Iruka climbed up the stairs that led to the Hokage's office as he held the doc.u.ment the Hokage requested from the hospital. Surprised by the fact that the young boy knew his name, he did not know how such a thing happened, and he was expecting some clues that would enlighten his mind by the time the Analysis Team of the Intelligence Division had given their report. As soon as he reached the door, he called out with a loud voice, "Hokage-sama, requesting permission to enter."

"You may enter."

Iruka saw Inoichi Yamanaka, the leader of the Analysis Team, talking with the Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. As soon as they saw him approaching, they stopped their conversation.

"Iruka. Have you gathered the things I've requested from the hospital?" Hiruzen asked as he sat down at his chair.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Every single thing about his medical records was included in the report," Iruka answered, giving the paper to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen unfurled the doc.u.ment and his eyes narrowed a bit after reading its content. "Interesting."

"Indeed, Hokage-sama. And the more curious thing is the fact that he knows me," Iruka affirmed.

Hiruzen looked at him as he tilted his head. "Why did you say so?"

"It's because of how he reacted when he saw me."

"And that is?"

"He was very pleasantly surprised, like seeing someone you know after missing someone for a long time," Iruka said. "And that was the first time I have visited the shop."

"Maybe he is one of your secret admirers," Hiruzen chuckled.


"Ha, ha, ha! Look at you getting fl.u.s.tered." Hiruzen laughed lightly as he tapped his finger on the desk. "Inoichi, continue with your report."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Inoichi replied. "Okaya Okami, a ten-year-old boy, was adopted by Okaya Hinagi and Okaya Ren seven years ago. Unfortunately, both of them died due to sickness a year ago. According to the report, Okami had amnesia and his real name and the previous family record are unknown. He currently owns a pastry shop and is living alone. Medical finding, perfectly healthy and reason for fainting unknown."

"And what about the 'thing' Iruka found inside his house?" Hiruzen asked.

Inoichi took out a rectangular, black gadget and set it on the table. "After several investigations, the best answer that we can come up with is that this 'thing' is some kind of a relic. I've found traces of chakra on it as soon as I've touched it. The books have no records on it whatsoever and we are afraid to tinker with it since its materials were of unknown origin. The only clue is the word 'Samsung' engraved on it."

Hiruzen was silent for a moment before turning his attention towards the medical records. "Samsung...rather otherworldly. And this is the first time I have ever seen such a thing. And the only person who can satisfy our curiosity is Okaya Okami."

"Yes, Hokage-sama. It is just like what you say, he definitely knows what this thing is."

"A boy who knows Iruka whom he had never met, even once. An unknown relic being in his possession. Amnesiac and has no family or ancestry records. And, based on this record, despite being a civilian, his chakra reserve is quite...robust," Hiruzen summarized. "Interesting."

Iruka moved forward. "What action do we have to do when the boy wakes up?"

Hiruzen was about to answer when someone appeared just beside him and whispered in his ear. "Looks like our boy is finally awake. Iruka, bring the 'thing' to Okami."

Iruka looked at the table and noticed that the gadget was missing. "Uhm, Hokage-sama. The 'thing', I saw you placed it at the table. I can't find it."

"Samsung disappeared?" Hiruzen grabbed a pipe inside his pocket and lit it with fire. "Another mystery."


"Ugh!" Okami kneaded his temple as soon as he woke up. "Where the heck am I?"

He looked around and noticed that he was inside a hospital. The IV drip was attached on his wrist and the oxygen tank was just beside the bed.

He remembered that he was talking to Iruka at his shop when he suddenly fainted. The reason he lost his consciousness was very clear to him: the meeting with the unknown God. He recalled everything the God said earlier and wanted to try experimenting to confirm several of his suspicions. His eyes lit when he remembered something about his phone being his magical weapon.

"Wished I could get my phone right now. I bet it's still on the table." Okami sighed as he raised up his body and sat down on the bed. Suddenly, he felt something solid on his right hand. "What the fart?! How did my phone magically appear?! Whatever, now how do I get you started, my magical weapon?"

