes, which are actually just 'flesh wounds'. One of the shots was calculated by me. It won't accidentally injure you, directly control the muscles to 'give way' to make the bullet pass through the body..."

While Roman was eloquently explaining how to minimize the damage, Nami sighed again.

This man is hopeless!

Depend on--


Facing Nami, who was sitting on the chair next to her but resting her head on her shoulder, Roman finally recovered from the efficient 'battle' of the explanation.


There are lively carnival people on the coast and in the town, and the deck is two people leaning on each other. Compared with the rhythmic rhythm on the opposite side, this is a quiet garden.

Leisurely white clouds drift by, allowing the sun in the sky to sprinkle a little bit of gold; the wind gently passes over the mast, and there is the sound of waves beating the side of the ship; occasionally a few seabirds with white belly and black wings fly overhead.

Roman closed his mouth, his eyes slowly extended to the distance, and gradually moved up, over the town, over the naval base, it was an endless ocean and sky. ——Roman suddenly realized that he hadn't sat down and watched the scenery so leisurely for a long time.

When was the last time? In this seems to be fighting and exercising all the time, maybe only in the previous life?

In the first three years of struggling to survive, there was only blood and killing; after joining the Straw Hats, there will always be a desperately strong enemy in front of you. It seems that he has been moving forward bravely like a taut spring, although Roman does not regret his past. but:

Roman turned his gaze to Nami next to him, and the girl raised her head at some point, looking leisurely at the distant sky, not observing the direction of the weather, but just in a daze.

Nami tilted her head and leaned on Roman's shoulder, the orange hair that had gradually grown to the shoulder fell down, and a few strands brushed her face, her expression was leisurely and calm. Neither the usual lively and confident, nor the occasional cunning or weakness, Roman couldn't find words to describe it for a while, but just stared blankly, as if meeting the girl beside him for the first time.

Roman had never seen Nami look so quiet and virtuous. Most of the time, Nami gives people the feeling of being lively and cheerful, showing her emotions: laughing loudly, crying loudly, drinking heavily, running down the road with tears...

When she directed the direction of the ship, she was even more confident. It seems that as long as she is there, there is no sea area that cannot be crossed, and no island that cannot be reached. Even if Roman forced him to develop "The Art of Thieves" every day, he still worked hard silently and cunningly.

But at this moment, the girl leaning next to her had no such 'reflection' of the past at all. At this moment, Nami is more like a pure girl who is not deeply involved in the world, leaning leisurely on the man's shoulder, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, and outlines her future dreams.

At this moment, abandoning those messy titles of 'genius navigator', 'magic girl' and 'professional thief', Roman suddenly realized that the young girl beside him was not just a companion... ·



Nami pointed to those ordinary people who were laughing and celebrating on the coast, the little girl holding her mother's index finger with one small hand, the light in her eyes didn't know how to describe it:

Is it envy, or...

"I suddenly felt that this is also very good."


"If it's just our short fight, it can make thousands of ordinary people smile. It seems that such work is worth doing..."

? ?

"Ah, I just want to catch a few more captains with bounties, so that the promotion of the military rank will benefit the next plan."

Facing the sensual Nami, Roman answered in a down-to-earth manner.

"As for saving people, it's just a matter of convenience. ——I don't have the intention to fight for people I don't know. Just thinking about Luffy and the others is enough to give me a headache."



Facing Nami who suddenly laughed out loud, Roman tilted his head with a question mark on his face.

"It's nothing." Facing the confused Roman, Nami simply lay on Roman's shoulder and stared at him from the side.

"I just think that you really are the real Roman, and you don't know how to please girls at all."

"That disappoints you."

Roman rolled his eyes,

"Girls, do you have devil fruit for fun?"



One hand grabbed Roman's collar and pulled it out. ——Of course, with Nami's strength, it is impossible to pull Roman. But as the saying goes, the effect of force is mutual. Since Roman didn't move, what moved was:

The orange hair hit the pupils and enlarged, and the next second the lips overlapped, and the soft touch carried a fragrance of oranges. Let Roman's pupils enlarge and shrink involuntarily!


"Now is not the time to talk, is it?"

Facing the whisper of the girl who 'crossed the line' from the chair directly next to him and lay on top of him, Roman certainly wasn't so stupid that he couldn't hear what the other party meant.

He reached out and hugged the girl into his arms, as soft as jade and as clean as fat. Eyes facing each other, lips overlapping.

"Less... less... Major!"

While pointing with a second-generation finger with an 'O' open mouth next to him, Polkin's ruthless iron hand landed on the opponent's head, and with a violent spin, he forcibly snapped the opponent's face away! He conveniently stuffed a chicken leg into his mouth.

"You're so small, you don't even have such eyesight. Don't say you're messing with me, shame on you!"

Polkin shook his head proudly.

"It's just women, are you in Chambord... Wait! Every time you go to Chambord, you make excuses to refuse, are you actually—"

Facing Polkin's more and more strange eyes, the second generation who glanced at the warship just now blushed, trying to distinguish:

"How is it possible? It's not like you don't know how brave I am..."

"I don't know, I don't know!" X n

The other people around who were laughing and joking fell into trouble,

"Are you super brave? Then let us see and see~~"


"Cough cough,"

On the warship, Nami, who was sitting upright, turned her head with a blushing face, and Roman, who had a memorable face, touched her chin seriously.

It seems... not lost to devil fruit, huh?



PS: Ahem, ahem, emotional scenes... don't be harsh. (looking at the sky)

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