The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way

Chapter 86: Heshan goose, Huangfu willow

Qi Ze took the gourd, and said concisely: "When you first entered the outer sect, you have a hundred days of cultivation skills. After a hundred days, you need to work hard. Although my Five Elements Sect is the Taoist orthodox way, I don't support idlers. Every In three years, elders from the inner sect will come to select the desired disciples. If you are brave and diligent, and enter the eyes of the elders in the inner sect, you can leap to the sky. If you can't, you will be sent back for at most ten years. Erase the memory, take back the skills, it is unspeakably miserable. It is all for you to do it yourself!" Before Qi Ze could speak, he turned around and left.

Qi Ze was quite speechless, but luckily he finally had a place to stay. He chose a house closest to Tianxiu Lake, cleaned it a bit, and moved in. He didn't have any belongings, but fortunately there were bedding, tables and chairs in the house, so he was very well-equipped.

After cultivating Taoist cultivation to the realm of shedding the womb, the yin spirit manifests, and then one can live without food. Qi Ze has attained the second Zen, which is equivalent to the Taoist condensed reality state. Of course, he does not need to take Bigu pill, but he is very interested in the bigu pill, so he deliberately revealed it. Open the gourd, pour out one, hold it in your mouth, melt it with saliva, and taste it slowly.

The Bigu Pill melted and slowly dissipated into a warm current, which flowed into the stomach, and it was able to satiate the stomach. He thought: "The way of the medicine pill in this world is really wonderful. If this Bigu Pill is popularized in the world, it can save people's life. How many lives?"

He rejected Tianjizi's proposal and refused to join Tianzi's family. One was to follow Tianhongzi's last words, after he had mastered swordsmanship, he had to win against the most outstanding disciple of the Five Elements Sect, so he could vent his anger on him. The second is that you have not yet made up your mind, whether to enter the Tao or to practice Buddhism is related to your own path, so you should not be careless.

Qi Ze traveled around for many days, killing Gao Hu, fighting Liu Zhen, and saving the souls of the undead. He also suffered from the imprisonment of Qiyun Temple, and his body and spirit were exhausted. Finally, he was able to sneak away from his busy schedule and spend some time in peace. Immediately sit in lotus lotus, use the small non-phase meditation skill, and go away after entering samadhi.

The Buddhist zhenqi circulates the whole body, scours the veins, and after a night of effort, when he emerges from the samadhi, he is already full of energy. He took out the Tianhongzi sword manual and said to himself: "Why worry about the sky? To cure the meridian blockade, you need to rely on this sword manual, not to mention being in the Five Elements School, let's talk about it after practicing!"

Baiyun, Bailing and even Tianjizi all have unique insight, pointing out straight to the point that Qi Ze is also practicing Buddhism and Taoism, distracted, and it is difficult to reach the peak of both schools. The method of combination of Xuanzhen and Jianjue intercepts the principle of resonance in the previous life, and finds a path that combines Buddhism and Taoism among all possibilities.

With this secret method in hand, Qi Ze can switch back and forth between the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism at any time, but this method is a new one. Don't you see that Tian Hongzi has spent three hundred years melting hundreds of swordsmanship in one furnace in order to create his own swordsmanship? Hard work, not to mention Qi Ze is a mere backward person?

"I Have a Book of Ghosts and Gods"

Qi Ze thought for a while, put down his thoughts for the time being, took out the secret book Zuo Qiuming gave him, and looked through it. The secret book tells about the basic sitting skills and static skills of the Five Elements School, and also has the secret of opening up the meridians and acupoints of the whole body, and transporting the true energy to the Great Circle. If this secret book is left in the rivers and lakes, it will definitely cause endless murder.

Qi Ze read it once, and memorized the secret book by heart, and compared it with the sword manual, he was quite surprised, and thought: "It seems that what Tianjizi said is true, although Tianhongzi tried his best to exclude the five elements in the sword manual. However, the fundamental Taoism comes from the Five Elements School, even if you change the qi training method, you can't escape the barriers of the Five Elements School's Taoism!"

