On the rare calm sea in the new world, a merchant ship sailed slowly on the sea.

In a new world that is almost entirely tolerated by strong pirates, this kind of merchant ship with huge profits is often a treasure ship in the eyes of pirates.

But the merchant ships that dared to pass through the New World waters naturally had their reasons.

It doesn’t have any fancy decorations, and is actually larger than ordinary merchant ships. What can really deter the greedy pirates in the New World waters is the double-moon skull symbol with one black and one hundred on the flag.

This flag is no stranger to any pirate in the New World.

It is also a well-known phenomenon that the Wano Kingdom’s waters controlled by King Mei have reached mutually beneficial cooperation with the New World Shipping Queen.

He is not afraid of the underground kings of the new world, but is afraid of the recognized strongest pirates in the current era.

This is the iron rule set in the pirate circle in the new world.

Although there are some simple-minded people or people who are arrogant and arrogant, they will still act at the expense of their lives for money, but this phenomenon may not occur once in two or three years.

Until now, once again a foolish man Yelang jumped out arrogantly

“Captain Lester, the Shipping Chamber of Commerce’s ship was discovered.”Put down the telescope, and the men on the ship will report everything.

“After waiting for a few days, it finally appeared!”

On the ship docked on an island in the Wenbo waters, Lester’s eyes flashed, and he immediately ordered his men to put away the sights of the ship and chased the merchant ship.

“But do you really want to do this?……Captain Lester.”Many people on the boat showed hesitation on their faces:”That is the pirate emperor Mingwang who should not be provoked the most. It is said that no one who offends him can survive.”

Originally, I was only responsible for collecting fixed protection fees and resources when I went to sea. No one expected that the captain suddenly ordered to attack the merchant ships protected by King Ming, even if it was not the Tianyue exclusive merchant ship of Wano Country.

There is no denying that the merchant ships that were protected by the emperor and developed maritime transport There are huge treasure benefits, but not everyone on the ship is willing to exchange their lives for it.

“What’s so scary! We are not pirates of that level!” Lester raised his fists and said

“Besides, that’s not Wano’s Tentsuki exclusive merchant ship. It’s a gift for dad’s birthday!”

“As long as we grab the goods and return to our territory, they don’t dare to do anything to us! We are the strongest men in the world, the sons covered by a white-bearded father!”

When Lester said this, the originally reluctant people all agreed that this was the case.

Even if the Sky Moon Pirates are one of the Three Emperors, it seems that their vassal pirates are not.

Although there is no such thing as hijacking King Ming’s merchant ship. It’s easy to draw conclusions, but after all, those people are not a team like them with the emperor’s backing.

With this kind of trickery, the pirates on the ship naturally have an inexplicable self-confidence.

They are sure that King Ming will not do it because of a partner’s merchant ship. There was a conflict with Whitebeard, who was also the emperor.

The Lester Pirates immediately set off from the island and accelerated to chase the merchant ship moving forward.

——Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shells shot out from the muzzle, raising sea flowers tens of meters high on the sea surface.

As a result, the sea surface shook violently, dragging the merchant ship into it.

“Hey, what’s going on?!”In the cabin, the person in charge of these ships immediately went to the deck and shouted

“Boss Dole, there are pirates attacking us.”The sailors immediately explained

——call out! call out! call out!

The sound of another volley of artillery fire came from the right rear.

Dole’s expression changed, he quickly jumped into the air, and kicked in quick succession.

The attacks transformed by Dao Lan’s feet suddenly caused the shells that were about to hit the merchant ship to explode in the air.

Landing firmly on the observation deck, Dole looked at the ship behind him.

The skeleton carries a pirate flag with sparks. The Lester Pirates are slightly famous in the new world. The more important information is that the other party is a subordinate pirate group attached to Whitebeard’s ship.

“It turns out that ordinary ships still have good thugs.”Lester watched the cannonball being blocked, flashed the sword in his hand and shouted:”Young men, speed up and ram directly into the opponent’s ship!”

——Lanjiao·random protrusion.

Wind arose from the soles of Lester’s feet, and he instantly kicked out dozens of attacks, rushing toward the accelerating pirate ship.

Armed with color wrapped around the broadsword, Lester jumped to the bow of the ship and waved the blade to resolve the attacks one by one.

“This is a merchant ship protected by King Ming. Do you want to arouse King Ming’s anger?”Because they don’t have the artillery fire to stop the opponent from moving forward, Dole shouted angrily.

“Now that we have decided to attack, who will care about this!!”

Seeing that the ship was only a short distance away, Lester waved his weapon and jumped directly to the opponent’s ship, launching an offensive first.

Armed, his legs struck and the blade collided.

The layers of air flow aroused shook the merchant ship. Above.

Although it is not Tianyue’s exclusive merchant ship, with the development of Xiaoren, every ship leader who travels can be said to have reached the level of a commodore.

Maybe it is not enough to be seen in the new world, but there is King Ming Under the power, there will generally not be powerful pirates to attack, and it is enough as a standard equipment for ordinary commercial ships.

But in fact, the strength of Lester with well-developed limbs is not lower than that of a major general.

Not to mention that there is also a The number of young men who have experienced hundreds of battles is definitely unmatched by the small number of combatants in the merchant ships._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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