The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 717: Reunion at Level 5

In the dead of night, Fangtong was walking on the empty road, thinking about where he could still buy pizza at this time.

Because of the curfew, the orthodox pizzeria can't be counted on. For now, I can only go to those unmanned convenience stores that are open 24 hours a day to find out if there is any instant microwave food.

However, 24-hour unmanned convenience stores are basically set up in residential areas to facilitate the daily purchasing needs of residents, so they need to walk a certain distance.

Accelerator looked back towards the direction of the hospital, a little worried about leaving the final signal there.

"However, that kid is still a patient, so she should be fine in the hospital—as long as she stays in the ward obediently."

What's more, there is that "Crazy Misaka" guarding it... At least it can be confirmed that the individual outside the episode has no malice towards the final signal.

But in the end, I still feel a little uneasy. In the end, the signal has never been the type that will be obedient.

—So, it’s better to make a quick decision, buy something and go back.

Accelerator stepped forward and walked towards the nearest student apartment area.

"...Why would my uncle do such a thing?" Accelerator couldn't help but complained loudly, and then said to himself, "Well, let's buy some coffee when we go to the store."

Accelerator put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked in the middle of the road in a relaxed manner.

But the speed is not slow at all, each step moves forward more than ten meters.

On the empty road, the pale figure is like a ghost, pulling out a series of afterimages.

The patrol vehicles of the law enforcement team were also encountered on the road.

However, Ling Xingye had already done his homework for his subordinates. He was a little surprised at the beginning. After recognizing Accelerator's identity, the patrol team chose to ignore it and drove straight over.

Accelerator pouted and didn't pay attention to these people.

Since the large-scale "battle" last night cleared up the automatic puppets lurking in various parts of the city, the urban night now looks very peaceful and quiet.

So Accelerator felt a little bored.

Not to mention the enemies, even those little gangsters who are everywhere, hiding in dark corners, and always jumping out to provoke without long eyes are not a single one.

"It's really... peaceful!" Accelerator showed a mocking expression.

It was obviously just outside Academy City, and the Russian air force had been fighting like a raging fire for several days.

But inside the city, the "time is quiet and good", the only threat was quickly discovered and eliminated.

"Ling Xingye, is this what you want?" Fang Accelerator said.

He knew that tonight—probably now—Ling Xingye would have a final decisive battle to completely wipe out the automatic puppet stronghold.

Thinking of Ling Xingye and the enemies that even he had to deal with seriously, Accelerator clenched his fists, and a trace of excitement rose in his heart.

But immediately shook his head again. Fighting or something is not the priority, now the important thing is to buy pizza.

I can't help myself...

Accelerator sighed silently, then adjusted the formula, isolated all useless "clutter" interference around him, and walked towards the convenience store wholeheartedly.

Ten minutes later, Accelerator came out of the unmanned convenience store with five instant pizzas and two dozen latest canned coffees.

In this position, the sound of battle from a distance can already be heard. But because all these movements were blocked, Accelerator turned a deaf ear to this and walked directly towards the hospital.

However, just as he stepped onto the road, Accelerator suddenly felt something.

He has obviously isolated all the "clutter" from the outside world, so that his reaction is a little slow, but he feels a sense of incoordination.

Because it was just "unusual" and not yet a threat, Accelerator decided to continue ignoring it...

Before taking a step, he still couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, so he turned his head and glanced.

I saw a white figure in the middle of the road on the left.

Different from Accelerator's monotonous paleness, it was pure white, even glowing white in the dark.

It is not an exaggerated modifier, the skin and hair of that figure are almost all pure white, and they are really shining.

Accelerator gathered himself together, and then recognized the other party—except for the difference in hair color, this person in front of him was the missing "Migen Substance" Kakine Teitoku!

Not long ago, he and Accelerator had a duel at sea, but they were finally defeated and fell into the water, whereabouts are unknown.

"Are you still alive?" Accelerator was not surprised, level5 would not die so easily, especially this man.

It can be seen that most of Kakine Teito's body is glowing with white light - because he repaired the incomplete body with his own "miyuan matter", and then "resurrected successfully".

Today, he is a large collection of "weiyuan matter".

Kakine Teitoku came over.

Accelerator only felt headaches and troubles: "Do you still want to continue? I am tired of meaningless battles."

Kakine Teitoku raised the corner of his mouth, showing a gentle smile: "I have no intention of starting a war, and I also think it is pointless to continue fighting."

Accelerator nodded, turned his head and was about to leave.

But he was stopped by the other party: "Fang Accelerator, I now admit that you are the first!"

"Boring," Accelerator sneered, "Ranking? Only you care about that kind of thing."

"Perhaps." Kakine Teitoku didn't refute, as if he had really looked away, he shrugged and asked again, "However, since you are the strongest in Academy City, I don't know if you have heard of 'Dragon'. Rumor? Or..."

Kakine Teitoku's words paused, the pure white domain opened to wrap the two of them together, and then continued.

"Or... 'Aiwass'!"

Seeing Accelerator's expression, Kakine Teitoku nodded: "As expected, even you don't know."

He suddenly laughed: "In the eyes of those big shots in the upper echelons of the city, even level 5 is just a more advanced experimental subject!"

Accelerator vaguely realized that the other party had mentioned some important secret, and he became more and more impatient: "What exactly do you want to say? Either tell me clearly, or get out!"

Kakine Teitoku continued to strengthen his pure white domain, and when he saw Accelerator just standing there without showing the slightest defensive gesture, he couldn't help admiring: "As expected of you, should I say it is self-confidence or arrogance?"

"There's no reason to worry about things that won't hurt my uncle." Fang Accelerator said, "So after all this effort, what exactly do you want to say?"

"About Academy City's deepest secret."

When Accelerator heard the words, he lacked interest and expressed his indifference to it.

Then, Kakine Teito continued: "Another way of saying it is about the mystery of so-called magic."

Accelerator immediately became interested.

In the recent battles he participated in, Fang Accelerator encountered enemies who used magic more than once, which made him particularly annoyed. But there is also a desire to become stronger in the bottom of my heart.

For example... mastering the power of "magic".

"Go on and be more detailed," Accelerator urged.

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