Chapter 384: Those things in various film and television universes (Part 1)

  Chapter 384 Things about various film and television universes (Part 1)

  Marvel world dream, 616 numbered universe.

   At the end of 2025, the unprecedented war that took place above the starry sky came to an end.

   Since then.

  When night falls, human beings on the earth look up at the starry sky, and they will see the light and shadow of metal giants that replace the stars in the sky, and the wreckage of countless celestial-sized metal giants floats in the solar system.

   Whenever this happens, they will all think of that legendary battle that changed the universe!

   Even the Marvel alien civilization that wants to invade the current earth, whenever it enters the solar system and sees this galaxy area like the cemetery of the Celestial Group, it will flee wildly.

  Of course, these are things for later.

  At this moment—in this dogmatic Marvel universe, Imen, the incarnation of the truly invincible Mind Stone, is breaking away from the cracked body of a newborn god, and quietly returning to the territory of the earth that is still frightened by turmoil.

He returned to the warm and intact second-floor hut, and continued the unfinished family lunch with Wanda, Ava the ghost, Xiao Ai, and Wonder Woman who traveled from the DC universe. Still warm.

  As for the outside world, the turmoil and noise in the earth, the remnants of the gods in the solar system, and the panic of alien civilizations seem to have nothing to do with this cabin, and laughter is heard from the balcony full of flowers.

  Imeng sat on the dining table and chairs, next to the Scarlet Witch Wanda, and opposite to Wonder Woman. He looked at Ava and Xiao Ai who were playing in the living room, and smiled in relief.

   Then, he looked out the window, his eyes seemed to have crossed the Eiffel Tower in France, and the white snow falling from the sky again, as if he saw a lakeside wooden house with flickering lights.

   "If only Morgan... well, Tifa was here."

  Thinking like this, Yi Meng's eyes sparkled with the brilliance of infinite gemstones.

  In the current dream universe, he has undoubtedly reached the apex.

   As long as it takes a little more time, Yimeng believes that he can formally pull and restore the power of the remaining five infinite gemstones, and completely integrate the infinite energy into one.

  By that time, he will be invincible in this single universe, even if he faces the other diverse ancient gods, he will no longer feel too much pressure.

   On the other side of the dreamland of the DC universe, the incarnation of the ancient Doomsday and the yellow sun are perfectly compatible, and they themselves have the potential to be equal to or even surpass the six infinite gems.

  The Ancient Destruction Day itself has infinite possibilities, as long as more golden transformations are ushered in the yellow sun.

   "The DC universe's multi-diversity event is coming soon, and there must also be on schedule. The omnipotent realm is far away, but if the power of my several dream avatars is combined, can I..."

   Yi Meng pondered for a moment, clenched her fists secretly.

   "Tifa, wait for me. No matter where you are, I will definitely find you."


at the same time.

   Another independent universe world.

  In a bustling and developed city shrouded in night, located in the center of the urban area where every inch of land is expensive, a huge building like a furnace stands there, shooting a shocking purple light into the night sky.

  The energy furnace building with a height of hundreds of meters is firmly fixed in the center of the city, as if it is endlessly absorbing the inner energy of the entire city and even the planet.

   Numerous armed guards with guns patrolled these buildings day and night, and the building was clearly marked with a striking sign of "Shinra property rights, no entry".

   At this time, outside the building's protective grid, under the shadow of a street corner.

  The three of them were in the dark, watching the armed guards patrolling back and forth in the distance, and the energy furnace building as the core of the defense.

   "That is the destruction target of this mission."

  A boy with yellow hair carrying a huge sword said casually.

   "According to the plan, you create chaos to distract the guards, and we will destroy the magic furnace."

   As the leader of the three, the one-eyed strong man narrowed his eyes and arranged.

  Claude frowned: "Hey, distract the guards, this is the most dangerous thing, right?"

  The one-eyed strong man said with a straight face: "I will add money to you afterwards."

  Claude immediately changed his words: "When are you leaving, I'm already on standby!"

Among the three, the young man with a red turban on his forehead who had been silent for a long time, with calm pupils shining in his eyes, finally spoke at this moment: "Five minutes later, it's time for them to change shifts, and there must be weak holes in the protection. "

   "Then let's have a big fight."

   Claude's hand was resting on the handle of the huge sword on his back, but at this moment, an extremely dazzling white beam of light fell from the night sky without warning and fell on the three people hiding in the alley!

   That's a gunship!


  The expressions of the three of them changed, and without a single person making a sound, they all fled towards the alley behind them.

   And just as the three of them rushed out of the alley, there was an almost uniform sound of guns being raised outside, and the muzzles of the guns were aimed at them coldly.

  The sky also fell one after another, like beams of white light of judgment, intertwined and enveloped them!

   "This time, it's not good." The young man in the red turban smiled wryly.

  More than 50 armed guards surrounded the three of them. So many people obviously had a plan long ago, and they were just waiting for them to be set up tonight.


Accompanied by the crisp trampling sound of high-heeled shoes, a mature woman wearing a **** and revealing red dress with a coquettish demeanor walked out, and smiled charmingly at the three of them, covering their mouths gently: "It can be regarded as being caught by me. Tsk tsk, they are all big fish , the leader of Avalanche, and the two members of Avalanche, you have been destroying the Moko Furnace, you don’t take us Shinra seriously.”

   "I'm not an avalanche." Claude said.

   "What nonsense are you talking about, now I can only break through desperately!" The one-eyed strong man gritted his teeth.

  The charming woman waved her hand indifferently: "There is no need to keep alive, just shoot him on the spot!"

  Just as the guards were about to shoot.

  Suddenly, three armed helicopters in the night sky were hit by a laser beam and fell down, bursting into groups of orange-red explosions among the armed forces, sending all armed soldiers flying out!


  The shocking change in front of them stunned the three of Xue Beng and the charming woman who led this Shinra armed force.

  In the night sky, a beautiful silver-white trajectory passed.

   With a bang, a tall and slender silver-white iron man descended from the sky, and landed forcefully beside the charming woman. The steel engines on the palms of both hands were accumulating light energy to reach the charming woman's forehead.

  The charming woman's face turned pale, and she froze all over, not daring to move.

"You are…"

   Against the background of the flames, the Xue Beng trio stared blankly at the silver-white iron man who acted for them.

   "Long time no see, everyone."

  A sweet and steady female voice sounded from within the Silver Iron Man.

   Long time no see, this world.

  In the silver-white steel battle suit, the beautiful eyes of the black-haired girl are a little dim. Instead of the joy of reuniting with old friends, there is a sense of missing void.

  Although she had just separated from that person not long ago, before parting, she didn't even have time to say goodbye.

   "This is not the end. Yi Meng, the story between me and you has just begun, and I am waiting for you at the end of the future."

  Tifa secretly thought.

  (end of this chapter)

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