The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 225: listen to mom


Bob Ryan's all-win vision didn't come true.

Because the Celtics have a hard bone to chew on in the closing stages.

The Milwaukee Bucks are reluctant to let the Celtics tie the league's best record on them.

Louie is not so concerned about winning and losing. He wants all the players to enter the playoffs in a healthy way, so the rotation is more flexible, and the Bucks are like mad dogs. The intensity of the playoffs.

96 to 95

The Celtics lost, and next, they poured their anger on the Tank Bulls.

As one of several "let's let the sport fall" teams this season, they have no idea about challenging the Celtics.

The only one who did well was Kevin McHale, who didn't wear a Celtics jersey in his lifetime.

He blew up every Celtics inside post in the post, and no one could guard him.

In terms of low post offensive skills, he is stronger than any insider who is not named Olajuwon in the entire history of the NBA.

Strong to strong, the Bulls still have to lose.

At 69-10, the Celtics are tied for the best record in league history, and a new record is just around the corner with three games to go.

With each of their games potentially setting a new record, the CBS broadcasted regionally the Celtics' final three games.

All New England (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut. Massachusetts) fans can see the cba live.

Interestingly, the Celtics' next opponent is the Knicks.

They're going to New York to play away, and they're going to play a potentially record-setting game at Madison Gardens.

"Can you think of anything better than this?"

"I mean, can you think of a better place for new records than Madison Gardens?"

A live broadcast of the first indoor American football game;

Live broadcast of the first basketball game;

"Reed Returns";

Fraser and Ali's battle of the century;

Hulk Hogan takes the world wrestling title from Iron Chief in 5:40.

This is a legendary stage, and if the Celtics are going to break records, Madison Gardens is the most suitable stage.

In the pre-match interview that night, Louis said confidently: "Today, I won't call a timeout."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Louis said this, and one would think he was contempt for his opponent.

Unless there is a huge gap in strength, a game will always be called a timeout.

Louie said he wouldn't call a timeout tonight, either he didn't want to win, or the game wasn't worth calling a timeout, and he could win without calling a timeout.

The Knicks are not a weak team. Judging from the lineup on paper, they are not bad.

However, the conflict between Bernard King and Sleep Floyd has affected their record. Not only did they fail to achieve good results, but they were in a poor ranking, unable to enter the playoffs or win High sign.

A great season, professional basketball is getting better and better, but the Knicks have been locked out of the playoffs and haven't had an unrestricted swing to chase this year's top five picks.

This outrageous approach, and when the big guys competed in 1996 and lost for the great 1996 draft, the Clippers took a path they never imagined, and chased the playoffs with a **** lineup. , and it really gave them a chance to win the first round of the playoffs last year.

The price, of course, is to miss one of Iverson, Marbury, Ray Allen, Raheem, Camby, Antoine Walker, Kobe, and Nash.

When Louie said it wasn't called a time-out, he really didn't call a time-out.

This made Hubie Brown furious. He tried every means to cause trouble for the Celtics, but the gap in strength was an insurmountable chasm.

No matter how the Knicks play, they can't make the gap between the two sides disappear.

As it happens, Bird, Thomas, Sampson and Laimbeer all played their best form in April.

The four combined for 100 points.

In the audience, the Celtics beat their opponents by 50+ again, 149 to 98.

In a game that didn't call a timeout at all, the team played with 12 players, and the starting five scored 110 points - 12 more points than the Knicks team alone.

Louie didn't even call a timeout.

Instead, the Knicks exhausted their timeouts.

In the eyes of others, Louie put Brown down in front of him and stomped his face hard with his feet.

"It wasn't my original intention to humiliate my opponent. The reason I didn't call a timeout was because I knew my players." Louie didn't do anything, and personally helped the Knicks to honor him, "I just saw their expressions and knew we were going tonight. Never lose a game."

A new record was born.

With 70 wins and 10 losses, Louis has a chance to raise the record by two more games.

A guy from the future who knows how great 72-10 is.

He doesn't force it. What he wants is to keep the team healthy. It's no fun if the 16 Warriors spend too much energy in the regular season for the record, resulting in the constant playoff injuries and a dismal end. .

In the remaining two games, Louie controlled the starting minutes to less than 28 minutes. Although he has deliberately preserved his strength, the strength of the Celtics' second unit is enough to win.

The starters stopped work, and Maxwell, Ainge, Karl, and Weidman came out to grab the credit.

This bunch of bench gangsters allowed the Celtics to win their last two regular-season games by at least 20 points.

So the Celtics' record stayed at 72 wins and 10 losses, an unprecedented record. Except for the Lakers in the west, no second team can come close to them.

Even the Lakers can only see one taillight.

The Lakers' record is 64 wins.

