The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 751: meet again

"Someone is approaching!" Ling Xingye reacted quickly and immediately issued an alarm.

Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001 immediately put down the food in their hands and stood up together.

"It's very fast, and it seems to be fighting?" Misaka Mikoto listened attentively.

The sound of gunfire in the distance gradually became clearer.

Without saying a word, Misaka 10001 picked up the Mosin Nagant rifle beside her - this is the "new toy" she found in this barracks.

Due to the systematic military training and indoctrination, the Misaka sisters seem to like to play with weapons.

In fact, strictly speaking, Misaka 10001 uses the "super electromagnetic gun", which is far better than the old-fashioned rifle in his hand in terms of attack power and efficiency.

But she still held it in her arms fondly, and even carried out special maintenance in the interval of preparing dinner.

"Go, go out and have a look." Ling Xingye said, and walked out of the gate first.

Looking back at the burning stove, he shook his head and did not extinguish it.

Anyway, the opposite party must have noticed the fire here long ago, and it is too late to cover up now.

The three of them discredited and came to the gate of the camp, looking in the direction of the fighting.

Although it was night, neither of the chasing and fighting parties used lights for lighting. So I couldn't see what was going on for a while.

But indistinctly, yelling and yelling could be heard from over there.

"I can't hear what you're saying," Misaka Mikoto said with a weird expression, "But it's really Japanese, right? And the voice looks familiar."

Ling Xingye suddenly laughed: "There is no need to doubt, the 'unlucky' just now is his signature line."

Others might mishear, but Ling Xingye, who lives next door, is very familiar. Before he strengthened the soundproofing of the room, Kamijou Touma's miserable cry of "unfortunate" could be heard almost every day.

Kamijou Touma sprinted forward all the way, and those who moved beside him with more light and powerful movements, knew without thinking that it was Kanzaki Kaori and others.

"I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Misaka Mikoto said.

They had only just parted during the day, and it turned out that they would meet again in this kind of place in less than twelve hours.

"They move very fast!" Misaka 10001 commented.

You know, the three of them were driving armored vehicles galloping all the way. As for Kamijou Touma and the others, who seemed to be running on their legs, they were able to get here, which is really commendable.

"Now is not the time to chat," Ling Xingye said, "Hurry up and meet them... Those who can chase after two saints and a saint are definitely not easy to mess with."

After all, Ling Xingye took the clown to greet him.

Misaka Mikoto gathered the iron sand, stepped on the "cloud" formed by the iron sand and flew out

And Misaka 10001 climbed up to the sentry post, holding the rifle in his hand.

"There are people in front!" Kamijou Touma hurriedly shouted when he saw someone rushing towards him.

But before he finished speaking, he saw another figure flying towards him, unceremoniously stepping on his shoulder and continuing to rush forward.

Kamijou Touma staggered and fell to the ground when he suddenly received a huge pressure on his shoulders.

Before he could complain bitterly, he rushed to the top of his head to cool off—the cannonball of thought power almost brushed his scalp.

Kamijou Touma couldn't help but gasped, and exclaimed in his heart that he was lucky.

"Kamijou Touma, cheer up. At least don't turn your back on the enemy." Ling Xingye's voice came from beside him.

"Starry night!" Kamijou Touma lifted his spirits and moved his head up, "You really can bring me good luck!"

"Don't say these things are useless!" Misaka Mikoto also came here stepping on the iron sand cloud, "Speaking of which, the enemy you encountered is indeed..."

"That's right, it's an automatic puppet." Ling Xingye nodded, "And it's still silver 0."

When Kamijou Touma saw Ling Xingye and Misaka Mikoto by his side, he gained a lot of confidence, got up and faced the enemy with them.

"We went to the launch site of the 'Star of Bethlehem'," Kamijou Touma began to explain, he regarded the air fortress created by the fire of the right side as a rocket launch, "I didn't expect it to be occupied by automatic puppets. There are so many of them There are so many people, and there are even strong enough to rival the saint, so we can only..."

Kamijou Touma spread his hands helplessly. What's more troublesome is that his "Fantasy Killer" seems to have no effect on the automatic puppets, so he can only run away in a very aggrieved manner.

To make matters worse, they were also affected by the "Yanshi Curse" to varying degrees. Except for Kamijou Touma and Kanzaki Kaori who had more contact with Ling Xingye, the bodies of the others were gradually becoming stiff, all thanks to His powerful strength suppressed the symptoms, and barely continued to maintain his combat effectiveness.

The appearance of Ling Xingye undoubtedly gave them a shot in the arm - silver puppet masters are the most professional in dealing with automatic puppets.

"Leave it to me." Ling Xingye didn't refuse, and manipulated the clown into the enemy's line.

The enemy is outnumbered, but Ling Xingye doesn't care, and he and the clown wantonly shuttle through the enemy group. It's like playing a game, knocking down automatic puppets one after another.

The entire battlefield once again became Ling Xingye's stage alone. Occasionally, one or two automatic puppets rushed to intercept them, but were immediately hit head-on by lightning or the sword of iron sand.

"As expected of Xingye, it's amazing!" Seeing Ling Xingye fighting, Kanzaki Kaori gave praise without hesitation.

"It was obviously so strenuous when we fought..." Valkyrie Brunhid frowned, "I can't understand it!"

The Daughter of All Nations said: "It's not surprising, because he is silver—only they know the weaknesses of these monsters best, and are the best at fighting them."

Moreover, the strong ones in the automatic puppets did not participate in the pursuit. The hundreds of automatic puppets that came here were all "miscellaneous soldiers" in Ling Xingye's view. Apart from the huge number, there was no other threat.

Misaka Miqin was in charge of attacking the escaped targets and the fish that slipped through the net. Ling Xingye concentrated on fighting, and in less than ten minutes, he wiped out the group of automatic puppets.

At the end of the battle, the two sides joined forces and returned to the abandoned barracks to rest. And ask Ling Xingye to help lift the "Yanshi Curse".

"Today is really unlucky," Kamijou Touma said while gnawing his dry rations, "We can't go to the high-altitude Star of Bethlehem, so we want to go to its launch base to see if there is any way to go directly Arrived at the facility there. I didn’t expect to poke a hornet’s nest. Could the fire on the right be with the automatic puppets? Xingye, do you think…”

Just as he was talking, Kamijou Touma suddenly felt a chill down his back, and a familiar "unfortunate feeling" enveloped his heart.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001 staring at him unkindly!

-Huh? What's wrong? Am I doing something wrong?

Kamijou Touma was a little confused, he didn't seem to offend the two of them, did he?

Kamijou Touma turned to look at Ling Xingye, wanting to ask him what happened.

Then I saw Ling Xingye leaning against the wall, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Kamijou Touma immediately shut up, at this moment, he finally understood what the Misaka sisters meant.

— Don't disturb Ling Xingye's rest!

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