The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 178: humiliated the score difference of 1 whole city

What's it like to lose 40 points at halftime?

For Dick Motta, the experience is definitely not good. He even skipped the part of shaking hands with Louis, and he did not accept half-time interviews and went straight into the tunnel.

42 to 82

The Mavericks suffered the most humiliating halftime in franchise history.

"Coach Lu, how do you... evaluate the game in the first half?" There were only local media in Dallas, and interviewing Lui was a difficult task for them.

Who can feel better when their own team is beaten like this in their own home.

Moreover, Motta has repeatedly criticized Louis.

Either way, it's embarrassing.

"The Mavericks are very tenacious. I thought they would lose 50 points at first, but you see, they only lost 40 points under the leadership of Coach Mota." The reporter's face darkened as soon as Louis' words came out, "They won my respect."

"Thank you Coach Lu for accepting our interview."

"Actually, you can ask a few more questions, because I'm not in a hurry to go back to the locker room." Louie didn't seem to be tortured enough.

"no thank you."

"Really? I mean, a rare opportunity."

"Coach Lu, we won't take up your time anymore."

"Do you usually occupy less? Why are you so polite today? Don't be polite to me, isn't this taking me as an outsider?"

Co-author or your own...?

Seeing that the reporter was so angry that his mouth was crooked, Louis knew that the other party would not ask him any more questions, so he pulled away and went back to the locker room.

"I thought that winning the opponent by 40 points would not be completed until the end of the game. It seems that I underestimated you."

Louie didn't make the locker room noisy.

Now that he has won 40 points, he will not be satisfied with it. Isn't life all about climbing the peak? At least for now, winning 58 points is a very feasible goal.

"We have to continue to win and not give them a chance to breathe, because their coaches are very disrespectful to your dear head coaches, which is me." Louis is very confident in his image in the hearts of the players, "I believe You were also very angry when you heard those words."

"Not at all." Byrd immediately took down the stage, "It's more my heart than a Woody Allen movie."

Louie said disgustingly, "Larry, Larry, I didn't expect you to like that pedophile, it just refreshed my understanding of you again."

The locker room was fried.

The black people sneered: Sure enough, that **** Woody Allen is not a good thing.

White people screaming: Is Woody Allen a pedophile? What evidence is there?

"I don't have proof, but I remember him saying in interviews that we wouldn't be surprised if we saw him fall in love with a 13-year-old girl. Isn't that a hint of his ugly, despicable fetish?" Louie asked.

Jones saw that the topic was going to go wrong: "We still have business to do."

"Right, right!" Louie said, "You bastards, you made me forget about business! Especially you, hillbilly! Don't think I'll thank you for your final three-pointer!"

"You're welcome," Bird said deadpan. "You still owe me $3,000."

"Can someone who earns a salary of 600,000 a year not be so preoccupied with it?"

"Want to repay?"

Seeing that Louis was about to write a check on the spot, he stopped him again: "The business is important, Lu."

Louis held the pen tightly. "Do you think there is anything more important than a country bumpkin who is stingy enough to be despised by the bartender, short-sighted enough to be laughed at by a homeless person, and taken advantage of by Reed's madness?"

Trembling, he let go of Louis.

Louie gave Byrd the check.

He accepted it with joy, the kind that was overjoyed.

Then, Louis said relaxedly: "Now, let's get down to business."

"Damn, he should be an actor, the expression changes, it's amazing." Ranbir whispered to the people around him.

Carl echoed: "Who said no? What a pervert."

"Damn, I like watching him change his face..." Ranbir was muttering and suddenly heard Louie's roar, "Bill, do you think I can't hear you barking if you keep quiet?"

Selling teammates, for Laimbeer, is only suitable or not.

When the time is right, it's good for him, can help him share the pressure, and he sells his teammates.

"Report to the coach, mlc complains that you are moody, I can't help speaking up for you!" Ranbir deliberately didn't breathe, his face flushed, and he looked like he was being treated as a bad person when he did good deeds.

"wtf!" Carl yelled, glaring at Ranbir, "You bastard!"

"Shut up!" Almost fainted. The half-time break is almost over, and the game plan for the second half has not been mentioned yet.

Just as Louis was about to talk about the layout of the second half, the staff in front came to remind: "You can prepare to return to the scene to warm up and prepare for the second half."

"Damn it, it's all your fault for making me waste so much time!" Louis said angrily.

Everyone's faces were gloomy and uncertain, and they didn't need to communicate. Everyone obviously had a consensus on the culprit of wasting time.

"Our goal is to expand the lead. This can be done without tactics, but the more this is the case, the more tactics are needed. I don't want to see you play the second half sloppily." Louis became serious in a second, in order to hurry up , The speed is still very fast, "I have a preliminary idea about the start of the second half."

