The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 773: freshman

"Tsk, I'm Accelerator!" His scarlet eyes swept around, looking disdainfully at all directions in the classroom.

The entire class was silent, and almost every student looked at the legendary number one and strongest superpower with the eyes of a legend.

Accelerator tried his best to restrain himself, and finally turned his attention to Ling Xingye—he suddenly regretted why he agreed to this condition yesterday.

To actually come to attend a class in an ordinary class... This kind of scene has never appeared in Fang Accelerator's mind for even a second before.

Seeing these innocent and simple boys and girls below, Accelerator felt like a wolf strayed into a flock of sheep, out of place.

Of course, he was not the only wolf who got into the flock.

"Hi everyone, I'm Misaka Misei, please give me your advice in the future!" Next to her, the fanwai individual then greeted the students.

Her speech caused a commotion among the students.

Because she is so similar to the "Railgun" Misaka Mikoto—if it weren't for the age difference, people would definitely think that Misaka Mikoto or Misaka 10001 was playing a prank.

Unlike Accelerator who pursues "mysticism", Misaka Mikoto is the most exposed level 5 in Academy City, and almost everyone has seen her appearance.

Therefore, Misaka Misho's appearance immediately grabbed everyone's attention.

According to the "setting" made before, Misaka Miho introduced herself as Misaka Mikoto's cousin-this statement did not arouse doubt.

Because apart from the similar appearance, she and Misaka Mikoto are two people with distinct personalities.

Although she was smiling well, there was an evil and madness that Misaka Mikoto could not have on that pretty face.

People can't help but think of beasts that may violently injure people at any time.

This combination of male and female "transfer students" stood by the podium, bowing respectfully to the whole class.

But it feels like engraving "bad boys and girls" on the forehead.

The classroom fell into a deathly silence, and Sachiko-sensei, who watched this scene, could only let out a silent sigh—ah, is it really too sudden?

After two seconds, under the leadership of Hitomi Shiranui, the students came back to their senses and gave applause to welcome the new students.

The applause stopped quickly, and then the whole class turned their heads to look at Ling Xingye.

If the two new students are delinquent boys and girls, there is also a leader of a delinquent group here! Sure enough, this situation should be left to "professionals" to handle it?

Accelerator and Misaka Miho also looked at Ling Xingye.

"Yo, Starry Night!" Misaka Mihoi greeted with a smile.

"Okay, you all sit down." Ling Xingye had no choice but to come forward, pointing to the vacant seats on both sides of her - this was specially vacated for the two of them.

"Okay, okay!" Teacher Sachiko clapped her hands and stood back on the podium again, "The new classmates have also met, and now the formal class meeting begins..."

After the morning meeting, the curious students started to act immediately.

Even though their posture was a bit scary when they appeared on the stage, people quickly discovered that these two people didn't seem to be that vicious, so people soon surrounded them to make contact.

"I'm not here to play house with the kid!" Fang Accelerator said to Ling Xingye.

At the same time, those students who tried to approach found that they could not get in touch with Accelerator anyway.

"I'm looking for me when I'm doing business." Accelerator put on a pair of glasses, stood up and walked towards the back door of the classroom.

"Huh? Where's the person? Why did he suddenly disappear?" The students around him suddenly exclaimed.

"Did you use your ability to become invisible? You deserve to be the number one superpower user!"

In their eyes, Accelerator had suddenly disappeared just now—right under their noses.

The principle is not difficult to guess, it must be to deflect the light around you to achieve the effect of optical invisibility.

Some "Psychic" superpowers who are good at precise manipulation can do this kind of thing.

After one escaped, the students turned their attention to Misaka Migata.

I don't know what kind of mood is in it, Misaka Miho is very friendly to communicate with the students.

Compared with Accelerator, she seems to really want to be a high school student.

This made Ling Xingye and Shiranui Tong deeply gratified.

Throughout the morning, Accelerator did not show up.

During the lunch break at noon, Ling Xingye found him on the roof.

Nibbling on the bread he bought from the vending machine, Accelerator looked southwest.

Ling Xingye came to his side: "I really can't see that you care so much about that child."

Ling Xingye knew that that direction was where the elementary school of Changdian Shangji Academy was located.

At this moment, the final signal is going to school right there.

— This is one of the conditions for persuading Accelerator to come to class.

Because Accelerator used the excuse that if he came to school by himself, no one would take care of the final signal, so Ling Xingye gave a "package plan" to bring the final signal to the school for class.

But Accelerator wanted to come to the high school, but the final signal was to go to the elementary school. There was a long distance between the two, so of course Accelerator could not agree.

In the end, Mr. Huang Quanchuan convinced him—

"You can't protect her forever, and you can't use protection as an excuse to deprive her of a normal childhood life."

Accelerator finally made a compromise in order to finally signal that he could go to school, live, and make friends like a normal girl.

"Don't worry, for you, I have also taken over the campus security work of the elementary school." Ling Xingye said, "So you should also save face and go back to class."

"Is it necessary to listen to that kind of simple course?" Accelerator dismissed it, "And if you want to, you can quickly master all the knowledge, right? I don't understand you, what's the point of continuing to stay there and take lessons."

"Because I'm a Ling Xingye said, "Going to school, leaving school, doing homework, and taking exams step by step are the 'daily life' I pursue and cherish. "

"Weird!" Yifang Accelerator commented.

"It's not your turn to talk." Ling Xingye said, "By the way, should you come back this afternoon..."

Accelerator interrupted him: "I won't waste my time on those useless classes! Instead of talking about it, should you find a way to install more cameras on the campus? There are too many dead spots, and that brat likes it again." Running around, often out of sight!"

As he spoke, Accelerator pushed his glasses.

"Enough is enough! The purpose of giving you the 'prosthetic eye agent' is to allow you to confirm the safety of the final signal at any time, not to ask you to follow and monitor it 24 hours a day!" Ling Xingye couldn't help complaining.

The pair of glasses that Accelerator is wearing is the terminal of the real-time monitoring system called "Prosthetic Eye Agent".

In order to dispel Accelerator's concerns, Mr. Huang Quanchuan specially borrowed a set of "prosthetic eye agent" from the equipment department of the security force and handed it to him.

The "Prosthetic Eye Proxy" system can invade and retrieve all camera records around the target, including the camera equipment carried by the target itself.

It was through this prop that Accelerator was able to continue to observe the final signal from a distance.

Restricted by the number and angles of cameras, there are often dead angles of view that are not covered by cameras.

That's why Accelerator asked for additional cameras.

"Okay, I'll get a set of 'prosthetic eye agent' and come back to study it." Ling Xingye said.

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