“Big fire!”

The thick ground was instantly melted deeply by the terrifying high temperature, and the temperature of the atmosphere climbed to the highest level. The pheasant knife was wrapped in bubbling and boiling magma, but it did not melt it. Directly and wonderfully, it was given to the top, merged with the extremely terrifying slash, and suddenly blasted out.


There was a loud noise, thick smoke billowed under the slash, and countless magma bombs flew out instantly.

A figure exploded directly under the magma and flew away, and an arm was affected by the hot magma and turned into nothing.

“Captain Sage!!!”…..

And this kind of shouting for one’s own captain and captain, with all the main force of Tianyue and the war blade participating in the battle, came and went.

“Bang bang……”

A mammoth, covered in long hair and extremely tall, strode over, causing the ground to buzz. Wherever they passed, they were quickly turned into desolate drought as the huge force trampled them.

The huge elephant trunk was thrown down suddenly, causing the ground to explode. Bu Liu, the captain under his command, could not resist and was swept away, rolling dozens of meters away.

Looking at the extremely ferocious beast aura, the pirates holding weapons were trembling with fear and froze in place.

This was not Tianyue’s main force, nor the fleet captains, but just one of the adjutants of the three signature war blades, but they easily beat their captains to the point where they were unable to fight back.

Even in the core of the battlefield, the ground was constantly shattering.

It was [Diamond] George, the captain of their third division, who used his powerful wrist strength to directly pull up the terrifying boulder and threw it towards the second blade of Ming King’s three signatures, [Crush] Gildarts.

But under the pale white light, the boulder, which even the giant could not withstand, was completely shattered and turned into gravels of the same size, falling to the ground one by one.

It’s so effortless and exaggerated that it makes people feel chilly.

In an instant, his body was shining with bright and hard diamonds, and covered in armed colors, Jozi shouted loudly and rushed towards Gildarts again.

“Just in time! Let me try to crush diamond’s!”Kildarts raised his fist, and as his muscles swelled, he carried a powerful shattering white light and flew away from the front.

Under the energy of another riot, no one within a hundred meters radius dared to step in……

The war has entered a fierce stage. Like a huge white whale swimming in the sea, the huge Moby Dick is accelerating at full speed, constantly closing the distance to the battlefield.

The most powerful man in the world, Whitebeard stood on the broadest whale head with a pheasant in his hand. The terrifying aura he unleashed invisibly made many giant sea kings more than 100 meters above the sea avoid him in fear. Open and retreat.

Hearing that the sons he valued were dying one after another on the battlefield, he was so filled with anger that he wished he could go to the battlefield in person and destroy everything King Ming had.

In reality, it was far beyond Whitebeard’s initial expectations.

He is very familiar with how powerful his sons are, so he has confidence in them.

However, under the real collision between the main forces of both sides, the unexpected level of losses forced Marco to take action.

More than half of the captains under his command were killed or injured, and even the captain of the squadron on the main ship had three pieces of life paper burnt out.

“Dad, we are close to the sea area of the battlefield.” Tiqi, with a simple and honest face, suppressed the aura of white beard at this time, walked forward and said

“What’s the latest situation?”

Neither sad nor happy, basically whenever someone comes forward to report, the situation of his sons is what he is most concerned about at the moment.

——What else? Except for those few, almost all of them were beaten to death or injured by King Ming’s troops.

Tiqi thought disdainfully, but his face showed sadness and sorrow. At the same time, he clenched his fists in pretending anger:”Lanshu, Kezi died.”

“Dad. According to the plan, only you can turn the situation around completely!”

Tiqi also didn’t expect that under the main force’s confrontation, the plot that was originally a small one would double in an instant.

——Sure enough, Dad’s overly peaceful environment is not suitable for pirates in today’s era. Pirates just want to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and enjoy competition and desire!

On Whitebeard’s ship, there are no mandatory requirements. But under the influence of the characters of Whitebeard and the sons of the squad, in addition to looting, burning and killing, which is a more symbolic image of evil, will be slowly denied by the team under the general trend, even if no one specifically denies it.

Marshall·D·Teach has always been a true pirate at heart. In addition to getting whatever you want on the sea, there are also many pirate factors such as greed, ugliness, selfishness, arrogance, ambition, tenacity and cunning, cruelty and hatefulness. He is able to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, even if it means killing his family.

“My son’s revenge will be repaid by me as a father myself!”

The giant Moby Dick moved forward in the seabed, but it was not heading towards the fierce three-party battlefield, but straight towards the home country in the waters of Wano Country.

“Dad can definitely do it!”Tich did not say this against his will.

He doesn’t have to trust other teams, even Marco. But Whitebeard, he firmly believes that this man is the strongest and will be able to do it.

How about the life and death of other family members on the ship? I don’t care, as long as Whitebeard can solve King Ming, that’s enough!

Deeper in the bottomless seabed, a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness noticed the huge Moby Dick moving forward over those several kilometers._Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading – collection and recommendation

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