67 – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (3)

In the wide hallway, picture frames were lined up like guards. The portraits representing the history of the kingdom were seated in dignified postures, showing their resemblance to each other, and occupied high seats so that those passing by the aisles could look up to them.

People walking down the corridor would carefully keep their footsteps down, expressing their respect for the kingdom with a small but deep history.

However, those passing by here today did not seem to care about such respect for the royal family and fear of history. The blonde-haired warrior, who walked so fast that the servants and guards were surprised, opened the door and shouted.


It was not an audience room. At the end of the portraits of the kings was the royal garden. The high-ranking guards guarding this place stood like statues, proud of their hard armor, and the king’s escort knight sat on a chair with a languid attitude and stared at the hero.

And the king was chopping firewood with his shirt off. There was dry firewood piled up next to it that could be used for a campfire, and the king was exposing his shiny body to the sunlight, exuding a gloss. His fleshy but stocky body showed off his hidden muscles every time he swung his axe, sending firewood flying.

“Wow, long live our majesty.”

With each swing of his axe, the escort driver sitting next to him would whistle or clap his hands over and over again. The hero frowned, unable to comprehend the absurd skit unfolding before his eyes, and looked straight at the king again.

“yes? Aren’t you a warrior? Uh-huh, the hero-nim came all the way to this garden, what was the urgent reason that he ran so quickly?”

The king spoke to the warrior, wiping the sweat from his forehead. The people here were more accustomed to silence than chatter, and when the escort knight, the hero, and the king started a conversation, they shut their mouths and turned away.

The warrior spoke to the king again.

“father. what the hell is this… … .”

The hero forgot what to say at the strange appearance of the king and threw a question first. The king said, pointing to the still dense tree.

“Aren’t you chopping firewood?”

“…So, why… … .”

“As the war prolongs, the people are suffering. There are a growing number of households unable to farm because many men have died, and it is said that severe households cannot even find firewood for the winter. How could I keep myself warm in this situation? If the state does not step forward at a time like this, how can a king be loyal to them?”

The warrior had an admiring face. Looking at the king with twinkling eyes, the king stroked his mustache with a pleased expression. Then he pointed to the piled firewood and told the soldiers.

“Send this firewood down to the provinces along with the firewood you bought downstairs. Make sure to distribute first, along with food, to families whose families have died. Do you understand?”

The soldiers stood still and moved the firewood into the cart. The king took the towel from the escort and walked to the garden table. As the hero stood side by side with him, the king said.

“yes. warrior The whole kingdom is excited by your performance. Didn’t you play a big role in this battlefield too? I remember that the whole capital was in a festive mood when the story of the enemy commander’s head was heard. You’ve already heard the detailed report, so go back and get some rest. Or, do you want to rest in your room after a long time?”

“….Nope. I will go out again. father. More than that… … .”

“For what reason?”

After sneaking away from the king’s gaze, the hero scratched his arm. Then he looked at the king again and said.

“That… … . The way you dealt with the rumors this time… … .”

“Ah, is that nonsense? Don’t worry. Did you think I would just pass over the terrible rumors about the hero? I scolded her so hard that she wouldn’t do that again, so rumors like that won’t spread in the future.”

“…That’s, so, thank you for that… … . That… … . you’re so ugly… … . Huh?”

I’m grateful for the hero, but I was thinking about how to say that it was too much. After hearing the warrior’s thoughts, the king tilted his head while stroking his chin.

“Hmm, what do you mean it’s obvious? If something like that happens to a hero, wouldn’t it be natural for the palace to protect it?”

“Yeah, but father… . Usually these private rumors… … . So! You’re just taking some time to explain, aren’t you? Eh, responding so quickly… … . I-I’ve been hiding it hard, but I’m sure you’ll doubt my identity… … .”

“You mean the party members?”


The warrior reluctantly answered. He pretended nothing was wrong, but the party members were suspicious of the hero. It didn’t seem like he had noticed it clearly yet, but it was clear that he was suspicious at the level of ‘I don’t think he’s from the country’.

At the words of the hero, the king shook his head and said.

“Uh-huh, these are the most elite agents we’ve ever found, but it’s a big deal if you get suspicious. Then do you want to replace the party members?”

The warrior was startled when he heard that he was changing party members. When the hero shook his head and spoke urgently, the king showed a hearty smile.