Louie had a starting lineup he had never used before.

It can be said that he is reorganizing, and it can also be said that he has despised the Mavericks' inside line. In short, this is not a regular lineup.

Center: Bird.

Power forward: Maxwell.

Small forward: Sampson.

Shooting guard; Long.

Point guard; Thomas.

To let Bird play the center is already a highly insulting arrangement, and to let Sampson play the small forward is even more contempt for the Mavericks' flank.

More specifically, the humiliation of Mark Aguirre.

According to Louie's observations in the first half, he found that Sampson's athleticism was just enough to keep up with Aguirre.

Aguirre is a 198-centimeter striker and swingman, but he's not the type of flying. He likes to play rhythm ball and can work in the low post. His speed is just right for Sampson to keep up. type.

So tragedy.

What's even more unexpected is that Louis' revamped lineup produced dramatic and amazing results.

Bird's single defense on the inside is like Duncan, and the two white Mavericks inside are desperate to prove themselves. All kinds of low-position **** are blocked.

Even if they have a few **** over Bird, Sampson, at small forward, can help from the flanks.

Their offense was either blocked by Bird or blocked/blocked by Sampson, and they didn't score the entire third quarter.

Maxwell has achieved the effect of linking the previous and the next.

He and Sampson's defense is mainly around the paint area. In addition to watching their opponents, they also switch defenses, forcing the Mavericks to single, forcing them to make long shots, and forcing them to carry out difficult offenses.

Louie changed the lineup, but smashed the dignity of the Mavericks.

Their inside line can't beat Bird, shame;

Their champion, Aguirre, who is also the starting small forward, can't do anything about the 7-foot-4 guest small forward Sampson, shame within shame;

The head coach said harsh words before the game, and now Louis has done nothing to do it, the shame of shame within shame;

After trailing by 40 points at halftime at home, the clay figurines also had to have three-point anger. As a result, in the third quarter, the stronger the Celtics' offense, the weaker the Mavericks' momentum, and at the end of the third quarter, they trailed by 58 points.

"The Mavericks have to pull themselves together, more and more spectators have left, and they can't accept a game like this."

At the end of the third quarter, only 1/3 of the home court was full.

There are still people left, Louis is surprised.

Presumably these people are no longer expecting to win, they just want to see how low the home team's lower limit can be - dare to lose 100 points?

Dick Motta's only hope right now is to pray that Louie and his team will show mercy, losing 58 points and taking their bottoms off.

Isn't it over yet?

Mota saw Louis approaching him from a distance, and a trace of uneasiness rose in his heart.

Yes, that is by no means a signal to stop.

This really isn't a signal to quit.

Louis decided to kill his opponent.

In the fourth quarter, the Celtics' lineup was adjusted to John Paxson, Long, Scott Weidman, Bird, and Sampson.

Weidmann was a shooter that Louis did not appreciate.

Because the Celtics have too many people who can play, Louie wants to give him a chance, but he can't.

Just tonight, he wanted to score as much as possible, so he put together a star-studded lineup.

The instruction he gave to the outside shot led by Bird was that if he had the opportunity to shoot a three-pointer, he should widen the point difference and not leave any face to the opponent.

For a team whose morale was at its lowest point, meeting these five Celtics was a disaster.

When Bird started the fourth quarter with three points, Motta's heart sank.

Four of the Celtics' first five possessions in the fourth quarter were three-pointers and shot 50 percent.

Mota roared and ordered the players to strengthen their defense, but the players who were beaten to the point of confusion had no motivation to defend.

Losing 58 points and 68 points is a loss for them.

It is this kind of thinking that makes the calf nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

This game will also become the worst nightmare of Dick Motta's life.

160 to 79

Horrible Sinful, desperate, 81-point deficit that shames everyone in Dallas, Louie takes a Coke from Tomjanovich at the end of the game .

He couldn't wait to open it, drank 200ml, and burped with immense satisfaction.

Then he saw a furious Dick Mota.

"You scum, you have no professional ethics!" Mota roared.

With a Coke bottle in his hand, Louis, who was always elegant in front of his peers, suddenly revealed his true form: "If you arrogant rotten Jiba has such resentment at me, it's better to take your uric acid that can poison even mice. Throwing your players, this group of trash under your cock's head has no blood at all, I really don't know how you usually teach them. Oh, by the way, I forgot your name is Dick, you can only pollute and **** How can ugly things teach players?"

"Goodbye, Coach Dick, if I can see the news of your dismissal tomorrow, it's not worth my players' daring to fight in garbage time." Louie waved his hand and drank another Coke.


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