The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 771: Ling Xingye's identity: student

"...Yes, of course I am a student of the School of Mechanical Engineering." Ling Xingye said seriously, "Wait, you have already expelled me, have you?"

"Uh, of course it's impossible!" The principal sitting opposite said hastily, "Don't mention anything else—it's just things outside the school... At least you are a good student with both good character and academics in school, and you are also a high-level ability user of level 4 No matter from which point of view, we have no reason to fire you!"

Of course Ling Xingye heard the principal's implication - the emphasis was on those "outside school" times.

It was because of this that he was called to talk to the principal's office on the first day back to school.

Then on the second day, he went even further and came directly to the regular meeting of the school directors of Changdian Shangji Academy.

In all fairness, Ling Xingye really wanted to be an "ordinary student".

"Those things outside the school are really out of my control..." He couldn't help but complain.

It can only be said that "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop".

At this time, sitting on the same round table with him, besides the principal of his own high school, there are also the heads of all institutions from kindergarten to university, research institute... the entire Changdian Shangji Academy Education Group.

Even a few school directors, who were never seen at ordinary times, also participated in the meeting through holographic projection.

It's no wonder, after all, Ling Xingye has the identity of "leader" outside of being a "student". There are even rumors that he may become a member of the new governing council!

Even if it is a giant group like Shangji Academy, when facing Ling Xingye, it will inevitably feel like "the temple is small and the Bodhisattva is big".

But on the other hand, it is even more impossible for them to let go of such an excellent student in every sense—if Ling Xingye really becomes the new director... Changdian Shangji Academy will undoubtedly go one step further and completely replace the usual Pantai Middle School is a mere junior high school for girls!

Of course, everyone present at the meeting is an expert in education, so naturally they will not make excessive demands. Seeing that Ling Xingye still recognizes his status as a "student", the purpose of the meeting has been achieved.

The principal coughed and resumed the topic: "In that case, Ling, you can go to class now."

"That's it?" Ling Xingye was surprised instead, thinking that he would be assigned a bunch of extra work.

"Because you don't seem to be interested in government affairs." The principal said, "Of course, you, the vice president of the student union, still have to carry on."

"Okay..." Ling Xingye shrugged, "Anyway, I already managed a 'group', so it's not too bad."

This is something he discussed with the principal yesterday, and he will continue to serve as the vice president of the student union.

In the schools of Academy City, the "Vice President" of the student union usually has special authority-supervising the students, and has the power to exercise violence to a certain extent.

In schools outside of Academy City, this position is generally called "discipline committee member".

But Academy City already has a unified law enforcement agency called "Disciplinary Committee Member", so the name of this position was changed to "Vice President of Student Union".

As the long point of the five famous schools, there is no need to worry about student discipline, so Ling Xingye, the "vice president", is more responsible for assisting the school security department to protect students and the school.

This is a tailor-made job for Ling Xingye, who is in charge of the third violent law enforcement agency in Academy City.

So Ling Xingye did not refuse.

Watching Ling Xingye leave the meeting room first, the meeting room suddenly exploded.

"Hey, this is different from the plan!" The principal of the university department asked immediately, "Didn't you agree to hand over all the security of the campus to him? Why is it that only your high school family is left?"

The principal of the high school sneered: "Haven't you found out yet? My students are really not interested in these 'chores'!"

According to the school board's plan, they planned to bring Ling Xingye into their own group before the governing council formally took action—that is, to become a director.

Therefore, Ling Xingye is going to be responsible for the security work of all the institutions of Changdian Shangji Education Group, so that he can be recruited into the group in a legitimate way.

But after yesterday's conversation, the principal suddenly realized that Ling Xingye was really not interested in "power" and "politics";

Worried that he would be annoyed, the principal did not propose the plan.

"Tsk, you're giving him a cake, but you still don't appreciate it. Is he really just a child?"

"Now we are asking for help from others, that 'child' does have the right to reject us."

One of the projections, the contemporary leader who took a long time to get on the computer, said: "It's ok, although it didn't go according to our expectations, but things haven't gotten worse. Ling Xingye is still a student of our academy. As long as he wishes, treat him as an ordinary student. Please show common sense and continue to perform your duties as educators."

Back in the class, the morning class has just ended. Before he could say a few words to Shiranui Hitomi, Ling Xingye was called away by Teacher Xingzi again.

Teacher Xingzi didn't care about Ling Xingye's messy identities. In her eyes, Ling Xingye only had one identity—a student!

"Today's lunch is here." Taking the person to his office, Teacher Sachiko pointed to the two takeaways that had already been ordered on the table, "I'm treating you."

"Then thank you, teacher!" Ling Xingye was not polite, and sat down and took his share.

But Teacher Xingzi didn't move his chopsticks together, but stared at Ling Xingye intently from the sidelines.

After a while, Ling Xingye put down the bowl and chopsticks with some embarrassment: "Teacher... what can you do?"

Sachiko-sensei shook her head and smiled, "It's good to see that you are safe and sound."

"It made you worry."

Sachiko-sensei also sat down and started eating. Just when Ling Xingye was relaxing a little, he suddenly said: "Xingye, your attendance rate this semester..."


See you in the picture! Ling Xingye almost spit out the soup.

"Don't be nervous, I know you didn't skip class on purpose, those are force majeure." Teacher Xingzi said, "And you are now level 4, in the school's unspoken rules, there is preferential treatment for high-level superpowers, attendance The number of days can be dealt with.”

"That's good!" Ling Xingye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

Seeing Ling Xingye's sincerely relieved expression, Teacher Xingzi said helplessly: "You, it's really..."

She shook her and smiled gratifiedly: "It hasn't changed at all."

"Of course, no matter what, I'm still your student, teacher."

Teacher Sachiko nodded with satisfaction: "Let's forget about the attendance rate, but in terms of schoolwork..."

"Teacher, please don't worry, Tong has already helped me make up lessons." Ling Xingye made an OK gesture.

"Tsk! Shiranui... you are indeed the class monitor!" In the face of a student who is too talented, the teacher sometimes feels powerless.

"In this case, then do something for me." Sachiko-sensei said suddenly, "It can be considered your job—Xingye, you are the vice president of the student union, right?"

"Teacher, if you have anything to do, just tell me!"

"It's like this. There are two transfer students in our class, but they haven't come to school. So I want you to bring them over."

"It's indeed a matter of discipline." Ling Xingye nodded, "When did our class have a transfer student? I haven't heard of it?"

"The situation is special, and they haven't come to report, so they haven't informed the students in the class yet." Teacher Sachiko showed a headache.

"Okay, I see. Who are they? Where do they live?" Ling Xingye asked.

"I'll find the address for you right away. As for who it is..." Teacher Sachiko paused for a moment, and then said, "Accelerator and Misaka Miho."

"..." Ling Xingye fell into silence, and asked after a while, "The one in front is easy to understand, what does Misaka Meixing mean?"

"Oh, the previous code name was 'Fanwai Individual'—you should know that, right?"

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