“Oh, no, it’s not like that! I like the current party members!”

“Then what do you want?”

The king’s hand went over the warrior’s head. The hero carefully tilted his head and made it easier for the king to stroke him. The king rubbed the warrior like petting a puppy, and the warrior sat down on a chair and said,

“That… … . I think I need a detailed setting for my family.”

The king blinked. With an expression like a goldfish or a large, languid dog, the escort knight turned his head to hold back his laughter.

“…Detailed settings?”

“Yes. The porter, Lena, and Millet all come from the countryside or forest, so sometimes we talk about that topic, but whenever that happens, I have to tell a lie in a hurry. So, that… … . Some perfect setup… … . I think it would be easier to talk about if… … .”

“Hmm, that’s right. good! Escort knight!”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The seated escort knight moved. He was dressed neatly like a king’s escort knight, but his face was languid. I thought that the hero had a face like a sleeping pill that made me yawn just by looking at it, and the grim face looked straight at the hero with an indifferent expression.

said the king.

“From what I heard before, you were originally born into a farming family, right?”

“Yes. That’s right. Both my father and grandfather were farmers.”

“Then you must know very well about country life.”

The knight nodded and replied.

“Yes. That’s right.”

The king patted his shoulder and said to the escort knight.

“Okay, then let’s do our best.”

In the head of the escort knight, a question popped up that he could not just openly say that he was a member of the royal family.

When the knight sat down, the warrior smiled awkwardly and apologized.

“sorry. My father said that when dealing with such an unreasonable enemy, gender and background could be weak points, so I had to hide it tightly. It can be burdensome for the party members, and it is even more uncomfortable if the title of royalty is attached to it when walking around.”

The knight was annoying, but he changed his expression and nodded as if he wasn’t bothered.

“no. We are here to help.”

“Ah yes. So let’s start with the father setting… … . Now what I just said about my father being a woodcutter… … .”

The royal day was drawing to a close.

with a detailed plan.


A dark evening under the stars in the city lights. The group sat huddled together at a vermilion-colored table, knocking on the table and waiting for someone. It was because the hero, who had thought he would come by evening, was later than expected.

Millet was whining that she was hungry, and Ashuria patted Millet’s head to soothe her.

“millet. Be patient. When the hero comes, we should have dinner together.”

“right. right. Our hero is so delicate that he gets upset when he eats dinner first.”

“you’re right.”

As I said that, I picked up a cookie from the table. The taste was savory and crispy, so it was perfect to whet the appetite. Ashuria also said that she had to hold back, but as if she was hungry, she secretly took out snacks one by one and ate them.

“But when are you coming? Did something happen?”

“What will happen in the royal family? Still, isn’t His Majesty a pretty good person now?”

I nodded at Ashuria’s words. Because I received a lot of help from His Majesty.

“Cancer, you are a good person. He has an excellent eye for people.”



The bell rang. The bell to welcome guests rang, and a warrior with a slightly tired face entered, bathed in the lights. Millet was delighted and waved at the hero, and we picked up the menu without asking anyone first.

said the warrior.

“what? have you been waiting sorry. The story is a bit long.”

The hero looked tired, but strangely confident and gave off an air of wanting to say something. The warrior who sat down waited while others chose the menu, and when everyone was done selecting the menu, he looked at Lena and said.

“Lena. there is Ask me anything about the countryside.”


Lena looked over at the hero with a suspicious look, then turned her gaze to me. The warrior who looked at me casually said with even more twinkling eyes.

“mister. I’ll tell you about my hometown! Ask me anything?”

“…Suddenly? Even if you say that, I have no questions.”

“Ah, don’t do that!”

Seeing the energetic warrior, I raised my head and asked a question.

“Who was your best friend as a child?”

“I was friends with a kid named Charlie who lived next door. Charlie was a little taller than me with a lot of freckles on his face like a street captain, but his parents were hunters and farmers respectively. My mother worked as a tenant farmer at the time, so when it came time to gather barley, she would take Charlie to work and pick up ears, and whenever that happened, the Charlie family would work while singing labor songs. What was the work song I sang then… … .”


Lena spoke to me in a low voice.

“The hero has a toxic side.”

I nodded quietly.

While excitedly matching the rhythm to the warrior who was explaining.

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