Okami pressed the 'on' button for about ten seconds and released it, yet his cellphone did not turn on. He wondered if he had to recharge the phone just like how it was normally done, but his charger was lost when he arrived in this world. With nothing to lose, he tried random things like chanting 'Pokedex' but to no avail. He was about to lose hope when he heard a beeping sound and the screen flashed.


Pokemon App 1.0

Welcome to your own Pokemon App, issued by the great Arceus.

Available Features:

Pokemap - A map of the world. Updated every time you visit a new place.

Pokedex - lists of Pokemon you own and see. Includes statistics, attributes, techniques.

Poke Offering - Grants you the ability to exchange Pokemon Points with rewards. Lists of available redeemable Pokemon will be dependent on how you have earned your Pokemon Points. It can also be exchanged for other things like HM, TM, hold items, and special event items (Bicycles and Pokeflute).

How to Earn Pokemon Points (PP):

1) Every time someone becomes a Pokemon trainer. A random amount of PP will be given as reward.

2) Every time your influence will increase. Fame and combat power will also affect your influence.

How do Pokemon Operates:

1) There are two means you can order your Pokemon - you can let them fight as your partner or you can temporarily absorb them and possess all the skills they know. You can do both at the same time, provided you have the necessary energy/chakra/power/stamina to support the skill.

2) You can use at most six Pokemon as your partner.

3) You can absorb at most three Pokemon, as long as they are compatible with each other. It also needs energy/chakra/power/stamina to sustain the effect.

4) Just call them and they will appear. The key for summoning them is by saying 'Summon' then the name of the Pokemon either verbally or mentally. You can command your Pokemon just by issuing them inside your mind. Same process when you want to absorb a Pokemon, this time by saying, 'Absorb' then the name of the Pokemon.

5) Absorption and summoning will be undone if the user so by saying 'Release' then the name of the Pokemon, or by fainting, or by energy/chakra/power/stamina/magic exhaustion.

5) Summon Pokemon, when not absorbed, has their own energy/chakra/power/stamina/magic source to fight.



Pokedex Entry:

Caterpie (Female)

Level: 1

Type: Bug

Skill: String Shot, Tackle


Run Away - A Pokémon with this Ability can always flee and use teleport successfully, regardless of trapping moves and abilities. This Ability has no effect on switching out.

Requirement for Evolution:

Level 7 (Metapod), Level 10 (Butterfree)

How to Level Up:

By fighting; By eating their favorite food (each Pokemon have their corresponding favorite foods in every world)

Other Stats: (Locked), must avail Pokemon App upgrade

EV: (Locked)

IV: (Locked)


Okami chuckled as he saw the information listed inside the Cellphone-turned-Pokemon App. He thought that it was best for him to try it right now because he might not have the time to practice due to his blunder back then when he met Iruka. He fixed his mind and said in a firm voice, "Summon: Caterpie".

Swirling mass of light appeared just in front of him, and true to what the Pokedex said, a Pokémon that resembled a green caterpillar materialized. There were yellow ring-shaped markings down the sides of its body, which resembled its eyes. Its most notable characteristic was the bright red antenna on its head. It looked around and saw Okami lying on the bed and started crawling towards him.

"Hah! So cute," Okami said, his hands holding the ecstatic worm. Its antenna wiggled as it stared at him while staying on his right hand. "Well, I've got to try one more thing. Absorb: Caterpie!"

Caterpie disintegrated and what's left of it became a light beam that zoomed towards his right and left hand. Curious, he then extended his hand and said, "String Shot."

As soon as he said this, web-like adhesive beamed out of his hand, hitting the vase that was placed atop the cabinet. He was about to pull it when he heard footsteps from the outside. Panicked, he hurriedly released the absorption and unsummoned Caterpie. Luckily, the web detached from the vase, and he hid the web under the bedding and pretended to sleep.

"Okami-kun. Wake up, Hokage-sama wants to meet you," the female nurse patted Okami's head.

Okami opened his eyes slowly and rubbed his face. "Sure."

The door opened and three figures entered the room. The first one was an old man wearing the customary hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that was tied using a white sash. His skin was light tan, and his face had wrinkles and liver spots of old age. The next one at his back had long ash blond, spiky hair tied in a ponytail that reached his lower back, and he wore the standard flak jacket over a black outfit, complete with hand-guards, forehead protector and a sleeveless red haori. The last one was Iruka.

