The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1232: Heavy infantry in battle

The flames of war burned the entire Jerusalem, and over the city without water and electricity, only the flares that rose from time to time brought a little light to the city caught in the flames of war. August 1 Chinese <<﹤<<≦≤≦

In the old city, fierce wars are constantly being staged on this scorched land.

Just grab the gravel on the ground, there are a lot of explosive shrapnel in it. On this land that has been ruthlessly ravaged by artillery for several hours, there are countless traces of war and shell shrapnel.

Two fearless armies fought in such a place, and the war had entered a white-hot stage from the very beginning.

The battle for the periphery of the old city lasted for more than half an hour, and the battle continued.

After the obstacles near the periphery were destroyed in half an hour of battle, the tank rushed in, and the situation on the battlefield immediately changed significantly.

Dozens of tanks from the Tiger Camp quickly approached the streets of the old city, fighting infantry on the ground, providing powerful artillery cover and destroying the wreckage of the building where Israeli soldiers evaded.

The pressure on the Israeli army suddenly skyrocketed. Although there still seemed to be a steady stream of troops, braving artillery support from various places in the old city, they could only barely use their lives to fill the vacancies in the line of defense.

On the other hand, the offensive troops did not advance rashly, but used the cover of tanks to shoot at the Israeli soldiers in the ruins of the building.

This kind of attack that is not much offensive is more like an effective killing of Israeli forces, but for the offense, there is no benefit.

However, behind the Tiger Camp, a whole row of armed mining vehicles came toward the battlefield neatly. The places where the armed mining vehicle convoy passed were all tightly sealed off, and no one approached the convoy.

In front of the convoy, there was also an armored car that looked very strange. The body of the armored car itself is not surprising. The eight-wheeled wheeled armored car just looks a little bigger than the ordinary armored car.

The body also looks relatively flat, and the strangest thing is that on the body of this armored car, there is a huge circular tube, which looks like a huge bucket, the layout is a bit like a missile. Section thruster.

The entire body, only near the front of the car, has a machine gun as an offensive and defensive weapon, and the others are completely invisible.

At this moment, the convoy stopped three kilometers away from the battlefield. This strange armored vehicle was lined up in front of the convoy passing by.

The armed mining vehicles that stopped all came to a halt. The side of the enclosed carriage slowly opened upwards and folded on the top of the carriage.

In the night, four tall figures jumped down from the opened carriage, and the door of the carriage closed again.

Ten armed mining vehicles, ten bullfrog vehicles, a typical combat formation of heavy infantry platoons.

Forty heavily armed infantrymen stepped on the road and walked towards the bullfrog vehicle ahead.

Two of the crew members on the bullfrog vehicle got off, and the projectile tube on it slowly raised.

The heavy infantry who lined up stood under the shooting barrel in turn, allowing the round shooting barrel to load themselves in.

For the heavy infantry entering the shooting barrel, the stabilizing device on both arms is connected to the track in the shooting barrel.

The shooting tube tilted toward the old city in the distance, and a brief blue light flashed in the shooting tube in the dark night.

"The storage is complete, the system is connected, and the ejection coordinates are confirmed. Confirm whether to eject?"

"Confirm the ejection."

The heavy infantry, weighing more than a ton, was ejected from the shooting tube like an electromagnetic cannon shell. Ten bullfrog vehicles and ten heavy infantry flew into the night sky at the same time.

The tall body of the heavily loaded infantry quickly slashed across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they were already close to the Israeli battlefield in the old city.

The Israeli soldiers who were at war did not yet know what was going on. He heard a whistling sound in his ears, and there were six dull sounds on the battlefield at the same time.

This sound was not the sound of a cannonball, and there was no explosion, but it was certain that something came from the other side.

A flare rose, and what appeared to the Israeli soldiers was that behind their defense line, ten figures nearly three meters tall had raised their weapons.


I don't know who shouted, after landing, the heavy infantry had already launched an attack on them.

Two heavy firearms and two revolver guns under the arms quickly spun, and a dense rain of death bullets brought a large amount of blood mist from behind the Israeli soldiers' defense line.

The other eight heavy infantrymen also moved to a high degree, and the automatic rifles in their hands were also constantly locked to aim and shoot.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of air strikes were cleared out of the Israeli defense line.

In the sky, the armed helicopters of the 6th Air Brigade belonging to the Marin Division’s air assault brigade also appeared on the battlefield once again. Together with the heavy infantry on the ground, they began a fierce attack on the Israeli soldiers on the first line of defense.

The dense rockets landed on the first line of defense, which once again plunged Israel's entire line of defense into a sea of ​​flames.

With the help of gunship helicopters, ten heavily armed infantry immediately rushed to the first line of defense that was almost destroyed.

Among the entire two rows of building ruins, the Israeli soldiers were all a little confused.

There is no safe place in the front and back flanking.

The tiger camp in front of also charged at the same time. The tanks crushed the collapsed gap and ruins of the building, and the infantry followed.

At this time, the second batch of heavy infantry also fell, and immediately pressed against the first line of defense that was about to collapse.

Among the wreckage of the building near the collapse, many of the remaining Israeli soldiers also adjusted immediately, and the grass-roots officers kept shouting orders to counterattack.

Taking advantage of the previous firepower gap, the heavy infantry had rushed into the first line of defense, and soon broke into the nearest three buildings guarded by Israeli soldiers.

The three buildings are divided into front and rear, arranged in a pattern like a large opening, which is heavily guarded by Israeli soldiers.

The structure of the building is very tenacious. After being attacked by a lot of artillery fire, the main body of the building is still very strong, without even tilting.

When the heavy infantry rushed into the three unit buildings, they were immediately attacked.

Dense bullets hit the outer armor of the heavy-loaded infantry, and the flattened bullet head fell to the ground. When the bullet hits, there was a dense tinkling sound. (To be continued.)

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