The Peasant Wife Has a Space

Chapter 20: black market 1

After leaving the supply and marketing agency, Zhao Xiulan found a hidden place, then entered the space and looked at the materials about the 1960s.

The 1960s was the period of my country's planned economy. In an era when the supply of commodities was extremely scarce, in order to ensure the balance of supply and demand, the state implemented a planned supply of food, clothing and other necessities for urban and rural residents, and issued these tickets according to the population.

After all, it's all because of poverty! Materials are too scarce, unlike in the 21st century, where materials are abundant, as long as you have money you can buy anything.

But not all things require money and tickets. Like in the black market, these things are not restricted, and some just give money without tickets.

Some rural people, when the family needs money, will use the grain distributed by the family to exchange money on the black market, and the buyer does not need to show the ticket, just give the money. Food can also be exchanged for various scarce tickets. All in all, people who come here get what they need.

However, because of the lack of materials, the state does not allow things that are traded in private, and the control is very strict. Once caught, there will be serious consequences. The things on the black market are naturally much more expensive than the normal ones.

Even so, in the era of extreme shortage of supplies, everyone would still go to the black market for food. No matter how dangerous things are, it is better than starving to death without food. In desperation, who would care so much, being able to fill the stomach is the most important thing!

After roughly understanding, Zhao Xiulan came out of the space.

Although she has everything in her space, in the end it is not in line with the things of this era, so she can't take it out easily.

She wants money and all kinds of tickets, but she can try it on the black market! Anyway, she has food in her space, and taking out a little has no effect at all.

In this era, many people are short of food and food!

If she took the food to the black market to exchange it, she should be able to exchange some money and tickets.

Thinking like this, Zhao Xiulan secretly took out ten catties of flour, ten catties of rice, and ten catties of dried noodles from the space.

The things in her space were bought directly from the place of origin in order to stock up on supplies. Many of them were packaged in white bags without trademarks.

Otherwise, Zhao Xiulan would not dare to take out anything with traces of the 21st century.

After carrying these things in the backpack, Zhao Xiulan searched for the black market in the county.

There was no way to ask others in the black market, and Zhao Xiulan had never been there before, so she didn't know the location.

But Zhao Xiulan judged by her own common sense, this kind of thing must not be done blatantly, so go to hidden places to visit more, you will definitely be able to find the black market and find objects that can be traded!

Sure enough, according to Zhao Xiulan's judgment, she walked into a small alley and saw several people with their heads outstretched.

Although the black market is prohibited, many people have no food and cannot survive at all, and sometimes they have to take risks to exchange for some food!

Seeing those people with yellow faces and thin skin and ragged clothes, Zhao Xiulan didn't go to ask.

She wants money and tickets, but I'm afraid they won't have money or tickets for you if she takes out the food!

Those who come to trade on the black market may not necessarily be able to get money! For those who are desperate, have no money and no food, it is very likely that they will grab the food when others come out!

Zhao Xiulan did not discriminate against the poor, but felt that since she came to trade on the black market, the more cautious the better!

Zhao Xiulan watched for a while, and finally saw a thin man with gold-rimmed eyes and a black worker's uniform.

(It is estimated that the contract can only be signed on Monday to change the status. Let’s add more updates at that time. For the time being, we will keep the two updates, ask for a ticket, and ask for a five-star praise.)

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