The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 1118: Miami, who is obviously strong but still wants to strengthen

The latest website: Chapter 1118 Miami, who is obviously strong but still wants to strengthen

"...I plan to rebuild the squad, only benj, Dell and David are not for sale."

That's a remark from Louie that caused a stir at the press conference.

Keeping only benj, Dell, and David, does that mean everyone else might be traded?

"Isn't Scottie Pippen not for sale?"

After Wilson took Pippen, Louie also thought about including Pippen in his future plans, but he gave up.

Because Pippen has a history of contending for the boss, and, like Robinson, he is a veteran of the showtime Lakers.

If Louie wants to build his team, he has to use his players as much as possible.

Pippen is not very good either in the nature of the mind or the plasticity of the future.

It just so happened that this year Pippen played one of the best performances of his career under Zhao Yuanzheng, and it was when the transaction value was the highest.

Hearing the L.A. reporter's question, Louie kept smiling and repeated, "Only benj, Dale and David are not for sale."

The hardest hit was, of course, Pippen.

Played for the Lakers for many years, but in the end, he had to be cleaned.

"I have always been a loyal person. It is also my wish to play for the Lakers until I retire. Now the team's goals are not consistent with my personal plans. I am sorry. In the end, this is all business."

Players are most awake when they are being traded or about to be traded.

There is no better time for them to understand that players are essentially commodities, that when you are useful, the team will list you as not for sale, and when the team does not need you, you are a commodity that can be sold at will.

Loyalty is a good thing, but one-way loyalty often doesn't work out well.

What Louis did not expect was that Pippen was so free and easy on the surface, but secretly called Wilson and yelled at the decision makers.

Pippen did not name names, but everyone knows who the Lakers' top decision-maker is.

"Why did he scold me?"

Louie wanted to feel Pippen's hatred for him.

"I can't say those words." Wilson decided to change the subject. "But I'm glad you're back, coach."

Louie speculated maliciously: "I think you're happier that the Knicks lost?"

"Nothing, I don't pay attention to New York at all."


"Coach, let's talk about the new season."

Wilson has said he just wants to play under Louie.

But when Louie was off, he had to play for others.

Now that Louie is back and is still his head coach, no one is more excited.

"We do have to rebuild, but it won't last long, maybe a year, maybe two years, we'll be competitive again soon." Louie gave Wilson a hint, "I'm going to build a team in Los Angeles with the Knicks. A completely different team."

"I'm honored to be a part of it," Wilson said immediately.

"I need you, benj, this team can't be without you."

"I've been waiting for this day to come!"

Louie and Wilson made up their minds and went to work on other things.

David Robinson is expected to take 10 months to recover, but Louie believes his real return timeline will be longer.

Dale Ellis is carefree, and when he decides he's not for sale, he's already thinking about how to organize the offseason.

However, there was an unexpected situation that Louis did not expect.

Vlad Divac, who is not for sale, told the Lakers through his agent not to trade him.

Players threaten teams not to trade themselves?

Divac's bargaining chip is his career.

He claimed that if traded, he would choose to retire, leaving the Lakers with nothing.

It was Jerry West who was tormented by his threats.

West had to reassure Divac and let him understand that personnel changes are the norm in professional basketball, and that trading may make his career better.

In fact, Louie wants to keep Divac, because there are not many support centers like him.

The premise of trading Divac is to get another support-type insider. If he can't get it, Divac will stay with the Lakers.

In this year's finals, the Blazers seemed to be back in 1992.

That year was the peak of Jordan and Barkley, who fought the Knicks in seven **** games.

Now, the Blazers are much older than they were then, but still have two trusted superstars.

However, after the Knicks, it seems that the Heat, who have broken their hearts, are not going to play the full seven games with the Blazers, who have two dominant players.

In game 6, Ralph Sampson led the Heat to a 122-118 victory over the Blazers with a comprehensive performance of 42 points, 12 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 blocks.

4 to 2

The seven-year-old Miami Heat won their first championship on the road.

Lewis Shafir sprinted down the player corridor like a madman with a sudden illness.

