The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 254: Confused master, mental genius

The Celtics won the first two games, and then they go to Los Angeles to play two away games.

Since the Lakers lost both games on the road, some media began to wonder if the Celtics would have a chance to sweep their rivals out.

Even some reporters seriously raised this issue at the press conference.

Moreover, the reporters are not small.

The other party bears the brand of "USA Today", which is an emerging media. It was founded in 1982 and belongs to the largest Gannett newspaper group in the United States. The original intention of the newspaper group to create this newspaper is that although there are many American newspapers, almost an average of 2.15 people own a newspaper, and the influence of many newspapers is all over the country and even overseas, but unfortunately, their reporting focuses on regions sexual. With the development of American society, economy and culture, domestic tourists and public officials who travel every day are increasing day by day. No local newspaper can satisfy these people with a comprehensive understanding of news, markets, finance, weather, entertainment, sports, etc. about the entire United States. content requirements.

So what they do is, what people are interested in, they report on.

To use a phrase that is more popular in post bars or forums that can be upgraded: experience is your father.

The duel between the Celtics and the Lakers has gone beyond the scope of sports competitions and has become a cultural symbol with national character, which is destined to be remembered in history many years later.

Given this, USA TODAY naturally wants a piece of the pie.

Although the newspaper was founded only two years ago, the sales volume can be ranked in the top five in the United States.

No matter how good their momentum is, it shouldn't be a reason to ask stupid questions in front of Louie.

Louie said coldly: "Only people who know nothing about the sport think we can sweep the Lakers. This is my only answer to this question, the next one."

The questioner of USA Today looked embarrassed, and the color of shame and anger flashed across his face.

The change in that moment was enough for Louie to confirm that there was another media that disliked him in this magical land of the United States.

There are many more sensitive issues.

Was it waived on why Isaiah Thomas didn't play in the second half.

The question was asked by the media in the California area, a typical provocative question. Louie didn't think about their way, so he said bluntly: "Isaiah didn't appear in the second half of the game because we wanted to protect him."

Then there's Bird vs. Magician.

"The Boston Herald" put forward a point of view: "In the two finals that have ended, Larry is the more prominent player, he always contributes at the crucial moment, and Magic is the one who avoids responsibility, whether this Can you prove that Larry is better?"

In the first game, the magician's performance can be called good and bad.

In the second game, it was his instigation that kept the Lakers at a stalemate with the Celtics for most of the game. It can be said that during that time, he was more dazzling than Bird.

However, in the final minutes to decide the outcome, the Celtics turned their cards.

Bird goes to the post, activates the four, and dominates the game.

What does this feel like?

In the sixth game of the Western Conference semifinals in 2019, Durant was injured in the last game. It seems that the good luck of the Warriors has ended here, just like in the Western Conference finals in 2018, Paul's injury caused the Rockets to lose two consecutive games. A match point was eliminated by the Warriors.

Now it's the Warriors' turn to have important personnel out. The Rockets, who are all healthy, have every chance to seize this opportunity and defeat the Warriors without Durant in the next two life-and-death battles.

In the first half of Game 6, that's how the script came about.

Curry scored 0 points at halftime. If there was no G6 soup, 53% of the first half scored 21 points, the mountains and rivers would have fallen. However, Thompson is the top assassin in history, but the assassin needs cover. He always draws a dagger in unexpected positions and strikes a fatal blow. If no one helps him to cause chaos, he will be caught sooner or later.

In other words, if Curry doesn't get promoted from impotence to Thirteen in the second half, the Warriors will stop there.

Does this really happen? You must know that Harden scored 44 points against the Warriors in the regular season this season, including a three-pointer in regular time, a three-pointer in overtime, and even Durant's epic kick out of bounds Nothing like legal saves can stop him.

This is how the tragedy came. Curry, who had 0 points in the first half, scored 33 points with a 60% shooting rate in the second half. You can't say Harden pulled a cross, and he also scored 16 points on 60 percent shooting in the second half, 12 of which came in the fourth quarter. Harden tried his best, but he just couldn't stop Curry, who scored 33 points in the second half, from taking away the game. He used his three-pointers that day to smash the Rockets' chrysanthemum, and made Harden's fans permanently lost in the library. The qualifications for the face on the inside.

