The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 704: Phishing Enforcement

"It's a pity that they are just scumbags."

The stronghold of the automatic puppet, Ling Xingye stood among the wreckage on the ground.

Based on the information provided by Shokuhou Misaki, he locked the stronghold. It's a pity that the automatic puppets inside seem to be out hunting, leaving only a few robot servants to watch the house.

"Your information is accurate, but it is out of date." Back home, Ling Xingye said with a headache.

After further investigation, he found that the stronghold was only a temporary facility or a backup facility, and it was a one-time item.

—The automatic puppet knows the essence of the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

"In this case, we can only find a way to catch them." Shokuhou Misaki said.

"You have a way?"

Shokuhou Misaki said confidently: "Of course there is a way, as long as Xingye is sure to defeat the enemy~"

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as you can find the enemy, leave the rest to me."

"Since you said so~" Shokuhou Misaki patted his chest, "Just wait for the good news, it will be arranged tomorrow night!"

After that, Shokuhou Misaki went back to his home next door and made a phone call.

The room suddenly became quiet, Ling Xingye noticed Hitomi Shiranui beside him, and sat there quietly, watching himself in a daze.

"Hitomi? What's wrong with you?" Ling Xingye couldn't help worrying.

Just now, I talked with Shokuhou Misaki for a long time, and I didn't interrupt him aloud. It's really different from my recent performance.

"Ah, it's nothing!" As if awakened suddenly, Hitomi Shiranui shook her head quickly, but the gloomy look between her brows became more intense.

"No, it's nothing, right?" Ling Xingye approached worriedly, "This is not like the usual you."

Looking at the door on the wall of the apartment, Ling Xingye quickly said: "Is it still because of Shokuhou Misaki? You really don't have to worry about this, I..."

Shiranui raised his hand to stop his words, and shook his head: "Needless to say, I know. No one believes in Xingye more than me. It's just..."

She gave up and showed an annoyed expression: "I feel a little reconciled. I can't help Xingye like Shokuhou-san."

Shiranui Hitomi has always been confident that she is Ling Xingye's only indispensable help—except for fighting.

But now, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly appeared, and showed the value that only belonged to her.

And in all fairness, Shiranuo Tong couldn't do these things.

In terms of intelligence collection, Hitomi Shiranui did not have his own channels. But the problem is that she and Ling Xingye have already been deeply "bonded", so that the channels she has mastered overlap with Ling Xingye's so much, so it doesn't have much value.

"Are you struggling with this kind of thing?" Ling Xingye couldn't help smiling, "No need, you've already helped me a lot."

He pointed to the buffoon at the side: "If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid 'I' wouldn't be here like I am now, right?"

"But..." Hitomi Shiranui hesitated to speak—I wanted to completely replace the value of Misaki Shokuhou.

"Don't think too much," Ling Xingye comforted, "As long as you are by my side, it will be the greatest help to me."

"I will find a way." The girl clenched her fists and said firmly.

Looking at the girl with a determined attitude, Ling Xingye had no choice but to say: "Then... Come on! But don't force yourself too much."

The next night, Ling Xingye set off again.

According to the address given by Shokuhou Misaki, Ling Xingye came to the agreed place.

"Using this method..." Recalling Shokuhou Misaki's battle plan, Ling Xingye couldn't help sighing.

The plan is very simple, that is, "Fishing Law Enforcement". Since the enemies are hiding in the dark, find a way to fish them out.

The targets of the automatic puppets are targeted at criminals and the dark people like the new generation Anbu, so Shokuhou Misaki hired Anbu to do things through his organization.

In other words, use Anbu as bait.

Ling Xingye didn't like this plan of using human life as bait very much, but there was no other better way.

Moreover, as long as Ling Xingye reacts quickly enough, nothing will really happen to the "bait".

"They won't treat them as victims, there are still friends in the Anbu ~ she will meet Xingye at that time."

That's what Shokuhou Misaki said at the time.

"So, are you Shokuhou Misaki's friend?" Ling Xingye looked at the petite girl in front of her.

She also looks like a junior high school student, and she is wearing a pink nurse uniform for some reason. She looks very cute at first glance, but when you get closer, you will find the eccentricity and sharpness of a bad **** her body.

how to say? It is quite in line with the feeling of "Anbu".

Sensing Ling Xingye's eyes, the girl raised her eyes: "Are you underestimating people? How rude, I came here in person for the sake of Shokuhou Misaki."

Ling Xingye didn't argue with her, looked at the time, and asked: "The time is almost up, where are the others?"

"Others?" The girl looked over suspiciously.

"Your companion?"

"There is no such thing." The girl sneered, "You misunderstood, 'New Enrollment' has no such thing as a companion, this is not your 'group'. I only have 'friends', not 'companions'."

"I'm the only partner you're working with today." After finishing speaking, the girl picked up her skirt and curtseyed, "I'm a police officer. It's the first time we meet. Please take care of me, sir."

Ling Xingye was stunned for a moment: "That guy Shokuhou, is he hiding something again?"

"Hush!" The policeman suddenly leaned over and pulled Ling Xingye to the shadow of the corner, "They are here!"

Sure enough, like a shadow, a dark garbage truck slid over without a sound and stopped on the side of the road not far away.

After a while, a group of five people got out of the car.

One of the figures reflected the metallic luster under the dim street light, making it particularly conspicuous.

"I've already checked, because of the curfew, there's no one inside." The policeman suddenly covered his mouth and said softly.

At the same time, the metallic figure also made the same sound and made corresponding movements.

"Puppet?" Ling Xingye felt that this scene had a strong sense of déjà vu.

-Do not talk!

Jing Ce looked at her and gestured, while remotely controlling her "clone".

"What are you talking about, and why is the voice so low today?" Over there, someone asked, "Is there something wrong with the microphone?"

"Stop talking nonsense, act quickly!" the policeman urged.

"What's the hurry, there's no one..."

At this time, another person said: "But it is said that there are vampires haunting it."

"I heard it was a ghoul."

"That's just an urban legend, right?"

"No, the night before yesterday, the people in the three groups disappeared collectively."

"Didn't you meet someone from the law enforcement team?"

"Law enforcement team? How could those incompetent teams be our opponents? We must have encountered a ghost!"

Soon, the four people over there began to chat on this topic.

"There's really no sense of These guys..." the policeman muttered.

"Don't be so serious, it's just a legend." The person who spoke just now laughed, "And you're still a clone here..."

The police watched and turned off the microphone, and looked back at Ling Xingye: "Well, that's it-it's their own fault, those guys."

Although they talked about "vampires" and "ghouls" in their mouths, those few "new students" obviously didn't take it seriously.

Although the law enforcement team is composed of personnel selected from the "group of armed incompetents", in terms of combat effectiveness, it is actually no less than the general level 3.

It is not uncommon for an Anbu combatant to be knocked down when encountering a law enforcement team.

——The "new students" obviously think so.

Taking advantage of the dead of night, the "new students" became more and more unscrupulous, laughing and laughing.

Suddenly, the laughter of one of them stopped abruptly!

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