The method of exhaling and exhaling Qi recorded in the secret book is very clever, and it is even higher than that recorded in the sword manual. It is obviously the authentic foundation-building formula of the Five Elements School that Tian Hongzi tried his best to exclude. Qi Ze held the two practice manuals in his hand, pondered for a moment, and said: "Since I have recognized Tian Hongzi as my master, I should obey my master's order and continue to practice the sword manual!"

Then he put aside the secret book of the Five Elements Sect, and sat up in meditation with his eyes closed. This time, we must first transform the Buddhist true energy into the true energy of the Five True Xuanyin Sword Jue, and simultaneously activate the Vajra Chan singing supernatural powers and the Xuanyin Sword Jue in the body, and if we find that chance of resonance, we will be able to close the key in an instant. As soon as the method was changed, the golden Buddha's true energy began to slowly transform into the cultivation base of Xuanyin Sword Art.

After completing the second meditation, the true energy of the Buddhist sect became stronger, and it took a lot longer to completely transform it. After sitting in meditation for a day and seeing the sunset in the west, it was only 50% to 60% transformed. But the loss of 50% to 60% of the true energy is very small, and almost all of it has been transformed into the cultivation base of Xuanyin Sword Art.

Qi Ze only felt that the meridians were filled with the sword energy of Xuanyin Jianjue, and he couldn't help but waved his hand casually, and there was a sound of a sword in the room. Suddenly someone outside the door said with a smile: "Okay! Good swordsmanship! I'm going to take the liberty to come here. I don't know if the master would like to meet you?"

Qi Ze frowned slightly, the place where he lived was obviously not popular, and unexpected guests appeared suddenly, but luckily he never sat in meditation, he deliberately refused, thought for a while and said: "Just come in!"

The door opened, and the two walked in. The first one was dressed as a scholar, holding a folding fan, quite chic. The latter was dressed in commoner clothes, with a loyal face. The scholar saw Qi Ze sitting with a surprised expression on his face, he folded his fan and shouted: "I don't know that brother is doing meritorious deeds, but I was rude, please forgive me!"

Qi Ze said: "It's all right, just sit quietly for a while." The scholar said: "Brother, you are a newcomer? If you want to meditate and improve your skills, please turn over the jade plaque at the door. If you meet in the same door, naturally you won't bother me. I'll see you too. Only when there is nothing wrong with the jade token, do you dare to call the door."

Only then did Qi Ze realize that it was a misunderstanding, a thought came to his mind, he got up and said: "My name is Qi Ze, I just started yesterday, and I was about to ask for advice!" The scholar opened the folding fan and said with a smile: "It's easy to say! It's easy to say! My name is He Shanyan, this is Huangfu Liu, we have been in the field for more than three years, we can be regarded as veterans, if Junior Brother Qi has any questions, feel free to ask!"

He Shanyan talked eloquently, and a few words had brought the three of them closer, but Huangfu Liu cherished words like gold, and just laughed foolishly. Qi Ze said: "I heard senior brother Jianming say that if you have been in the door for more than ten years, you will not be favored by the elders of the inner sect, so you will be sent down the mountain?"

He Shanyan smiled wryly and said: "That's true! The Five Elements School is the orthodox way of Xuanmen, and it is only under the Kunxu Sect. Those who want to worship teachers and seek Taoism are like crucian carp crossing the river. How can they accept them all? So they set a limit of ten years. If you can achieve fetal movement, you will be eligible to enter the inner sect, otherwise you will have to erase your memory, dissipate your cultivation, and send you back. Just think about it, junior brother, even if I have poor aptitude, I can still cultivate a body of true qi after spending ten years. If you were knocked out of your original form overnight, why don't you want to die?"

Qi Ze was surprised and said: "Ten years of kung fu, can you achieve fetal movement?" He Shanyan said to himself: "Not bad! Hey, I don't know how many heroes have been stumped by this test!" Qi Ze remained silent.

Huangfu Liu touched it lightly, and He Shanyan was startled, and said with a wry smile: "Look at my talkativeness, I don't have to spoil my brother's interest!" Qi Ze said: "I also want to thank the two senior brothers for clarifying my doubts!"

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