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Warring States looked around at everyone’s expressions, and said lightly with a calm face: “The first option, our navy will not have any sacrifices, but can still let Luo Cheng fight those pirates in the new world.” Take advantage of the fisherman. ”

“The second option, our navy will lose an unknown number of elites, and exchange the lives of countless navies for the life of Luo Cheng alone. Although it seems uneconomical and a rotten solution, after all, Gord Rocheng is the brother of One Piece,

Since the death of One Piece, he has become the biggest threat to the world government. If you can kill him, the prestige of the navy and the world government will be raised to the highest, forming the greatest deterrent to pirates and all outlaws. ”

Sengoku sighed softly: “In terms of the justice of the Navy, the second should be supported.” But in terms of human nature, I personally support the first one. This is just my opinion, what do you think? ”

As soon as Sengoku’s voice fell, the red dog couldn’t wait to stand up and shout

“Of course, in favor of the second one, Gordo Rocheng must die, and only if he dies, can the justice of the navy be implemented.” The majesty of the navy and the majesty of the world government are sacrosanct, and Luo Cheng must not be allowed to be arrogant with impunity. ”

However, this time, Akainu’s impassioned cry was not followed, the low-level lieutenant general lowered his head, and the senior one looked at the face of the higher level.

As for Karp, each of these people seems to be very indifferent. Anyway, no one spoke, no one paid attention to anyone, and they were silent one by one, which made the red dog very angry.

“Akainu, you sit down, now we are focused discussions, not your personal ambitions, Karp, you are a naval hero, the spiritual leader of all vice admirals, tell me your opinion.” The empty words made the red dog indignant, but he could only shut up and sit down.

And Karp was still there chatting with the crane indifferently, hearing Sora calling himself, Kapu laughed, “Empty, I’m a rough person.” It’s okay to let me lead troops to catch pirates, but don’t look for me in this kind of war. ”

However, Karp still thought about it and said, “But if you really have to choose one of the two options, I will choose the first one.” I don’t want to see so many navies die in the hands of Luo Cheng alone, and may even die at the hands of his own navy. ”

Sora nodded and was silent for a long time. The rest did not speak, but all looked at the void, waiting for him to give an order.

“In that case, then I will give the order. Bringing O’Hara’s remnant, Nicole Robin, daughter of Nicole Olvia, to the New World after being tried on the Isle of Justice… ”

However, before the empty words were finished, a purring phone bug sounded.

Sora frowned, and took out a ringing phone worm from his arms, it was a phone worm that he and Wu Laoxing had a special conversation with.

Taking a deep breath, he knew that the decision made by himself, the marshal of the navy, was afraid that it would be easily overturned by the five old stars.

Connecting the phone worm, five voices suddenly came from the opposite side: “Empty, are you busy!” ”

“Yes, I am discussing with the top Navy where to hold the remnants of O’Hara.

“So what did you discuss?”

“We plan to take Nicole Robin’s world’s naval prison, which is close to Whitebeard’s territory, and I am envisioning that Gallrod will go to the New World to face Whitebeard, and our navy will be a fisherman.”

However, before the empty words were finished, he was interrupted by the five old stars again

“Okay, I understand your idea. However, have you ever considered the possibility that Whitebeard might cooperate with Luo Cheng? One of them is the king of the sea, and the other is the greatest threat to the world government, and maybe the two of them will join forces against us. ”

The corner of the empty mouth twitched, such a high-sounding word can actually be said by the five old stars? Who is Whitebeard? The strongest man recognized in the world, although he is not One Piece, no one will think that Whitebeard is worse than Roger Gold.

Although Whitebeard has received an unknown number of sons in his life, and also received an unknown number of pirates as a subsidiary fleet, he has never formed an alliance because no one can qualify for an alliance with him. Even Roger didn’t let Whitebeard agree to the alliance.

Could it now be an alliance with Ger D. Roger’s younger brother Gor D-Ronaldo? It’s a fantasy.

But Sora just thought so in his heart, but he didn’t say it.

Seeing the silence of the void, the five old stars continued, “So, I know what your second plan is. Just follow the second set of plans, and take Nicole Robin into the city after the trial. And a month later he was executed at the headquarters of the navy Marin Fandor.

I’d rather see if this Luo Cheng is pushing into the city or if Marin Fandoli is saving the daughter of his crew. As for what to do next, how to deploy, empty, you will see to do it yourself.

Our world government will fully support you, and I will give you whatever you want. I only want one result, Luo Cheng will either not come, come, and will die. ”


As the phone bug was hung up, Empty scratched his head in pain.

The red dog was so excited that the whole person couldn’t wait to jump up and roar. If it weren’t for the Warring States and the Void pressing here, I’m afraid I would have gone crazy a long time ago.

Sighing deeply, Sora looked at everyone, “Everyone, you heard it!” ”

Karp and his group nodded, and at this moment, the air in the conference room became dull again, and no one dared to speak. Even Karp didn’t have a hippie smile anymore, and he looked serious.

“Then implement the second plan, Warring States, this matter is planned by you, three days, I will give you three days to complete the whole plan, and then give me the report, I will review it and implement it immediately.” Meeting! ”

With a gloomy face, Sora turned and left the conference room.

Then, a person also left, and in the end, only the old Sengoku remained, Tsuru and Karp sat here, without saying a word.

“Warring States, this will be a difficult and tough battle, no matter what, we must avoid the maximum casualties.” Tsuru’s voice made Sengoku nod.

“But, Sengoku! Our navy… Sure enough, it’s still so unassertive! “_

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