The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 745: battle contest

Flooding in the city is under control and showing signs of receding.

Similarly, the little angels singing hymns above the water also began to dissipate little by little.

In the confrontation in this field, the "Gita Sanctuary" finally fell into a disadvantage.

Submerged city streets reappeared, and houses and buildings washed away by the flood rose again.

The whole city seems to have been pressed on the accelerator button, returning to its original state at a speed discernible to the naked eye.

The primary characteristic of "unchanged daily life" is "resistance to change", even if it is the end of the world, we must continue to maintain this daily life.

A mere flood is nothing to fear!

The residents composed of automatic puppets repaired the city with amazing efficiency, and made steady progress, continuing to "fight against floods and rescue" and push the flood out of the city little by little.

In contrast, the ongoing "War of Angels" in the sky has caused more serious damage to the city.

Archangel Gabriel unscrupulously unleashes the mighty power from the gods - just a little touch can destroy a skyscraper.

On the other side, Feng Zhan, who also possesses "angel power", is more restrained, and even a little restrained.

"Ah, that's the biggest department store in the city!"

"Yeah, the library!"

"Ah, an empty school!"


Whenever a familiar building is destroyed, Fengzhan. Fuse will cry out in distress.

You know, Feng Zhan Binghua has lived in this city for a while, and is the person who is most familiar with it except for Ling Xingye.

Although there are only residents played by automatic puppets in the city, it is much more lively than the imaginary mathematics district where she used to be.

So Feng Zhan Binghua liked to wander around the city very much, and gradually became familiar with every corner of the city.

At this moment, seeing his favorite places being destroyed one by one, Feng Zhan Fuse had no choice but to pull himself together in grief, and used all his strength to fight against the enemy, even at the expense of causing damage to the buildings.

If you don't subdue the enemy as soon as possible, maybe your favorite city will suffer even more tragic damage?

At this time, the great flood below seemed to be showing signs of ebbing.

Wind cut. Fuse is happy that the disaster has subsided. Immediately afterwards, she realized that Ling Xingye must have done something.

Moreover, Feng Zhan Fuse keenly sensed that the strength of the enemy—archangel Gabriel was weakening.

"That annoying field has disappeared!" Feng Zhan. Fuse's eyes lit up, and he immediately seized the opportunity to press towards the opponent.

Archangel Gabriel's delicate and beautiful face was expressionless, showing no emotion or anger.

Although he lost the blessing of the "Gita Sanctuary", he didn't seem to lose his fighting power like he did in the "Artificial Heaven".

The angel wings behind him and the halo above his head became somewhat dimmed, but the power of the attack did not weaken at all.

Feng Zhan. Fuse didn't dare to be careless, carefully avoiding the opponent's attack.

After getting closer, she realized that she could still faintly see a little bit of holy light gathering from all directions, and merged into the body of Archangel Gabriel; there were still hymns ringing in her ears.

— that annoying field is still working!

Feng Zhan. Fuse knew it in his heart.

It's just that as the effect of "Gita Sanctuary" weakens, the blessings brought to Archangel Gabriel also decrease.

Now it can only be used to resist the weakening of "unchanged daily life".

Even without relying on the blessing of the domain, the archangel itself is a very difficult enemy.

Seemingly realizing that the current situation is not good, Archangel Gabriel's offensive became more and more crazy.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen buildings were destroyed by him, and almost an entire block was razed to the ground.

Wind cut. Fuse didn't even have time to lament about it.

—As long as the battle is won, the city will be rebuilt.

She comforted herself in her heart, but she still couldn't help but glance down.

"Ah! This is..." Trembling all over, Feng Zhan. Fuse was stunned.

"...the home...was destroyed..."

The angel of science is like a robot that suddenly freezes, standing in the air, unconsciously spit out words that cannot be spoken.

Among the destroyed blocks below, there is one of the most special and important houses—home, Fengzhan Binghua's home here.

Of course, it is Ling Xingye's residence here.

Even if she knew everything about this place, including the house named "home", it would be restored as it was, but Feng Zhan Fuse still suffered an indescribably huge impact—even worse than when her own body was severely injured.

Archangel Gabriel did not miss her chance to be dazed, and a beam of light blasted past.


The wings composed of geometric figures folded in front of the body, bouncing off the bombardment of the holy light.

Feng Zhan. Fuse raised his head belatedly, and looked at the archangel on the opposite side.

"You broke my house!"

With tears in her eyes, Feng Zhan was always weak. Fuse shouted out in her most severe tone.

Archangel Gabriel was unmoved.

So, Feng Zhan Fuse threw himself on it.

Even if he is not the enemy's opponent, but full of anger, Feng Zhan. Fuse has made up his mind - no matter how miserable he is beaten, he must stop the enemy from continuing to destroy the city!

After that, no buildings were destroyed in large numbers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the city's self-healing progress finally caught up with the speed of destruction.

The whole body is affected by a single hair, and every time the "unchanged daily life" is strengthened, the "Gita Sanctuary" will be weakened.

And the situation of the "Gita Sanctuary" is directly related to the strength of Archangel Gabriel.

Archangel Gabriel seemed to have finally realized this, and began to approach the location of Ling Xingye and the rear water 0.

In fact, from the moment they entered the "Domain Chaos", this battle has become a contest of mutual attack.

Revolving around whether Ling Xingye's "unchanged daily life" can successfully seal the "power of God", the two sides launched their own strategies.

What Ling Xingye has to do is to defeat the Water 0 in the rear, clear his "Gita sanctuary", and let the "unchanged daily life" fully take effect.

The Archangel Gabriel needs to escape from the "unchanged daily life" while still being blessed by the "Gita Sanctuary"—the specific method is to demolish houses and destroy cities.

It just depends on whether Ling Xingye defeated the water behind or the Archangel Gabriel was the first to break through the "unchanged daily life".

In the end, it seemed that Ling Xingye was about to win this "competition".

Archangel Gabriel finally realized this, so he chose to temporarily abandon the biggest target of hatred - Feng Zhan. Fuse, and instead deal with the domain master Ling Xingye first.

The "Power of God" controlled by Gabriel merged into a beam, condensed into a lightsaber, and stabbed towards Ling Xingye.

Ling Xingye immediately noticed the enemy attack above his head, but he also realized that there was also Zhishui 0 behind the attack.

Water 0 in the back rushed forward in person, using himself as a bait to hold Ling Xingye back.

Ling Xingye lost the opportunity to dodge, so he could only choose to resist.

But at this moment, another figure jumped out of the sky.

Wind Slash. Fuse used his body as a shield, inserted into the attack trajectory of the lightsaber, and blocked the fatal blow.

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