The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Chapter 434 Between black and white, the so-called cooperation

"Come on—"

On the complex track like a QQ Speed ​​​​speed airport, there are naval captains with roaring gunfire, unscrupulous doctors who throw all kinds of poisons, modified armored vehicles, and:

"Overtake them, Usopp!"

Among a group of racers with unlimited means, the only straw hat three idiots who "race well".

After all, with the strength of Luffy and the others, if they really want to engage in unlimited racing, a domineering color can clear the field of other contestants in minutes.

"Hahaha, it's so interesting!"

"Come on, Sakura Reindeer~~~"

"All of you, please calm down and let me concentrate on the game!!"

Luffy is in charge of shouting slogans, Chopper is in charge of being cute, and of course Usopp, the almighty artist of the Straw Hats, is driving. ——In addition to fighting, Usopp can be said to be proficient in everything, and he is ashamed of all geniuses.

"These three guys, have a good time."

Watching the battle from the side... No, Zoro who was watching was not forgiving, but his smiling expression betrayed his heart. After all, everyone has fought all the way from the East China Sea to come here, and the original dream has long since become less important. Instead, it’s a happy time with your companions—? !

! !

In an instant, Sauron, Jinbe, and Luffy in the car all turned their heads to look in the direction of the central golden tower at the same time! Even Usopp, who was driving, suddenly lost his mind and was almost hit by the shell of the captain in front of him.

"Hey, hey, that was just now..."

"No, nothing."

Luffy pressed down on the straw hat and returned to an excited smile.

"Come on!! The first place is our—"

"Hmph, a false alarm."

Zoro also turned his head and folded his hands to watch Luffy's game, and the golden tower that caught their attention just now had returned to normal after the domineering collision broke out just now. conflict.


"Calm down?"


Tezzolo, who was forced back on the sofa, really wanted to be tough, but under Roman's five fingers, his tall body became numb and weak! Let him clearly understand the gap in strength between the two sides.

Careless, you should use 'God Punish Giant' directly!

He has a move that concentrates a large amount of gold into a giant gold robot. It's not just a simple rock like Pica, but a giant composed of high-density gold and a large number of machines. It can compete with fourth-grade Luffy in terms of defense and strength.

After all, Tezolo is also a devil fruit awakener, anyway, he can snatch the golden fruit from the auction of the Doflamingo family, and he can fight against the pursuit of the Doflamingo family to become stronger and stronger. In the end, Doflamingo had to turn to the strongman who cooperated with him.

Originally, Tezzolo shouldn’t have behaved so badly, but it’s a pity that these years of smooth sailing made him underestimate Roman. Even though he knew that the other party was the staff member of the Straw Hats who killed Kaido, he still subconsciously thought that the staff member was just a person who gave advice. , in terms of combat power, at most he was on par with himself, the result:

As soon as he made a move, he was instantly suppressed by Roman, and he was about to kneel before he even released the 'big move'!

By the way, the order of hardness in this world is: iron, steel, gold, diamond, sea stone, and gold is not soft at all. It is even a high-strength metal, even if Sauron faces the golden armor made by Tezolo, he needs to be domineering and covered with a black knife to break through the defense.

"I know your past, Mr. Gilder Tezzolo."

Instead of killing him, after letting go of Tezolo, who was restrained by him, Roman sat back at will. A large amount of white paper quickly formed a chair to support him, making Tezzolo a little unpredictable for a while about Roman's intention.

"Let me just say it straight, I... Our Straw Hats will definitely have a battle with the Celestial Dragons."

? !

In an instant, the eyes of the 'Golden Emperor' Tezolo, who had experienced many storms and waves, suddenly opened wide under his head! The tense body almost stood up directly! but:

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth,"

After being stunned for a few seconds, Tezolo sat back on the sofa.

There are many people who want to die on the sea, and the number is more than tens of thousands! It is simply tens of millions to hundreds of millions to start! It can be said that the vast majority of people in this world can't wait for those fat pigs to die without a place to bury them, even to the point of eating their meat and sleeping on their skins!

Drive all the people to find fun, exhaust the world and all things, and satisfy the infinite desire of sound and color.

This old saying from Roman's previous life very aptly described the luxurious, brutal and inhuman living conditions of Tianlong people.

"I know what you want to say, Mr. Tezolo who always talks about 'God'."

? !

Tezolo, who originally thought the other party was just an arrogant person, shuddered. The word 'God' has a special status in this world. Ordinary people may not realize it, but the "god" in the mouth of the strong is not some illusory idol worship, but a real——


"You're scared,"

Roman leaned on the white chair he made, looking at the trembling man with twitching eyelids in front of him. The dignified richest man in the world is scared like a patient with Parkinson's syndrome by a single word.

"You're afraid of the Celestial Dragons, to be precise, behind the Celestial Dragons—"

"That god!"


"It seems that I really underestimated your Straw Hat Pirates."

Tezolo let out a long breath and had to admit that he was wrong:

Not only strength, but also intelligence!

For most of the guys who clamored to be "One Piece" in the sea, the real strong people sneered. Because they all know that it’s not about luck, and Ralph Drew is considered One Piece, but they have to bear the weight of the crown of “One Piece”——

Even if it was the former Roger Pirates, if Roger hadn't disbanded his pirates immediately after returning from Ralph Drew, and then surrendered to the Navy, I am afraid that a war that swept the world would have wiped out everything. Except, even the era of great pirates may not necessarily appear.

