The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 319: Ling Xingye's strength problem

So soon the two sides will learn from each other.

Then, Misaka Mikoto hoped that Shirai Kuroko could take them down to stop the intruders from continuing to wreak havoc.

In the end, Heizi sternly refused: "Now it's enough to leave it to our discipline committee and the security department! As an ordinary citizen, my sister just needs to wait for the good news!"

After speaking, Shirai Heizi returned to his "post" to continue transporting and rescuing the trapped people in the underground shopping mall.

"Let's go, let's find a way to get in by ourselves!" Of course, Misaka Mikoto would not listen to Heizi's words, and was going to break through the barrier by force.

At this time, Ling Xingye suddenly felt that someone was watching him.

Looking around, he quickly saw the owner of the line of sight among the rescued people.

"Index!" Kanzaki Kaori and Ling Xingye ran over together.

Index looked at Kanzaki Kaori, but unfortunately she lost her memory before this year, so she didn't have a good impression of Kanzaki Kaori.

So she finally chose to ask Ling Xingye for help: "Dang Ma and Feng Zhan Binghua are still below! They said they were going to defeat that magician, please help me rescue him!"

"That idiot is here too?" Misaka Mikoto said.

Ling Xingye comforted Index, and then said to Kanzaki Kaori: "There is a subway entrance nearby, let's enter from there."

While walking, Misaka Mikoto contacted Saten Reniko, only to find that they were also trapped in the shop in the underground shopping mall.

Misaka Mikoto became more and more anxious, wishing she could break the ground under her feet and rush to them.

She locked Saten Leizi's mobile phone, and took Ling Xingye and others on their way underground as a humanoid radar.

The group of people moved very fast, and they didn't care about the dark environment and difficult terrain on the subway track, and everyone walked on the ground as if walking on the ground.

Ling Xingye took the lead and rushed to the front, removing obstacles and clearing the way.

Under his control, sprites shuttle back and forth in the tunnel like ghosts, performing various stunts comparable to acrobats.

As the distance from the center of the commotion got closer, the damage to the tunnel became more apparent.

Shirley's gargoyle probably passed by this place.

The tunnel ahead collapsed, and the building materials at the top of the tunnel collapsed, blocking most of the passage.

Kanzaki Kaori held down the handle of the knife, and Uluft also held up his cross.

But Ling Xingye ran forward without slowing down, raised his hand and threw out the silk thread, interlaced into a net and swept across the obstacle directly.

Immediately, the sprite rushed forward at a high speed, smashing a passage with its body!

Ling Xingye danced with his ten fingers, manipulating the sprites like a showman to beat the bricks that fell to him with his fists and feet.

"Why is Xingye so active today?" Misaka Mikoto put the coin back into her pocket.

"I just want to prove it." Ling Xingye finally slowed down and walked side by side with her.

"Prove what?"

"It proves that my skills and strength have not weakened." Ling Xingye said, "When I was attacked by the hound just now, my performance...was terrible."

He has barely been able to display the true strength of sprites. Looking back now, Ling Xingye himself couldn't understand what he wanted to do when manipulating the sprite. It seemed that he had forgotten how to use the sprite.

...It's just a brain twitch! If he could be like this now, even if he only needed to display his sprites' fighting power normally, he wouldn't be so passive.

Ling Xingye is so active in coming to help deal with the invaders, in fact, part of the reason is that he is eager to have a real battle to confirm whether there is any problem with his strength.

After such a trial, Ling Xingye finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him.

So it's the Hound Force in question!

"Starry Night, you may have been affected by the enchantment set by the attacker." Kanzaki Kaori analyzed, "The enemy's domain should be the product of special settings for fighting and hunting, so of course it will suppress you."

"Is this the effect of magic?" Misaka Mikoto said, "Suppressing the performance of the target itself... This description is a bit ambiguous."

"Actually, it's not difficult to understand," Uluft added to the topic, "It is to use the advantage of numbers and the advantage of the geographical advantage prepared in advance to create a special atmosphere and environment, destroy the combat habits and rhythm of the target in actual combat, and then affect other Tactics of combat power."

"This has nothing to do with whether or not to use magic, but a tactic." Uluft talked eloquently, "But to be able to use it to the effect of magic... must be a very powerful person!"

"But I do feel the traces of magic." Kanzaki Kaori said, "It is indeed a tactic, but there must be magicians involved."

"Since Kanzaki said so, it's true!" Uluft nodded immediately, "After all, I don't know magic, so I don't know."

"You don't know magic?" Ling Xingye looked at him in surprise, "Aren't you a priest of a Russian adult religion?"

"Who stipulated that priests must know magic?" Uluft asked back, "Really speaking, from a global perspective, priests who don't know any magic and extraordinary power are the majority?"

"...That's right." Ling Xingye looked at the cross on his back, nodded and admitted directly - if he really knew magic, he wouldn't be fighting with a heavy machine gun, would he?

"But in this way, I wonder if those who attacked me are the subordinates of Kihara Shudo." Ling Xingye said again, "It's really hard to imagine that they have anything to do with magic."

"Maybe he recruited some magicians?" Misaka Mikoto speculated.

Hitomi Shiranui shook her head: "Magic and science are incompatible... It is not so easy to cooperate."

In the underground tunnel.

"Magic and science are two parallel lines that can never meet! If someone wants to repeat the same mistakes...I would rather provoke a war between the two worlds than stop this trend!" Shirley Cromwell snapped.

Kamijou Touma looked at the woman in front of her—wearing a gorgeous Gothic dress but the hem was rubbed and tattered due to dragging on the ground for a long time, her brilliant blond hair was blown apart like a lion's mane, With her chocolate-like complexion, it looks quite wild.

Of course, on the whole, she is also a very attractive beauty, the kind that people will often go up to strike up a conversation with when walking on the street—as long as you ignore the four-meter-high stone giant behind her...

Kamijou Touma looked nervously at the man and the stone statue, as if facing a formidable enemy.

But he was not the one who directly faced the stone statue.

Standing between him and the magician was another girl—or rather, some kind of existence that seemed to be a girl.

Kazezaku Hikaka—the girl who suddenly appeared at Kamijou Touma's school today and became Index's friend.

According to Hime Kami Akisa, she is also a student of Kirigaoka Women's College, and even in school, Kazawa Hikaru is the most mysterious person.

But now it seems that this girl is no longer "mysterious" - she is synonymous with mystery!

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