It was a turquoise hill, a vast expanse of grass overgrown with green grass, and the wind of the prairie was blowing in the face, which was both cold and cool.

"To sum up, this is not Rome, the capital of the Empire!"

Matthew had already changed into his psychic costume and cast a completely distrustful look at Dr. Roman, "You've made another mistake, Doctor!"

"No, the destination I'm targeting is obviously within the capital——?" Roman said with a confused expression.

"But in fact, it's hilly, and there's not a single figure around!" Mathieu sighed, "If there were sheep grazing with their heads down, then this would be the perfect farm!"

"Uhhaha... Hawkers,We haven't done many experiments on the transfer of Lingzi.,It's just that the wrong location is still tolerated.,As long as you go to the surrounding towns to investigate.,It's not difficult to go to the capital..."Roman touched the back of his head, and smiled with a weak face.

"Ugh... There is no way, it can only be like this!"

Matthew sighed and looked over at Fujimaru Rika, who was wearing the orange battle suit and looking up at the sky.

"In the sky of this era, there really is that thing!" she said in an unknown tone.

Following her line of sight, Bai Ye saw the huge circle of light in the sky at a glance, which was still as huge as covering the sky, making it unimaginable, how did it be done, was it really not the power of the gods?


Fufu still followed Bai Ye's side, and at this moment she also looked up at the head, staring at the aperture with her jewel-like eyes, and let out a cry of unknown meaning.

Although it was a surprise for Fufu to appear, with the experience of France, Matthew and Fujimaru Rika both quickly accepted this fact.

"So, senior, what voice do we say?~!"

From the other side of the hill came a hoarse cry, which made Matthew stunned, "Is this voice - war?"

"I'm afraid so!" Bai Ye nodded.

The sound came and went, one after another, as if it was the roar of the battlefield when the two armies were fighting, and I didn't notice it when I first came, but once I listened carefully, I could hear it.

"Let's go check it out!" Fujimaru Rika decided.

Several people had no objections, and immediately ran in the direction from which the footsteps came.

After climbing over the hills in front of him, and in the direction of the other side, the three outsiders saw the battlefield fighting on the flat ground.

"On one side, with crimson and gold as the banner, it should be the Roman army, and on the other side... Ahh

Roman was shocked by the intelligence report he had discovered: "It's also the Roman army?!Is there any civil war in Rome in this era?"

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, Bai Ye glanced at the two sides of the battle.

The flag of the army, the armor of the soldiers... Both sides are very similar, and if you don't pay attention to it, you can mistake it for the same army, but there are some differences in subtleties.

Of course, these external distinctions can now be ignored, and most importantly, at this moment, the number of soldiers on both sides of the war is not at all proportionate!

On one side is a large army of people, magnificent and morale, compared to the other side, the number of people is simply pitiful, and it seems as if it can only resist under that army-

No, it is not accurate to use the word "stubborn resistance", if you want to say why, the seriously disadvantaged side, every soldier did not flinch in the eyes, and there was only a firm belief in moving forward and fighting bravely.

"What a formidable army!" Matthew said in amazement.

Such an army, even if it is at a disadvantage, does not despair, and may still yearn for victory, and what gives them such an iron will, if you look closely, you can find that it is their leading general-

"That's ——?!," Hakuno couldn't help but be surprised.

The one who led the disadvantaged army was not a brave general, but a girl, just a red swordsman girl with a sword.

It was a girl dressed in a crimson dress like a dance costume, holding a strangely shaped long sword, with golden hair and green eyes, and a slightly smaller body, which was seven or eight points similar to King Arthur's saber that Shirano and the others had seen in Fuyuki City.

It's just that the xiong circumference is completely opposite, very high and eye-catching, not only that, but the dress on her body is also very bold, and the front and legs of the xiong seem to be transparent, showing an extraordinary charm.

At this moment, the red swordsman girl was holding the long sword, and her whole body was exuding magic comparable to the level of a servant, and she was crisscrossing and coming and going freely among the enemy army.

Just looking at it like this, people can also feel the swordsman girl's unrestrained, dazzling charm like the sun, heroic, decisive, and with a strong confidence that makes people can't take their eyes off.

As if they had seen her as a pillar, the soldiers were led by her, each of them fighting bravely to kill the enemy, causing blood and severed limbs to fly on the battlefield.

"It's obviously a human girl (the king's Zhao), but she has the magic of the Servant level, and she also shows the skills of leadership that only a Servant can have?"

Roman was almost dumbfounded, and the talent displayed by the girl almost subverted the common sense of magicians.

The leadership buff that makes followers kill the enemy with determination alone is already extremely foul, plus the magic of even more fouling... If it weren't for Sheba's failure to observe the Servant's reaction, Roman would have suspected that she was a Servant.

"What are we going to do?" looked at the entangled battlefield, and Matthew hesitated a little hard.

"Do you need to say that?"

Bai Ye just said this, that is, he directly stepped out of the crowd, jumped up, and fell in the direction of the battlefield, his eyes reflected the figure of the red swordsman girl.

"—to help, of course!"

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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