The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 723: take a rest

"Where is this?" Ling Xingye got up, walked to the window and looked out.

It was dark outside, and under the reflection of the vast snow, the sky was not so dark, which made people's sense of time confused.

According to his own biological clock, Ling Xingye roughly judged the current time.

I fell asleep for ten hours!

After moving his body, he found that the injuries on his body had healed—it shouldn't have taken so long, but the "silver blood" in his body was insufficient, which weakened the self-healing ability, so he had to enter a deep sleep state and concentrate on repairing his body .

Because it was an unfamiliar environment, Ling Xingye carefully looked at the environment around him while moving his fingers.

"Don't worry, there is no one here." Ling Qianji's voice came, "This is a natural gas station, which seems to have been abandoned because of the war. Not only that, but within a radius of ten kilometers, there is no one in the area."

Only then did Ling Xingye feel relieved, feeling tired, he found a chair and sat down.

"Your condition is a bit bad, haven't you recovered yet?"

"The injuries are all healed," Ling Xingye rubbed his belly, "I'm just a little hungry."

After a night of fierce fighting, and then across the ocean, his strength was exhausted. Moreover, the self-healing ability of the blood of silver also requires a lot of physical strength, which is even worse.

In fact, Ling Xingye is no longer "a little hungry", and it is not surprising that he feels that he will starve to death here at any time.

"There is a place similar to a canteen in this facility, maybe you can look for it." Ling Qianji suggested lightly.

During Ling Xingye's coma, he seemed to have thoroughly investigated the gas station.

This is a transit facility for the transmission of natural gas, and there are professionals stationed there to take care of it. However, due to the remote location, there is a certain amount of material reserves; even if the personnel are evacuated now, some food should be left behind.

"You should bring the food directly!" Ling Xingye complained, while struggling feebly to get up, he groped his way to the commissary.

"Sorry, I'm just a puppet now, I don't need to eat."

Ling Xingye rolled his eyes, ignored him, and broke into the canteen all the way. Sure enough, he found a lot of biscuits, chocolates, canned meat, and even a few big dogs.

It's just that drinking water was not found, only two bottles of vodka were found in the corner...

Ling Xingye devoured nearly one-third of the inventory after a meal, and finally eliminated the hunger in his stomach.

"Phew, I'm finally alive..." Ling Xingye let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

Then you can focus on other things.

"So there's no electricity here?"

Due to Silver's excellent vision, Ling Xingye has been operating in a "dark" environment without lighting so far.

However, he was trapped by hunger before, so he had no time to take care of these insignificant details.

Now that I come back to my senses, I feel that I am still not used to the absence of lights.

What's more, he also needs to charge his phone!

I've been "missing" all day, the headquarters must be very anxious, especially Hitomi Shiranui and the others. Therefore, we must get in touch with "home" as soon as possible to report that we are safe.

After a night of fierce fighting, and then crossing the sea, Ling Xingye's phone was overwhelmed, the screen was cracked, and it was repeatedly drenched by sea water, and now it can no longer be turned on normally.

However, his mobile phone is a special product. As long as the body remains intact and the battery is sufficient, restarting it can almost repair most of the faults by itself.

So Ling Xingye wants to give it a try, let's fully charge the phone.

"There's a generator here, but it's short of fuel," said the Harlequin again.

Ling Xingye was overjoyed, and hurried out to move the generator into the warehouse as a temporary base.

"You don't need fuel, you just need to start the generator anyway." Ling Xingye checked the condition of the generator.

Nodding in satisfaction, he hesitated a bit, but he still untied the last bracelet on his wrist and unfolded it into a commonly used silk thread.

With the combination of silk thread and "phase fulcrum", Ling Xingye provides sufficient power for the generator through his own super power.

While generating electricity, Ling Xingye rummaged through the warehouse to find a toolbox and a pile of sundries.

He is going to use these things to piece together an antenna to enhance signal reception—in case the mobile phone is unavailable, he may have to find other ways to get in touch with "home".

Before that, you can also assemble a radio and try to collect some local intelligence.

While operating, Ling Xingye was distracted and devoted himself to his "memory palace", found out the Russian language pack and started "self-study".

When Ling Xingye was doing this, the clown was not idle. He carefully rummaged through every room in the gas station, and found a bunch of bottles and cans, as well as the two bottles of vodka.

Using the Russian language he had just mastered, Ling Xingye read and identified the components of these substances, and then began to conduct chemical experiments in the simplest environment.

The silk thread used as a weapon is also exhausted and needs to be replenished urgently. In the case of being far away from the headquarters of Academy City, it is of course impossible to obtain a ready-made "Flying Blade"; therefore, they can only find a way in terms of quick-setting sprays.

Fortunately, Ling Xingye is one of the inventors of the formula. In addition to the best solution currently used, he has also mastered many "inferior" formulas that have been eliminated, and one of them can be deployed by using these production and living materials.

—Before the next encounter with Water 0 in the Back, one must be as fully prepared as possible.

Ling Xingye was in full swing preparing for the battle, when suddenly the phone beside him made a startup sound.

"It's done!" Hastily putting down the work at hand, Ling Xingye rushed to the phone.

Sure enough, the inbox was filled with emails and missed calls.

Looking at the signal, although it is not full, it does not seem to affect the use.

Without even thinking about it, Ling Xingye immediately contacted Shiranui Tong.

The call was connected almost immediately.

"Starry night! Great, are you all right?"

The moment Shiranui Hitomi's voice came from the receiver, Ling Xingye's heart immediately relaxed.

Sitting down on the sofa, Ling Xingye let out a long sigh of relief: "Don't worry, everything is fine here."

"Boss, are you really in Siberia now?" Seven voices came from the other end of the phone—Shiranui Hitomi was in the headquarters.

"That's right." Ling Xingye said, "This place should have become a battlefield. If you have any information, remember to tell me."

As he said that, he threw aside the radio that he had just Since the headquarters provides information directly, there is no need to listen to the radio.

Shiranuotong also knew that now is not the time for children to love each other. After learning about each other's situation, they turned on the hands-free, allowing other people in the headquarters to communicate directly with Ling Xingye and exchange information.

Soon, Ling Xingye received an email from the headquarters, including the latest news and battle reports, as well as a real-time satellite map of his location.

Baiyin Yao also spoke out at the end, reminding him to "be careful of Yanshi's conspiracy".

"...I'm sorry for not being able to help you, sister, I was entangled by Yan Shijia." Bai Yinyao said.

"Yanshijia? It's still alive?" Ling Xingye asked in surprise.

"Yeah, and it's gotten even better!"

"But Sister Yao still won." Ling Xingye said firmly.

"Hahaha, of course!" Baiyin Yao proudly said, "It's a pity that that guy escaped in the end—the crow rescued it. You have to be careful, I feel that Yanshi and the others are still doing other small tricks, everything seems to be in their hands In the calculation!"

"I will be careful." Ling Xingye nodded in agreement.

Finally, the phone returned to Hitomi Shiranui's hands.

"..." After a long silence, the girl said, "Take care, remember to come back early."

"Yes," Ling Xingye promised, "I will find a way to go back."

"But before that..." Hanging up the phone, Ling Xingye got up and tidied up the quick-setting spray that had just been prepared, "The enemy must be dealt with first!"

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