The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1318: Radiation engineer

PS: From noon yesterday to this morning, there have been continuous lightning and thunderstorms, and there was a power outage again this morning.

The electricity hasn't come yet, maybe only these three chapters, everyone understands forgive me!


After Cai Ruichen stood up, other countries all quickly sent chemical defense troops to take a transport plane to Washington in the United States.

This kind of virus is terrible. Its impact is no longer just a matter of the United States, it has already affected the security of the whole world.

The United States has not released specific information about this virus, and all countries are worried whether this virus will spread indefinitely? Will it be contagious?

All these things have to be cared about, and the United States has not refused to send chemical defense personnel.

The United States itself is well aware of the horror of the Satan virus, and hopes to really unite the world's technology to solve this big problem.

As for whether it can save people, after seeing the report of the No. 5 virus, the top US officials have completely lost the slightest hope.

Let Cai Ruichen's speech appear in the United States, but also hope to use Cai Ruichen and the reputation of Future Technology Group to give the people a little confidence.

In fact, the United States really does not have the slightest hope. Instead of going into chaos, it is better for those people to go through the last three days.

But Cai Ruichen didn't think so. Three global transport planes departed from Marin as soon as possible, and they also carried the hope of Washingtonians.

At this moment, all three global transport aircraft have entered the sky over the Mediterranean Sea, and their speed has always been maintained at subsonic speed. Such flight is a very severe test for the transport aircraft's engines.

However, the speed of the three transport planes has never been lowered, and has always been maintained at the speed of one thousand two hundred kilometers per hour.

Five hours later, the U.S. Air Force's tanker will meet with three global transport aircraft in a designated area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean to provide air refueling for the three global transport aircraft.

Then three global transport planes will fly directly to Washington and land directly in the US Air Force base near Washington.

In the three transport planes, all were radiation engineers.

(Offensive and defensive) Radiation Engineers: Red Police senior arms, professional soldiers, are naturally immune to all viruses, and can switch between defense and attack states.

Defense status: Professionals dedicated to chemical radiation defense. They have almost no combat effectiveness on the battlefield. They have heavy protective clothing that allows them to go deep into virus proliferation areas or nuclear radiation areas for chemical defense operations. They are equipped with special disinfection drugs and equipment. Let combat troops have no worries about chemical protection, and they can also go deep into plague or virus areas to perform disinfection operations, or complete the task of destroying chemical weapons.

Attack status: Arrange a temporary super-killing virus area, which can kill all enemies who enter this area. The special absolutely lethal virus can quickly remove virus residue and damage, and it can also permanently arrange the virus area.

At present, it can be recruited, it needs 10,000 base funds, and it takes 30 minutes.

Ability: anti-biochemical, nuclear radiation, anti-biochemical virus, anti-natural virus...


Cai Ruichen didn't know whether the radiation engineers of the Red Police Corps could deal with the No. 5 virus. The radiation engineers read the information on the No. 5 virus and were not sure.

You need to learn about the virus yourself, and you will have an answer.

Cai Ruichen also only hoped that the radiation engineers could also drop some people. This was not for fame, but just to make his heart feel better.

After all, if there are not a few of the lives of more than 20 million people, it would be too tragic.

Of course, as Cai Ruichen said before, no matter whether he can save some people or not, he is just doing everything he wants.

As for the U.S. official defense to himself, Cai Ruichen did not rush to refute and respond, and let Gaddafi and Bin Laden leave the United States before talking.

At that time, with the supporting evidence of the two of them, it can also give the US government a fatal lore.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen is also very vigilant, it is best not to involve himself in this matter.

At the same time, in New York, USA, Obama and Bama finished their national televised speeches and looked at the report in their hands with serious faces.

In the report, the CIA received a very suspicious piece of information before the attack. There was only one piece of intelligence, and that was that someone was planning to continue making terrorist attacks in the United States.

The target of the attack was the North American Air Defense Command.

The target of the attack was still the U.S. military, and the targets were exactly the same type as the two previous attacks.

And this premeditated terrorist attack was all arrested by the CIA before the other side had started.

Austria and Bama have detailed reports on their actions. All the people who planned and participated in this attack were white.

And everyone is an employee of the Future Technology Group in the United States, and each of them was a security guard belonging to the Future Technology Group industry.

Each of them has very good skills, and during the arrest process, several CIA arresters were sacrificed.

The content of this report all pointed to the Future Technology Group, which made Austria and Bama's brows deeply twisted together.

In the previous attack on the West Point Military Academy, the attacker was a Jew and pointed to Israel.

Now, in a failed attack, the identity of the attacker points to the Future Technology Group.

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated, but one thing is certain. There must be a certain relationship between the two previous attacks and the current failed attack.

Now, whether it is Israel or the Islamic Federation, in the eyes of Austria and Bama, there are suspicions. Otherwise, why would it point to these two countries that are the most sensitive in the attitude of the United States at this moment?

Those who were caught, under the interrogation of the CIA, all accounted, and the intelligence also clearly pointed out that it was indeed instigated by the Future Technology Group.

During the interrogation, the most advanced polygraph used by the CIA also used interrogation potions to ensure that the information given by these people is true.

But seeing this report, Austria and Bama didn't believe it very much. He always felt that it was not simple.

If these attacks were really instigated by Cai Ruichen behind, everything seems to make sense, but it still makes people unable to be completely convinced.

The attack on the West Point Military Academy was to frame Israel and prevent the United States from participating in the war.

But what was the attack against the CIA?

In particular, the last failed attack was a farce in the eyes of Austria and Bama. From the tight organization of the previous two attacks, without the slightest noise, it must have been so easily cracked for the third time.

In his opinion, this is more like someone deliberately creating a fog, directing the direction of the investigation to Cai Ruichen, while avoiding being investigated. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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