The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 762: wake up and mail

Opening his eyes, Ling Xingye saw a snow-white ceiling, his nostrils were filled with the smell of disinfectant, his ears were filled with the sound of quiet breathing, and the slight sound of equipment running from a distance.

Deja vu scene.

Ling Xingye closed his eyes, gathered strength, and woke up his body that had become stiff due to lethargy.

Then he opened his eyes again, stretched his waist and abdomen, and tried to sit up.


Accompanied by his movements, a small exclamation suddenly came from beside him.

Until just now, a girl fell asleep lying on the bed.

Following the prestige, he saw a sleepy face.

It was Ling Xingye who was familiar with... no, it would be better to say that he was someone who was haunted by dreams.

The moment he saw her, Ling Xingye breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, and a tense string in his mind suddenly relaxed.

"Good morning, Hitomi Shiranui." Ling Xingye reached out and brushed her fair cheeks and smooth hair.

Hitomi Shiranui was stunned for a few seconds before finally realizing what had happened. He also breathed a sigh of relief, showing a reassuring smile.

"Welcome back, Ling Xingye!"

"Well, I'm back." Ling Xingye also nodded with a smile.

The girl jumped up and hugged him tightly.

"Sorry for worrying you." Ling Xingye responded positively by reaching out his hand.

The girl shook her head, but her arms wrapped around his body more tightly.

The two didn't say anything more, and quietly confirmed each other's existence.

until the doctor came to check.

"I don't seem to have come at the right time." The frog doctor Mingtu Zhuhun stood at the door and knocked on the door.

Even so, he walked in without hesitation.

Seeing him, Ling Xingye remembered his injury.

He hurriedly touched his abdomen, only to find that his body was unscathed, the missing part was completely restored, and there was no pain at all. Not only that, but the ten fingers of both hands have also healed, as if they were not injured.

Ling Xingye lowered his head to confirm his physical condition, and couldn't help admiring Netherland's magical medical skills of chasing souls.

During the time since he woke up, Ling Xingye has confirmed that the silver blood in his body has not yet recovered to a concentration that can function normally... In other words, his self-healing power as "Silver" is still in a sealed state.

That being the case, the recovery of his injuries is undoubtedly the credit of this Netherland chasing soul.

"You're welcome." For Ling Xingye's thanks, Mingtu Zhuihun expressed calmly, "You are my patient, and treating you is what I should do. What's more, you are much better at treating patients than ordinary patients."

It turned out that when Ling Xingye came over for an examination before, out of the instinct of a "doctor", Nether Earth Zhuihun left a blood sample of Ling Xingye for research.

"It's just using that, I temporarily activated your self-healing ability, that's why you recovered so quickly." Nether Earth Chasing Soul explained, "But this method can only be used once, and you should be careful next time, don't suffer from it again. Seriously hurt."

"Are there any restrictions on this method?" Ling Xingye asked.

"There is no problem with the method, but I don't have a second blood sample." Netherland Zhuihun said, "I have already researched it, so I won't keep your blood sample—after all, you don't like to see it." To the outflow of silver blood."

After examination, it was confirmed that Ling Xingye's physical condition had recovered well. But to be on the safe side, Nether Earth Chasing Soul still asked him to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days before considering leaving the hospital.

Facing the doctor's order, Ling Xingye fully agreed and said that he would strictly follow it.

After Nether Earth Chasing Soul left, the ward became quiet again.

Shiranui Tong looked at Ling Xingye, and suddenly let out a long sigh of relief: "That's great, Xingye, you are willing to stay in the hospital obediently..."

"There's no need to go against the orders of a doctor who can save lives, right?" Ling Xingye said.

"I'm really worried that you insist on being discharged from the hospital." Hitomi Shiranui stuck out her tongue, "Because Xingye can't sit still at all."

"If possible, I don't want to be so busy." Ling Xingye smiled helplessly, "It's not difficult to imagine that there must be a lot of troubles waiting for me outside now, right? That's why I don't want to go out immediately."

Hitomi Shiranui nodded repeatedly, while taking out two mobile phones from the bag next to her. One of them belonged to Hitomi Shiranui himself, and the other brand new phone belonged to Ling Xingye.

"The previous one was damaged beyond recognition, so I replaced it with a brand new one—all the data has been imported." Hitomi Shiranui handed the phone to Ling Xingye, "Since Xingye returned to Academy City three days ago, you There are almost no interruptions in phone calls and emails."

By the way, Hitomi Shiranui's cell phone was almost blown up.

So now both of their mobile phones are set to silent mode, and all unfamiliar numbers are rejected.

"From what you said, I have no desire to turn on the phone at all." Ling Xingye looked at the phone with a complicated expression.

After struggling for a while, Ling Xingye finally turned on the screen as if resigned to his fate.

Ignore all missed calls, check email first...

"Oh, well done! The automatic puppets in Academy City have been uprooted!" First of all, seeing the report sent by Qifan, Ling Xingye couldn't help admiring.

It turned out that in the past few days since Ling Xingye left Academy City and went to the Siberian Plain, the battle to "eliminate automatic puppets" has not stopped. Even under the leadership of Qifan, Hijikata and others, all the automatic puppets were completely eliminated in one go, and a brilliant victory was achieved!

"Because Sister Yao, Ms. Xiao and Ms. Hua are in the lead, the suppression operation went very smoothly." Hitomi Shiranui explained a little.

Originally, the main force of the automatic puppet in Academy City was almost wiped out by Ling Xingye and Bai Yinyao that night. The most difficult ones, Water 0 and Yan Shijia left Academy City one after another, and the rest are just some little people.

Coupled with the fact that the dragons have no leader, it is easy to be discovered by Bai Yinyao and the others, and then lead the team to eliminate them.

These days, the outside world was busy fighting a world war, and the group of armed incompetents repeatedly screened every corner of Academy City several times, not letting any automatic puppets go.

Seeing this result, Ling Xingye was deeply satisfied. After that, I put down my phone and stopped looking at other emails.

"Is this enough?" Hitomi Shiranui took the opportunity to make tea and brought it over, "I remember there should be a lot of mail."

"Enough is enough, all I care about is the automatic puppet. I don't care about the rest!"

Hitomi Shiranui knew and said: "You have also seen it—the email from Passy."

Ling Xingye nodded: "That's why I don't want to watch it even more..."

Patsy is a person's name, or a code name, nickname, or something. Ordinary citizens have hardly heard of it, but anyone who has a little understanding of the high-level structure of Academy City will know it.

"Passy" is the secretary—the secretary who oversees the council as a whole. It can be considered as the representative spokesperson of the overall council.

Under normal circumstances, he has no sense of existence, just a tool person who acts as a background board, but as long as he speaks out to the outside world, it must be a resolution representing the overall council!

Ling Xingye didn't want to deal with them at all.

After complaining for a while, Ling Xingye grabbed the phone again and edited the email.

— Let’s report safety to the relatives and friends who care about you first.

txt download address:


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