"Our captain's goal is One Piece!"

Roman is outspoken, even if he doesn't say it, Luffy's habit of starting with "I am the man who is going to be the One Piece" is probably no one in the whole sea is clear now.

Of course, no one would laugh at Luffy anymore, at most they would feel that the youngest newly-promoted Four Emperors was indeed an ambitious and proud son of heaven.

"Since it's the One Piece, there must be a battle with the Celestial Dragon. So—"

Roman looked seriously at the tragic figure in front of him under the rule of the Tianlong people,

"Would you like to join us, Mr. Tezolo."

In other words, what is the extent of the hatred in your heart?


"Prisoner Brand" Fishman Island clothing store,

This is a clothing store opened by Papago from Fishman Island, the starfish who was with Kemi. No matter whether a starfish is worth complaining about as a designer, and whether the name of this "prisoner brand" will affect Business, anyway, the presence of this specialty store here is a big success.

"How about this one?"

In the clothing store decorated with a large number of underwater accessories, Nami, who was enthusiastically gesturing on her body with the clothes, turned her head and looked to the side, but it was Robin and Brin who had changed their expressions!



Before Nami could react, two arms hugged her from behind, and the surging weapon pressed against Nami's head, eliminating her subconscious counterattack invisible.

"Xiao An, don't you call me when you buy clothes alone?"

! ?

"Miss Gion...cough cough, you are mistaken, I am not..."

"Stop talking nonsense, who do you think I am?"

The tall and powerful beautiful swordsman behind the admiral of the navy rolled her eyes at Nami, whose eyes were floating under the "brain pad wave". She is also a female navy of the Navy's Lieutenant Admiral, Nami who has gained fame... or "Major Admiral An 'How could you admit your mistake?

"Don't worry, this is a 'neutral zone', there is no distinction between navy and pirates, and there is no work... Well, well, I did come here this time for work. But those troublesome things have already been taken care of gone."

Tall, wearing an admiral's coat, a pink jacket on his upper body, and two white and proud long legs on his lower body, the naval alternate admiral "Momotu" Gion greeted Robin and Brin friendly.

"Are these two your friends? How are you—"

"As you can see, I am Gion, my friend in the Navy, just call me by my first name."

"...Miss Gion,"

"Sister Gion~~"

Although Robin and Brin are both good at acting, but facing the alternate admiral... If there is a disagreement, the three of them will have to explain it here!

"Come on, Xiaoan. Let my sister give you a 'check your body'~~"

However, Gion, who is also of the same height as a general, has already dragged Nami to the dressing room next to her, making Robin and Brin sweat coldly.

It turns out that your navy has played so well——

Roman is furious!


is impossible.

"Xiao An, be careful when you go out in the future. Otherwise, if our girls fall into the wrong hands, we will be much more unlucky than those stinky men."

Following Gion's "hands up and down", a small ball of golden powder was precisely pulled out of Nami's body by her domineering aura, and turned into a small golden ball, which was spun in the palm of her hand.

"Is this... is it time to enter?"

Facing Nami who was guessing, the tall and beautiful naval beauty candidate Admiral Gion nodded.

"That's right, this is the ability of the owner Gilder Tezzolo. He sprinkles gold powder at the entrance as a gift to 'welcome' others to step into his territory. Careless people will be tricked unknowingly. Once they wait until the battle when····"

These gold powders suddenly condensed on the joints and vital parts, enough to easily overwhelm the average master!

"How insidious!"

As soon as Nami's face changed, she immediately touched the book hanging on her waist subconsciously.

"Aren't you going to remind Roman?"

Gion gave the nervous Nami a funny look again, bent down and playfully pinched her tender face.

"Little idiot, Roman, that cautious guy covered in power creations, do you think he will fall into such a simple trap?"


Nami, who came back to her senses, remembered Roman's hesitant expression when facing the gold powder. It turned out that when everyone was looking forward to the next adventure, Roman was already speechless to the Straw Hats who had been tricked without knowing it. .

Really, silently watching myself and others being recruited without saying anything~~

"By the way, Miss Gion."

Nami frowned. Although she is not in the navy, she has been paying attention to the information of the navy.

"The World Conference has just ended, shouldn't the Navy be escorting the dignitaries of various countries back home now? Why are you..."

Are you free to come to this entertainment place?

"Hmph, Xiao An, if you and Roman can come, why can't I come?"

The monk can touch it, but I can't touch it!

Where is the law?

"Ahem, I didn't mean that, it's just..."

"Didn't I just say that I'm 'acting in accordance with the law'."

After teasing Nami enough, the tall Gion finally revealed the real reason:

"It's not something that the navy and the pirates have joined hands with. It's not something that can be said openly. ——I think our 'leader' should have contacted the captain of the Straw Hats, right?"

! ?

"Hee hee hee, I won~~"

"That's right, don't you look at who is driving!"

On the other side, just as Luffy and Usopp were cheering with ten times the bonus, a boy in a navy uniform with short pink hair tied up with a handkerchief decorated with flowers came over.

"Long time no see, Luffy."

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