"How are you, Okami-kun?"

"I'm, I am fine, Ojisan," Okami replied, his eyes squinted as he tried standing up.

"You don't have to stand up, Okami-kun. I'm Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. This is Inoichi Yamanaka, and the other one is Iruka Umino, whom I presumed you already met."

"Eh, it's nice to meet you all, Hokage-sama, Inoichi-ojisan, Iruka-san." All of them smiled as they heard his greeting.

Hiruzen approached him and took a seat at his bed. "Now, Okami-kun, is it alright to ask you some questions? We just wanted to know some things so that we can help you more."

Okami shuddered at the thought, not knowing what to do and decided to just 'act' all the way and create some story to make them believe, hoping that the mysterious God will help him create his fake memories considering a Yamanaka was present. He fiddled with his thumb before asking, "Am I in trouble?"

"Nothing of that sort, rest assured. We just wanted to know how you have known Iruka," Hiruzen assured as he smiled.

"Do I have to, ojisan?" Okami asked in a feeble voice.

"I'm afraid so."

Okami hesitated before speaking in a careful manner. "Can you assure me that nobody else will know what I am about to say? I...might be in danger. Please."

Hiruzen looked at him intently before nodding, as if gesturing him to continue.

With no way out, Okami took a deep breath and continued his bullshit. "It' is because of our clan's power. Father told me to keep this as a secret. I mean...Father does not want others to know our power."

"Father? Okaya Ren? I thought he was a civilian," Iruka interrupted him with a question. Hiruzen gave him a stern look which made him flinched a bit, before iterating his question. "But I thought you have amnesia."

"No, not Ren-otosan. My real father," Okami shivered as he hugged his pillow tightly. "I...I remembered my past just a year ago."

"Go on."

"I remembered him, my skills, how they died...everything," Okami recounted as his tears fell from his cheeks. "I am the last of my kind, the reclusive Ketchum Clan. My real name is Brock...Brock Ketchum but I prefer to be called Okami to hide my identity. I wanted to use Ren-otosan's family name even after I remembered everything to protect myself. We...we specialized in the arts of summoning and prophecy. Ash Ketchum, my father, said it was the reason why those bad guys killed all my kin, my cousin, everyone."

Inoichi and Hiruzen looked at each other. With a low voice, Hiruzen then asked him, "Ketchum Clan? We've never heard of one. Where did you originally come from?"

"We're a reclusive clan who stayed away from the rest because we don't want our powers to be exposed. Sorry."

"And where is Ash Ketchum, your father, Okami-kun?" Hiruzen further inquired.

Okami trembled in anger as his eyes became bloodshot, his voice became louder as he answered all his questions. "He was killed! I don't know his name...but father was killed by a monster! He summons a big snake and he is very, very scary, a monster with a snaky tongue!"

Hiruzen clenched his fist as he listened to him. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes! I could still remember how he killed Father. How he looked at me with his slit eyes. his summon snake ate Father...He can't defeat my Father so he...the monster kidnapped me. I...I was only able to survive because Father exchanged his life for me!"

Hiruzen did not speak for a long time, waiting for Okami to calm down. When he noticed that he was alright, he then asked him, "Would you like to show your power to us? Is your power of prophecy the reason why you knew Iruka?"

"Why?! Do you want to kill me as well? Are you connected with that snake-man?!" Okami quivered as he backed out in an exaggerated manner.

"No, Okami-kun. If our suspicion is correct, we might just know who killed your father. He is also our enemy," Inoichi interjected.

"Who is he, Inoichi-ojisan?!"

"We will tell you after we confirm several things. We can assure you that you will be protected here inside Konoha," Hiruzen replied as he stood up. "Just rest, for now, Okami-kun. You can show your powers if you are ready."

"Then, I'll just show it to you later, Hokage-sama. I feel...tired."

"Sleep well."

Okami lay on the bed to sleep, waiting for the three people to get out. When he was sure that they were gone, he closed his eyes and smiled.

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