The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 760: LEVEL 5 recycling operation

The news of the fall of the "Star of Bethlehem" spread quickly, and people and forces on all sides of the battlefield got relevant information immediately.

At the same time, another piece of information was deduced—the Right Fire was defeated.

As the leader of the Christian side, the Fire of the Right is the representative of the "mysterious side" world in this "world war", and it is the point where the war actually started.

The "culprit" was defeated, causing the war to cool down quickly, and the fighting in the Siberian Plains almost subsided instantly.

I believe that after the news of "the fire of the right is defeated" is confirmed and spread, the war will come to an end.

After all, this "Third World War" was launched based on very fragile reasons.

- "Science Side World" VS "Mystery Side World".

Since no sovereign state is involved, there is no reason for the war to continue to expand.

The Guardian Knights wandering on the vast Siberian plain quickly withdrew their troops and began to retreat.

"The rest are the incited Russian troops." The blond woman stood on the watchtower, looking at the distant border with binoculars, "Well, ordinary soldiers are better than these stubborn magic knights." Too much to deal with."

"So, the war is over?" Beside her, Accelerator squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

"Yeah," the blond woman said with certainty, "the war is over, and the mage's side retreats first—it seems that the fire on the right has lost."

Elizalina - The young woman who was speaking was thin and blond, with a sickly pallor, like a malnourished patient who hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

This image is quite similar to her sister - the daughter of the country, and Elizalina is the younger sister of the daughter of the country. Although she claims to be inferior to her sister, she is actually a powerful magister.

Not only that, but she is the head of the country that bears her name.

—The Union of the Independent States of Ilishalina, a coalition of small countries located on the periphery of Russia.

"I don't know who is so powerful that he can defeat that Fire of the Right..." Elizalina said as if talking to herself, "At least if I say it, I definitely can't win."

A figure suddenly flashed in Fang Accelerator's mind, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a meaningful smile: "Who else could it be, it must be him."

"However," Elizalina continued, "I'm afraid that Academy City will not withdraw its troops easily, so I still want you to leave my country as soon as possible—take any possible battles with you."

"Hmph, you don't need to say more." Fang Accelerator snorted coldly, "It was you who said that the treatment would take a while, otherwise we would have left long ago."

Not long ago, during the battle against the archangel Gabriel, the final signal fell into a coma due to a high fever, and Accelerator immediately took her away from the battlefield and looked for the hospital everywhere.

It's a pity that the Siberian Plain is so vast and sparsely populated that it's hard to find even a village, let alone a fully functioning hospital.

In the end, I ran all the way to the border and broke into the territory of the Alliance of the Independent States of Elizalina before I found a suitable medical facility.

Under the governance of Magister Elisarina, the Alliance of Independent States was not involved in the Third World War, the territory was relatively peaceful, and the medical resources were quite sufficient.

More importantly, the magister Elizalina herself is very good at healing—it was she who personally took action to heal the final signal.

And by the way, the "virus" in the brain of the final signal was cleared-according to the magister Elisarina, the structure and principle of this "virus" is closer to the "magic formula", so it is no wonder that Accelerator is helpless about it.

Accelerator's harvest is far more than that. While waiting for the final signal to recover and treat, the magister Elisarina also helped decipher the "parchment". Combined with the "virus" previously discovered in the brain of the final signal, Accelerator quickly learned and mastered the mystery of "magic".

It can also be regarded as achieving his purpose of coming to the battlefield.

Of course, this does not mean that Accelerator has really mastered the "magic".

- The rule that "magic" and "superpowers" cannot coexist has not been broken.

Strictly speaking, Accelerator relied on his No. 1 super brain to forcibly reinterpret "magic" with "scientific" methodology.

"Although I don't really grasp this unscientific power," Yifang Accelerator stuffed the parchment into his arms, "but at least when we meet Aiwass again, we won't be helpless."

After receiving the final signal of "discharged from the hospital", Accelerator drove out of the League of Independent States in an off-road vehicle provided by the hospital.

"Can you still find the whereabouts of the outsiders?" Fang Accelerator asked. He planned to join the Misaka Legion, and then find a way to return to Academy City.

He and Kakine Teitoku belonged to smuggling out of the country, so we can't expect someone to pick them up... It's not too bad to arrest and **** them back.

"Misaka knows! Misaka Misaka raised her hand energetically and replied."

"Ah, we don't need it anymore." Accelerator shook his head and interrupted her, "Someone is here to pick us up."

He stepped on the brakes, and saw a helicopter approaching at high speed at the end of the road directly ahead.

HALLR-4 ultra-high-speed cruise helicopter, exaggerated equipment that only Academy City can have.

There are three fully armed ultra-high-speed cruise helicopters, and two heavy-duty military drive armors are mounted under each of them.

Obviously this is not to "greet" the Accelerator and the final signal.

"But it doesn't make any difference," Accelerator said with an evil smile, "Anyway, it's fine if we can go back—as long as we 'please' them well..."

Although Academy City is also a pit, Accelerator is deeply aware of one thing - that is the only destination for superpowers at present.

Accelerator might not care about it, but the final signal, as well as the Misaka sisters, is that it is impossible to really leave Academy City.

It has to be admitted that while being used, Academy City did provide them with shelter and a place to live.

The "negotiations" went smoothly, and the helicopter rapid response force did not expect to encounter Accelerator—their original target was the Alliance of the Independent States of and they were planning to take advantage of the victory to expand the victory.

After Accelerator found out, he destroyed all the drive suits, and then "hijacked" the helicopter to announce its return flight.

The three helicopters returned in a zigzag formation. The lead plane that Accelerator was absent immediately reported the situation to Academy City headquarters—that is, the governing council.

"...Yes, one side is confirmed and the final signal is boarding, and we are returning..." The captain nodded nervously.

At the same time, other crews of the HALLR-4 Independent Wing also made reports.

"Confirm that 'Railgun', 'Virus Misaka' and 'Boss' are on board and are returning..."

"It is confirmed that the 'Weiyuan Matter' is on board and is returning. Note, there is a special person—Nicolas Tolstoy, the bishop of adult education, boarding the plane together."

In the end, the representative of the General Council nodded and said: "Confirmed, level 5 and the 'leader' recovery operation has been initially completed."

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