(Note: Curry scored 23 points in the fourth quarter and scored 11 of the team's 14 points in the last 120 seconds)

The world questioned Harden as the media questioned Magician in 1984.

He's done well enough, he's very good, but he seems to be a little worse than Bird, who is willing to cut himself.

Bird was always able to press the button that made him go berserk at the juncture of life and death, but Magic was obsessed with connecting the team and making the game into ShowTime.

So, the Herald would ask Louie: "Magic is without a doubt one of the most versatile players in history. His game was gorgeous, dazzling, brilliant, but not the best. LittleLu, do you agree with that statement?"

Gorgeous, dazzling, brilliant, but not the best?

What a wonderful statement, perfectly sums up the magician at this time.

"I like that statement." Louie nodded in praise of the Herald's question. "You guys are more professional than the Globe today."

The Globe reporters were furious, especially Bob Ryan.

When Ryan asked Louie how to judge the professionalism of the media, Louie's answer made him even more furious: "There is only one criterion for me - don't ask stupid questions."

This sentence side shows that in the eyes of Louis, the Globe has been asking stupid questions today.

The love-hate relationship between Louie and the media continues. He is the most talked-about coach in the league and the coach who likes to attack the media the most. The New York Times rated him as a bad media that only spreads rumors and lies. Countless media with considerable social status were rudely skipped by him as "next" because the question was too low-level.

The media didn't like him, but they couldn't deny him completely.

Because he led the team to 72 wins in the regular season and is now only two wins away from the championship.

If the Celtics win the title, sports reporters can responsibly say it was the most dominant season in Celtics history.

As the best coach of the Celtics in history, how should Louie be evaluated?

It's a mystery.

The reporters knew the answer, and no one was willing to answer truthfully.

The press conference lasted nearly 40 minutes.

Louie answered dozens of questions, and he skipped countless others because of his stupidity.

When he left, some reporters wanted to keep him.

"Why rush for a while, we will meet many times in the future, goodbye."

Louis smiled and waved.

Louie runs into Pat Riley in the hallway.

Then he discovered that this was not a coincidence.

Riley had been waiting for him.

"Pat, I hope you can sleep well tonight." Louie said kindly.

Riley laughed sarcastically: "If the firefighters in Boston didn't come around our hotel frequently to put out nameless fires, I'd have a good night's sleep."

Louis had heard a little about what happened to the Lakers.

He said with sympathy: "You are going home soon, I think you will get a good night's sleep tonight, because the next game is in Los Angeles, so there will be a lot less 'deliberate arson'."

Encountering such a confused master, Riley didn't want to ask him "who is the person who deliberately set fire to the fire", which everyone knows.

"Okay, Coach Lu, I'm here to tell you that it's very interesting to play against you. Although we lost two games, this series is far from over." Riley said confidently, "You should be very happy. clear."

Louie said shyly: "Actually, I don't know very well. Just now, the media asked me if I could win four games in a row and let the series end simply."

Louie is not only a master at pretending to be confused, but also a genius with a mentality.

Just look at how he plays with his players' mentality on the court.

Riley doesn't want to talk to him about this He's here to speak harshly.

"Even though you are two games ahead, what I want to say is that we will close the gap soon, because the Celtics have a congenital deficiency." Riley smiled confidently, "If you want to win in Los Angeles, your inside line At least 30 fouls are needed as a reserve, that's my advice."

Louis' smile froze on his face.

Riley turned to leave.

"See you in Los Angeles, Coach Lu."

Louis looked at Riley's back, and his fear of this person rose several levels.

What is the biggest difference between the playoffs and the regular season?

Some would say game intensity, but that's just a basic characteristic.

The biggest difference is that both sides will find out the opponent's biggest flaw before the game or during the game, and then they will do everything they can to target this point.

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