The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 283: 0 ghost night walk

Hitomi Shiranui, Misaka Mikoto and a group moved with the crowd, preparing to go to the area by the river to watch the fireworks show.

"I have a best viewing area." Seeing more and more people gathering, Shirai Heizi said suddenly, and then led them to another direction.

Originally, this was a "romantic place" that she had done her homework and carefully prepared. The plan was to spend a wonderful two-person time with her elder sister.

As a result, there are many more people now... Although the plan is a bit off, it's good to be with friends, it's better than going to the riverside to be crowded.

The place that Shirai Kuroko also chose was a landscape stand slightly at the back, which was part of the park behind.

Relatively remote, usually few people will notice here. But as a venue for watching the fireworks show today, it is unexpectedly suitable!

Moreover, it is located in a remote place, and there are not as many people who can find it here, and the space seems very loose and comfortable.

Standing on the edge of the railing, you can overlook the river ahead. And the moon is bright tonight, it is indeed a very beautiful and elegant place.

"It's a pity that Ah Yao didn't come." Hitomi Shiranui immediately thought of a friend who had recently gotten better.

"Did something happen to Toyama-senpai?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

"She's been placed in confinement." Hitomi Shiranui said with a wry smile, "Because she was kidnapped twice in succession, the school started to pay more attention to her safety and security work, and also paid more attention to her ability... so recently she is not allowed to leave the campus at will, It is very fortunate to cooperate with the research.”

In fact, Shi Zhihuotong herself was in a similar situation, but she escaped easily by relying on her own ability.

Knowing this, Teacher Sachiko didn't bother to insist on continuing to "detain" her, and felt a little resigned.

Similarly, Hitomi Shiranui also "reached a tacit understanding" with the teacher - it's okay to sneak out by herself, but she can't abduct Yuan Shanyao away.

So now Shiranuotong can only say sorry to Yuan Shanyao from the bottom of his heart.

But having said that, although this place is really nice, Hitomi Shiranui still feels a kind of eerie feeling.

Because there is a grove in the park behind it, the grove without any lights looks particularly eerie at night, giving people the feeling that it is the place where the witch lives in a fairy tale, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

"The woods behind it... feels a bit scary." Chuchun Rishi said it directly.

She couldn't help but hugged her arms tightly, feeling a little shuddering.

"Maybe some monsters will come out?" Chunshang Jinyi suddenly said.

The girl who had been silently following the crowd and just buried her head in eating finally spoke up.

"Hey! Don't be joking!" Chuchun Shili seemed even more nervous.

"Ah, speaking of monsters..." Saten Ruiko clapped her hands suddenly, with a hint of excitement on her face.

As her best friend, Shiri Uiharu knew what was going to happen when she saw Saten Reiko's expression, and couldn't help but sigh.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who have become acquainted recently, have also figured out the personality and hobbies of this energetic girl.

Showing such an expression usually means that "Saten Ruiko's Urban Legend Lecture" is about to begin.

"Speaking of youkai, I think of a new urban legend that has appeared recently!"

As expected, Saten Renko said with an excited expression, but also mysteriously.

"A vampire?" Heizi Shirai responded without interest.

After all, she is the one who already knows the truth.

Misaka Mikoto did not disclose the part about herself, but she told Shirai Kuroko about other events that happened on the 6th and 7th.

So Heizi knew exactly what the so-called "vampire" was.

"'Vampire' is indeed the hottest topic recently, but it's not the latest urban legend." Saten Ruiko waved his hand, looking like a senior expert, "The latest legend these days is..."

Saten Saten turned her head to look at the woods, her expression became serious.

"—Hundred ghosts at night!"

As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind blew by, and the leaves of the forest rustled.

Chuchun Shili hugged Chunshang Jinyi.

"I really don't know if the urban legend website is serious or nonsense..." Shirai Kuroko said, "The information on it subtly fits the actual events."

"Student Shirai, don't be scary with me!" Chuchun Shili complained.

"Are you confused?" Shirai Heizi asked back, "Didn't you just discuss a similar incident in the collective meeting in the afternoon? It's just that the word used at that time was 'collective scale illusion'. But according to the testimony of witnesses— It’s okay to say it’s the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts.”

"Huh?" Chuchun Shili tilted his head and thought for a while, "It seems to be true!"

"That's why there are so many guards patrolling nearby."

Shirai Heizi looked down, and there were two armored vehicles parked not far away, with powered suits guarding them.

"It's always a bit of a bummer—seeing these cold machines."

At this time, there was a commotion in the crowd, and there was a slight cheer.

The first firework drew a straight and bright line into the night sky.


Fireworks explode.

The girls raised their heads, looking at the beautiful scene in the night with fascination.

"It's so beautiful..." More than one person expressed the same emotion.

Misaka Mikoto also watched the fireworks blooming intently.

However, she suddenly felt something strange...

Misaka Mikoto can directly feel electromagnetic waves—this is equivalent to giving her an extra sense of touch than ordinary people.

Misaka Mikoto turned her head to look for the source of the strange feeling, but found that Misaka 10001 beside her also turned her head and looked over.

Shiranui Hitomi seemed to have noticed something too, she looked at the people around her, and found something unusual—the girl named Chun Shang Jinyi suddenly turned around and walked towards the woods with a strange Constantly muttering something.

"What's wrong with you?" Hitomi Shiranui immediately asked, but got no reply.

This got the attention of others.

"What's going on? What happened?" Chuchun Zhuli hurried forward to grab Chunshang's jacket, but she still couldn't stop her from moving forward.

There was a gust of wind in the woods, as if something was about to come out of it.

Soon, along with Chunshang Jinyi's wailing of a splitting headache, the air and the ground trembled slightly at the same time.

And in the woods, a large number of monsters and ghosts really ran out!

Really, ghosts at night!

Because it was so unbelievable, all the girls including Hitomi Shiranui and Misaka Mikoto were stunned for a moment before realizing what happened.

At this time, other people who noticed the abnormality here screamed and fled in all directions.

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