Sampson can finally get rid of the shadow of Bird and Thomas and announce to the world that he is a champion center at the level of Russell, Chamberlain, Walton and Abdul-Jabbar.

Sampson's first championship was 14 years after his sixth.

There was a gap of 9 years between his first fmvp trophy and his second fmvp trophy.

For the past eleven years, he's been recognized as the No. 1 center in the league.

Even this year, Sampson, who was only selected for the third team, is still the strongest No. 5 in the subconscious of many fans.

It's the same way people in the 2020s always felt that James was still the strongest.

Their peak lasted so long that it was difficult for everyone to accept that they were not the one at the top.

"My career has been great enough, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with, I can only win the championship at this age, and I can only be grateful."

Sampson is probably the most popular elder in history, with a humbling personality and a humble conversation, just like... Wilson.

Does anyone care about the overall runner-up this year?

Jordan lost again.

It was his fifth overall runner-up after 1988.

Only Tragic, Kareem, Baylor, and West have lost more finals than him in NBA history.

However, among those people, only Baylor did not have a championship.

If, strictly speaking, Baylor also played for the Lakers in 1972, he would have gotten a ring with no gold in it.

So Jordan is the only player in history who has lost five Finals without a ring.

Facing the Blazers' brutal flank this year, the 32-year-old Jordan still averaged 35 points per game, while his partner Olajuwon also dominated the interior with 30 points and 14 rebounds per game. However, The Heat are the better team.

Sampson just needs to dump all the gas in the gas tank in a crucial game to win the championship for them.

Interestingly, Jordan's sixth runner-up also pushed Lu Wuxia to the limit of his patience with his name.

He didn't want to be called Michael anymore when he died.

"I don't want to be a loser like mj!" Lu Wuxia cried blindly in front of his mother.

"Don't cry baby, you can call it whatever you want. Mom will promise you." Lorraine couldn't resist his son's cry.

At the time, Louis was just sitting on the side and snickering.

For the next few years, he would get mad whenever someone called Flawless by the name "Michael."

But what English name should I choose?

If he was still a kid, parents could certainly make decisions for him, but he's now the No. 1 U11 in Los Angeles, the top player in the nation's youth basketball, and the tragic's favorite future star—it's always been that way. Introduce yourself, he is as narcissistic as Lorraine - so should have the right to decide what his name is.

Later, Wilson made a slip of the tongue and called "wuxia" into "wish", and it became, although this is not an official name, but at least a nickname that can replace "Michael".

Although Louie thought it was weird, until the boy thought about what English name he wanted, just let him be.

Once the season is over, it's time for a busy season for management.

The Blazers were the first team to break the news.

Pat Riley, who is currently serving as general manager, has terminated the contract of "X-Men" Xavier McDaniel.

At the same time, the team's veteran Larry Nance announced his retirement.

Anthony Mason, who has one year left on his contract, is on the shelf.

Then came the news of the Celtics, who announced that the team legend Karl will be the head coach of the new season.

This past season, the Celtics had completely put down their dynasty ego, went to the lottery with the league's worst record, and then took the third overall pick in the first round.

This result, although not the best, is satisfactory enough.

Still, Louie was surprised by their operation.

Let Karl be the coach, what about Bird? Are the Celtics going to keep him as a front office mascot and a useless advisor?

The first person to call Louis was Lewis Shafir, who had a strong sense of urgency despite the fact that the team was already strong.

" Isn't this the best general manager of the year, why do you have time to call me, is it that the speech of the championship celebration will not be written and want to borrow my draft for reference?"

Louis mocked Shafir innocently.

Shafir said solemnly, "Coach Lu, let's talk about a business."

"No, Lewis, don't you want to strengthen and give other teams a way to survive?"

Shafir was very calm: "I have to help Miami win a few more championships before the Lakers rise."

Louis had to ask, "Then what do you want?"

"Clyde Drexler single for Scottie Pippen, do you think it's okay, Coach Lu?"

Louie couldn't help laughing: "300ml of Pepsi for 500ml of Coca-Cola, do you think it's okay?"


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