The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 388: Request troops

ps: After the tenth change is over, the monthly pass will be increased to 470 monthly passes.


Cai Ruichen has heard a saying since he was a child, that is, wherever a pig is pulled, it is a pig, and wherever a talent is, it is also a talent.

The soldiers of the Red Police Corps, even if the weapons in their hands are burning fire g, can also burst out with powerful combat effectiveness.

However, even if an Iraqi soldier holds a submachine gun, its combat effectiveness is not much different from holding a fire g.

This is the so-called gap, which is the most basic relationship between talent and weaponry.

A good weapon and equipment, in fact, how effective the war, in addition to looking at the effectiveness of this weapon, but also depends on who is in the hands of this weapon.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen did not dare to say everything, because the Iraqi government forces are really worrying.

At that time, don't be like the Iraqi government blaming the US military, saying that it is weakening the weapon before selling it to yourself.

That was really wrong, and Cai Ruichen didn't want to bear such an unjust wrong.

Moreover, if the Rhino tank does not break out of combat effectiveness in the hands of the Iraqi government forces, it will also affect the developer and manufacturer of this weapon, which is the face of the Future Technology Group.

So even if he intends to sell the Rhino tank to the Iraqi government forces, Cai Ruichen is also conditional.

He didn't want to see that the rhino tank he sold, like those m1a1s, penetrated into the heavy ISIS troops, and then was directly blasted by various artillery fires in isolation.

This is a desecration of the use of tanks, and it is completely destroying one's own tank.

"If the Iraqi government forces want to purchase this tank, it must be trained by our system, and it will take at least half a year to be able to enter the battlefield." This is Cai Ruichen's request, a very simple request.

Of course, training also requires money, and it is impossible to help the Iraqi government forces train soldiers for free, and he is not taken advantage of.

Only after hearing Cai Ruichen's words, the excitement on Obedi's face cooled down, and Anders on the side opened his mouth: "We plan to end the Fallujah battle within a month."

"Then there is no way. Although at this time, I can at least provide the Iraqi government with the equipment of two armored battalions, but it is impossible for their soldiers to learn to make this tank in this time." Cai Ruichen He shook his head very simply. In such a period of time, it would be impossible for the Iraqi government forces to have the fighting power to recover Fallujah.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's words, Anders nodded. He can also understand, but now the outside world has begun to talk about Fallujah's battle that lasted for two months.

Many people are saying that the joint air force does not send troops, so the battle in Fallujah should also end as soon as possible.

As the chief of staff of the United Air Force, he is under pressure. After all, he is not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. Now the United Air Force has encountered a group of pig teammates.

"So the Joint Air Force Command hopes that the Marin Division can be dispatched to participate in the Battle of Fallujah. In the name of the Iraqi government forces, as for the military expenses, all military expenses will be paid by the Iraqi government." Anders said.

Cai Ruichen heard the words and was silent for a long time. He hadn't really thought about this proposal.

After all, in his opinion, Fallujah’s battle is all about the Iraqi government forces, and has nothing to do with the Future Technology Group.

With the city of Samarra now, the Future Technology Group does not have the time and energy to face the Islamic State armed forces in Fallujah.

If this proposal was made from the mouth of the Iraqi government, he might immediately reject it.

But this is from Anders' mouth. It's worth thinking about it.

"Does this mean the coalition forces or the Iraqi government?"

"This is the meaning of the coalition forces, because the coalition forces are currently mainly focusing on the Islamic State armed forces in Syria. These two months. The Fallujah battle has caused the coalition forces to waste a lot of energy." Anders said.

"It's just that the military expenditure is not enough. At present, our strength is not sound, and there are Marin Town and Samarra to protect. If we deploy our troops to Fallujah to help, our own strength will become weak. Our risk is very high. Big." Cai Ruichen did not say whether he agreed or disagree. It's just a difficulty.

The meaning is very obvious, and support is not impossible, but the risks we need to bear are not small.

In addition, the Islamic State is obsessed with the Future Technology Group, which is also known to the whole world. If the troops here are diverted and the Islamic State troops are taking advantage of it, wouldn’t it be dangerous?

Of course, to put it more bluntly, you can send troops if you want, but I take a lot of risk and don't have enough chips. Don't try to convince me.

If only paying for the military expenses, Cai Ruichen would not throw it away. If he wanted to send troops, why should he let the Iraqi government speak, and seized the opportunity to capture Fallujah.

"This matter can still be discussed, and the coalition will not let the future technology group suffer." The Americans are already very familiar with the distribution of benefits.

Sharing the interests of the Middle East involves the distribution of interests every time. Americans are already very skilled in this regard.

"The coalition needs our help. This is natural, but if we don't have certain benefits, we won't take huge risks. After all, we are still focusing on construction." Cai Ruichen emphasized very bluntly.

Obedi next to him heard the words, the unpleasant color on his face was very obvious. In his opinion, Cai Ruichen was completely toasting and not eating or punishing wine.

It's just that he also knows very well that the Iraqi government forces are really unable to recover Fallujah within a month.

There are more than 20,000 elite troops armed by the Islamic State, as well as some hidden tanks and armored vehicles, which are very powerful.

Even if the Iraqi government forces have the support of the combined air, the Islamic State armed forces are very shrewd and will not release those good equipment to the air force to bomb them.

The time of each operation of the joint air force is fixed, as if it is a routine work every day. This has long been pulsed by the Islamic State armed forces.

Every time before these Air Force fighters arrive, they will hide all the good equipment, and then they will reappear after the fighters leave.

This is why the Islamic State armed forces have been able to maintain strong combat effectiveness and combat morale.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the joint air force is a bit passive and sabotaged because the combat units below are not really their own, similar to the task of coping.

Even if it is not at the level of no effort, but the daily routine time bombing, the effect is actually the same.

Of course, there is another reason. The main combat direction of the joint air force is in Syria, and not all of them are helping the Iraqi government forces to attack Fallujah.

Otherwise, it is not necessary to come here to let Master Malin take action. To be continued. Enable new URL

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