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And in the foggy steam, two figures looked at each other face to face.

Kuzan was covered in ice, braving the icy cold, and stared at Luo Cheng with his eyes intently “You really don’t want me to leave?” ”

On the other side, Luo Cheng held the hilt of the sword and smiled faintly: “You just go back now, and you can’t change anything.” Stay here with peace of mind! ”

“Alla! Then I can only forcibly break through. Ice cube two thorn spears” As he spoke, several ice spears were instantly frozen beside the green pheasant, and after holding the ice spear and attaching it to the armed color domineering, he threw it towards Luo Cheng. ”

For this throwing weapon, Luo Cheng only took a few steps to the left and right, and easily avoided all the ice spears.

“Pheasant, what children play, don’t take it out and embarrass people.” While speaking, Luo Cheng’s figure had already appeared behind the green pheasant, swinging his knife and slashing at his body.

“Oh!” In an instant, an ice blade appeared in the pheasant’s hand, blocking Luo Cheng’s knife.

“I’m not good at hand-to-hand combat!” The green pheasant stepped on the shave and left Luo Cheng’s side, but it was slashed by a sword qi that cut through the place where he appeared, and his body was instantly cut in half.

“If the admiral candidate only relies on the Devil Fruit, it is really rubbish! Pheasant. Saying this, Luo Cheng once again sheltered up and slashed at the green pheasant.

“Cut!” There was no way, the green pheasant could only condense the ice blade, wrapped around the armed color domineering and Luo Cheng and cut each other.

“Oh! Boom! “With the collision of the two real knives and ice blades, the domineering and sword qi collided directly, causing the surrounding earth to shatter.

Every time it collided, the green pheasant couldn’t help but take a step back, and then Luo Cheng cut up again, so that the green pheasant could only helplessly retreat again.

Forced to take a step back by Luo Cheng again, the green pheasant shouted angrily, and the icy cold aura instantly centered on the green pheasant, spreading towards the entire O’Hara.

However, when those ice touched the flames that Luo Cheng had set up on the outskirts of O’Hara City, they turned into water vapor and evaporated in the sky.

But this was enough, the icy cold made Luo Cheng’s movements slightly slower, and finally let the green pheasant escape tens of meters away with a shave.

As soon as the “Violent Pheasant’s Mouth” was far away from Luo Cheng, the green pheasant immediately released his long-range big move, and would never fight with Luo Cheng hand-to-hand.

Seeing the ice birds freezing everywhere he passed, Luo Cheng chuckled, “Is your ice weaker?” ”

“Sit on the frosty day! Ice wheel pills!

In an instant, an iron chain was born from the tail of the knife in Luo Cheng’s hand, with a blade in the shape of a crescent moon, and the air in the entire O’Hara instantly became heavy, and the icy moment turned the clear sky into a roll.

“Roar!” A five- or six-meter-long ice dragon rose from behind Luo Cheng, staring at the green pheasant with blood-red eyes, opening its blood basin and roaring angrily.

“This is… What the? “The dark clouds pressed the nerves of everyone in O’Hara. The black cloud pressed the city and wanted to destroy, which is probably the case.

The wind was howling, sandwiching this faint snowflake, and the fire city that Luo Cheng had set up on the island before also disappeared, but this oppressive aura was still dull.

And with the disappearance of the Burning City, Olvia, who had already arrived here, finally saw the scene outside the flames.

I saw an ice dragon roaring behind Luo Cheng, and opposite him was a shocked green pheasant.

“Luo Cheng?” Looking at the mess all around, as well as the government personnel and Spandyne lying on the ground, Olvia understood that everything that had been seen before had been done by Ro Cheng’s men who blocked the government and navy.

Olvia’s arrival did not arouse the idea of the two, and the green pheasant looked at the ice dragon behind Luo Cheng and said in shock, “What is the one behind you?” ”

Luo Cheng turned his head to look at the ice dragon behind him and smiled gently, “What do you say!” ”

When the words fell, the ice dragon roared angrily, and instantly rushed towards the green pheasant. He opened his blood basin and swallowed the whole pheasant.

“Click! Click! “The ground touched by the ice dragon instantly formed an iceberg several meters high, and the mist was misty, and from within the iceberg, a green pheasant sealed in ice was revealed.

Luo Cheng looked at the iceberg that the ice dragon turned into indifferently, but then the green pheasant slowly walked out of the iceberg, and looked at Luo Cheng with serious eyes: “You actually have the ability to frost fruit?” ”

Having personally endured an attack by an ice dragon, the green pheasant was really sure that the ice dragon was indeed made of ice. But isn’t Luo Cheng’s ability flame and hypnosis? How come he has the same freezing ability as Tsuru himself?

“Frozen fruit!” Luo Cheng suddenly smiled: “I suddenly want to know a little, can you be frostbitten by me.” ”

“Speak loudly! Ice Age – Sealed Capsule! “Millennium Ice Prison!”

For a time, the cold air of the green pheasant blasted towards Luo Cheng, and around the green pheasant, tens of meters of ice walls rose from the ground, blocking the green pheasant and his cold air inside.

However, in just an instant, Luo Cheng’s thousand-year ice prison had been assimilated by the colder ice age and attacked Luo Cheng.

Gently jumping away from the spot and staring at the cold air that froze tens of meters of earth in an instant, Luo Cheng shook his head in his heart.

Although this Ice Wheel Pill is known as the strongest soul slashing knife in the Ice and Snow System, compared to the 108,000 li difference between the Flame System’s flowing blades and fire, the power of the Initial Solution alone is simply not enough to fight against the green pheasant.

And when the green pheasant saw Luo Cheng’s ice attack, the power was not a star and a half weaker than the weaker, and he shook slightly.

Luo Cheng’s attacks have always been represented by strength, but this time it is actually so weak? The green pheasant was a little secretly happy in his heart, it seemed that he could finally win him this time.

Thinking so, the green pheasant did not miss any opportunity and continued to blast towards Luo Cheng with his ice age.

Luo Cheng dodged the green pheasant’s attack while testing the various abilities of the ice wheel pill, but no matter how he did it, the degree of ice cold was not as cold as the green pheasant’s cold air.

Splitting the pheasant’s ice age in half with a sword qi, Luo Cheng stared at the smiling pheasant, and muttered in his heart, “It’s time to try the swastika too.” “_

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