The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1293: Unprepared america

The various United Nations conventions can restrict most countries, but in the years of war, let alone a country that is about to be defeated, it may not even have the slightest binding force. August 1 Chinese≤﹤

This is what Cai Ruichen is currently worried about. A nuclear explosion in space is really too difficult to defend.

The distance between Israel and Iraq, as long as Israeli missiles leave the atmosphere, they can detonate immediately.

There is no time left for the Red Police Corps to intercept. Even the mid-stage anti-missile interception may not be in time.

So far, the Red Police Corps has also been trying to find out those Israeli nuclear missiles that have never been known.

According to some one-sided intelligence, Israeli ground nuclear missiles are mainly composed of two parts.

One is a mobile launch unit. Some of the Jericho-3 missiles used solid fuel and were placed on the launch vehicle for camouflage mobile launch.

The other part is the construction of fixed shooting wells. When Israel started long-range missiles, it also used liquid fuel. Liquid fuel missiles would not be placed on the launch vehicle.

Therefore, there must be fixed shooting wells. However, unlike the United States and Russia, Israel’s nuclear shooting wells have always had no information at all.

Unlike the United States and Russia, how many injection wells there are and where they are located, in fact, all countries already have detailed relevant information.

Israel is completely different. Israel’s nuclear missiles have always been carried out in secret, never acknowledged, and never shown to the outside world.

The location of those shooting wells is more like quite hidden, even the United States is not very clear.

These wells may be in the yard of an Israeli farmhouse, or they may be in the depressions, or even directly in the city.

One thing is certain, these wells are not deployed separately, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve unified coordination and confidentiality.

Because of the sensitivity and sensitivity of nuclear weapons, if they were not deployed in a unified manner, even if they were hidden deeply, it would be impossible to keep a trace of their feet under the countless eyes of the world.

For the Red Police Corps, if Israel really builds all the fixed shooting wells in the same area, then this would be a good thing.

But if you never find this place, it's no use knowing more.

And this is different from the submarine base in Haifa. Before, it was able to lock a rough range, and it could be locked to a certain area of ​​the city.

However, there is absolutely no information on the nuclear launch well and the location of the Israeli secret nuclear missile force.

Although Israel is not big, it is really difficult to find such a small and hidden target.

Faced with nuclear weapons, they cannot help but find them. Therefore, a large number of special forces operating in the rear of Israel also shoulder the mission of finding Israeli nuclear missile forces.

The war has passed for so long, and there is still no gain.

Destroying the Israeli submarine force only solved a small problem in a big trouble. As long as Israel has nuclear weapons for one day, Cai Ruichen is a little uneasy.

Previously, in the simulations of the base, every end was a failure in the Israeli nuclear strike.

The danger of Israeli nuclear weapons has always been unforgettable by Cai Ruichen.

Therefore, in the coming time, Cai Ruichen will still not relax his search and vigilance against Israeli nuclear weapons.

On the battlefield, the 2nd Heavy Equipment Division had already been fully deployed in Tel Aviv and began military occupation of Israeli towns and cities around Tel Aviv.

The results of the base's assessment of Tel Aviv soon appeared. During these three days, Tel Aviv was quite calm, without any fighting.

The base also recognized Cai Ruichen's ownership of this area. After the base determined that Cai Ruichen had already occupied this place, the effect of the mind controller also began to work on this land.

The gradually induced changes in thinking, like a silent spring breeze, spread silently around Tel Aviv.

It takes at least one month from the beginning of the mind controller to the initial effect, and this process cannot be interrupted.

Cai Ruichen needs to maintain the dominance of this place. Once this place is recaptured by the Israeli army's counterattack, the role of the mind controller will immediately disappear. Cai Ruichen needs to reoccupy and evaluate it again.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen needs to expand the results of the battle, and need to continuously expand the area of ​​his own dominant power, so as to ensure the influence of the mind controller and be able to continue stably.

And the mind controller also has a powerful function. Once the mind controller starts to work, the people in this area, even if they are not pleasing to the occupier, will not resist or do damage.

With this guarantee, the Red Police Corps will also be able to relax a lot. There is no need to worry about their rear, nor do they need to worry about being caught in the Israeli People's War.

This is also another method used by Cai Ruichen to destroy the Israelis. As long as they don’t fall into the quagmire of the Israeli war, the war can end within the planned period.

At present, all of this is proceeding according to Cai Ruichen's plan. So far, the area controlled by the Israeli army has been cut off from the outside world.

The Red Police Corps completed its first strategic goal and formed a huge strategic encirclement of the Israeli army.

Cutting off all lines and connections between the Israeli army and the outside world has also completely cut off all Israeli channels for obtaining foreign materials.

On the coastline and on the ground, there is no place where materials can be delivered to For those black markets or hidden smuggling channels, if anyone dares to smuggle things to Israel, Cai Ruichen will not have any Your kindness.

Any country, force, or individual that helps Israel will be the enemy of the Islamic Federation.

There is no need to be kind to the enemy.

The Israeli army in the encirclement soon felt that the small days began to become sad.

The army began to strictly control the release of rations, which made many soldiers understand that the future might not be easy.

Israel also sought assistance from the United States for the first time, hoping that the US Air Force could airdrop some supplies into Israel.

But the United States refused. The current high-level attitude is vacillating, and the military does not dare to call the shots without authorization. What's more, if the airdrop of supplies to Israel will completely overturn the Iraq-Syrian Federation, the United States has not yet made such preparations.

(To be continued.)

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