Moreover, the East, where the Celtics are located, is far more competitive than the West.

The Lakers in the West dominated with 64 wins, and the Lakers were empty. They couldn't even find a second 50-win team. Except for the Lakers, they are all 40-win teams.

The East is more balanced.

The Celtics are also open, but there are three 50-win teams, the 76ers, the Bucks and the rising Pistons.

Followed by the Nets, Hawks, Bullets and other third echelon.

Not to mention the Knicks, a team that clearly has the top five strengths but turned into a self-destructing truck that unexpectedly fell.

The regular season ends in mid-April, with just two days off before the playoffs begin.

Louis gave the players a half-day leave before reporting to Auerbach.

"Yo, isn't this the new coach of the year?" Auerbach's tone was so yummy that Louie thought he was going to lose power this morning.

Louis smiled and said, "Although it's a matter of time, isn't it not yet? Keep a low profile."

"After you did that at msg (madisonsquaregarden/Madison Gardens), how dare you say something low-key to me?" Auerbach laughed and scolded, "Do you know what the media in New York said about you? I thank you, Louie, I'm not the most hated person in New York since you!"

Louie said without shame: "It shows that I have done a good job."

"You know you're more annoying than brookeshields?" Auerbach said angrily. "You're doing that like the girl who made that shameless movie and slaps all the righteous Americans. s face!"

Thanks to Reed, the words "upright American" fit together.

"You have to be open to new things, the bluelagoon 1 is a good movie."

For Louie, the only obstacle to the third-level film was that Shields, the heroine, was only 15 at the time, so it was difficult for him to vent his **** for it.

But it still cannot be denied that it is a good movie, all "righteous Americans" are criticizing it, cursing Shields and the director of this movie, but its box office is 12th in the United States in 1980.

Obviously, a large number of "dishonest Americans" have given the answer with practical actions: we desperately need such a good job, the more the better!

"Come on, you're a lecher!" Auerbach hummed. "I wish you knew that girl was only 15 when she made the movie!"

Louie thinks he's an upright British Dependent Citizen: "Of course, so I didn't do anything else when I watched it but enjoyed it with my girlfriend, she likes young handsome guys and I like young beautiful women, we all Very satisfied."

This kind of behavior that Auerbach seemed to be deviant, even evil, he could not understand.

He shook his head and said: "I don't care what the **** you are crazy about, it has nothing to do with me, the playoffs are coming soon, you have to focus on business!"

"Actually, I came here to talk about this." Louie suddenly said, "Based on the perspective of strength, I decided not to call a timeout in the first round of the playoffs."

"You're **** crazy!"

Auerbach spit out the cigar in his mouth with anger and saliva before he could take it out.

"You old man is not funny, I'm obviously joking." Louie complained.

Auerbach stared at him. It wasn't that he didn't understand the joke, but he believed in the bottom of his heart that Louis, the grandson, could do what he said.

"By the way," Louis asked casually, "Has Patrick decided to run?"

"Do not."

Auerbach shook his head: "He's going to stay in Georgetown to finish his studies."

"I can't tell, he looks like a gorilla, but he likes learning so much." Louis' words aroused Auerbach's disgust again.

"You!" Auerbach tried to shove a cigar down Louie's throat for the nth time. "Sooner or later, your stinky mouth will get you into trouble!"

Louie asked sarcastically, "If Ralph played four full years in Virginia, what do you think he would do?"

"He's going to be stagnant for four years," Auerbach said calmly.

"This is exactly what Patrick is going through." Louis suddenly felt that he wasted his time. "It's a pity for my kindness."

Auerbach recognized Louis' judgment on Ewing in his heart, but he could not deny Thompson in front of Louis.

Moreover, Ewing has unshakable reasons, "wanting to play for Thompson" is only a secondary reason.

"Patrick's mother, Dorothy, passed away last Her dying wish was for Patrick to finish school."

Louis had heard such stories.

In 12 years, there will be a young man from the Virgin Islands doing the same. He's also a guy that the entire league is waiting to come in and dominate, but he's perfecting his skills while fulfilling his mother's last wish. When he entered the league, it was already a finished product. Therefore, it cannot be said that his four years in college are worthless. If he entered the NBA early, it is estimated that he may not be able to be cultivated so well.

The same story, the same reason, the same desire, the same beauty and expectations, but not the same results.

Louis sighed and muttered, "I never listen to my mother."

1 I can only say that the heroine is not as beautiful as a human being. I still can’t forget that night in 2008. I used KB to finish watching this movie with a cache speed of several hundred KB per second. I was young at the time, and when I saw it at 3:30 in the morning, at that time, I didn't think that Kobe might have woken up for training, and I was staying up late to watch movies. We all have a bright future.

(If you can't see I'm laughing at myself, this parenthesis is for you)

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