The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 915: Eccentric Chinese

"Coach Lu, what are you looking at?"

John Salley likes to come to Louie's office to eat and drink.

Because Louie has the most diverse range of vending machines in the country.

In Louis's office, there are two main things that take up space.

One is a TV, and the other is a self-service vending machine.

At this time, Louis turned on the TV to watch the news.

On the news, his wife, Lorraine Molina, was at the "Happy Family" press conference.

As the main character (female No. 1) confirmed at the latest, Lorraine and producer David Angel were interviewed by the media and answered questions from major media.

"Wow, is there a new movie for Mrs. Lu?" Seley is also a "media person", he is the most keen player in the Knicks to participate in TV shows.

Moreover, he is indeed very qualified as a media person.

Not only has a natural sense of the camera, excellent expression management, but also a good shape.

"It's a TV series." Louis smiled, "It has been reserved by nbc, and it will be available at the end of next year."

Sally guessed: "Comedy?"

"Yeah, a sitcom," Louie said. "It's David Angle."

"I know him, he was involved in the creation of 'Cheers Bar'."

The team also discussed "Cheers Bar" with Louie.

Selly shook his head and said, "I don't like that show. It's too blunt, and it's not as lively as The Cosbys."

Uh uh... "The Cosbys" has life?

Living in a black elite family in Brooklyn, New York in the 1970s, the father is a doctor, and the mother is a lawyer... There is no sense of disobedience even if the protagonist is set to be a white man. Where does this breath of life come from?

Of course, it's not that Louie can't understand that this is the ideal life for black people.

Just like the future "Black Panther" in Europe and the United States, since the old black people can find resonance from the American black elite family in the 1970s, they can naturally climax to Wakanda, which masters alien technology but lives like a primitive tribe.

"Come on, I doubt your ability to appreciate."

Although Louie himself doesn't like "Cheers Bar", there must be some advantages that Louie does not understand to be able to join "The Cosbys" as the two representative works of the 1980s sitcom.

Salley's tactical status on the Knicks is getting lower and lower, but his status outside is rising.

This is also in line with his own pursuit. Louis does not know if this pushy personality is a good thing.

At least he hasn't gotten into trouble yet.

"How is the training atmosphere today?"

"As usual."

"Where's benj and Patrick?"

"It's the same," Sally said. "They just like to compete with each other."

Sally is basically Louie's spy, he just doesn't know it yet.

Before leaving, Sally picked up coins from Louie's table and bought a few packets of snacks from the vending machine.

December 3

The Knicks host the Cavaliers.

The knights entering the 90s were still a pile of mud.

Outside of the Clevelands, it's barely noticeable to outsiders that the Cavaliers have been rotten for more than a decade.

From the year Bill Fitch moved to Boston, they had Steppi, the worst sports owner of the 1980s, who had spent a few years destroying the Cavaliers before another businessman took over. The fate that should have been changed by this was blocked by Louis.

The fallout from Bill Cartwright's exchange has haunted the Cavaliers.

Benjamin Wilson and Reggie Miller, the two formidable Knicks starting Nos. 2 and 3 who were supposed to be for the Cavaliers, are now wearing Knicks jerseys and have brought New York to five championships.

In this year's draft, the Cavaliers selected Jim Jackson with the sixth overall pick, plus power forward Charles Smith, who was selected with the third overall pick in 1988, in an attempt to make a certain mark in the new season.

But now, their win rate is only 40%, ranking tenth from the bottom in the Eastern Conference. If this goes on, they will spend another hopeless season in decadence.

How bad are they?

So bad that Louie, who makes Cleveland his second home, has no interest in going back and saving them.

Louie looks at the Cavaliers the way fans look at the Timberwolves and Kings in 2021.

Rotten has become a habit, why not let them go on like this?

Why stop them?

After another decade or so, the Son of Heaven will come, won't Kecheng have a future?

If he suddenly rises now, he might miss James in 2003.

Tonight's battle has a detail worth remembering.

The 27th pick in the second round of the 1992 draft, Chinese player Wang Mukong represented the Knicks in the regular season for the first time.

Against a weak team like the Cavaliers, Louie let Reggie Williams rest; Angie was suspended for one game by the team for "contradicting the coach", but some witnesses claimed that Angie and Louie played boxing games to pass the time during the game; John Selley is out with a cold; McHale is still recovering -- the Knicks have just 11 players on their roster, and the Cavaliers are still off the clock, trailing by 25 at halftime.

In garbage time, Wang Mukong appeared on stage.

For the past month, he has averaged 19 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist per game for the Knicks G League team.

Wang Mukong is a Hamilton-style shooting guard. His mid-range shot is his strength, and he is very accurate in the open space. Louis has never seen him miss an open mid-range shot.

Because every time he ran out of space, he would slow down his shot and find the most comfortable spot before shooting.

If he can't shoot in the most comfortable way, he'd rather not shoot.

In a word, he was so steady that Louie felt sick.

Miller once deliberately helped him pull the defender's attention, and then gave him the ball.

The birdman had to take aim slowly for a long time and was followed by the Cavaliers' defensive rotation.

Miller sprayed on the spot: "You are hesitant and stinky! What are you talking about, if you can't make a shot, Dennis and Patrick will grab the rebound for you!"

"What you said, Uncle Ewing and Dennis deserve to be your tools to grab rebounds?" Louis laughed.

Miller said dissatisfied: "Coach, you don't scold him when he beats him like this? If it were me, my mother would have been sent to the cemetery by your mouth to be buried!"

"What are you saying about your mother, can't the rookie playing in the NBA for the first time be patient?" Louis performed "Double Standard" on the spot, "Our Knicks were originally a united and friendly team, just because of you. There are too many bastards, and it has made the team smoky!"

Miller didn't dare to forcibly contradict Louis, but he still had the ability to talk behind his back.

"Hmph, eccentric Chinese," Miller muttered.

"What the **** are you talking about?" Louie growled.

Miller quickly retreated to the backcourt.

The Knicks' attack just now was due to Wang Mukong's ability to shoot, but he missed the opportunity because he was too stable and could only be handed over to Ewing for singles.

Ewing was forced to take the pot and forcibly missed.

Rodman caught an offensive rebound and made a layup.

Inexplicably helping the rookie to take over the pot, Ewing glared at Wang Mukong fiercely: "Rookie, don't you know that I only have 19 shots per game?"

"Xiao Wang offended two starters in his first appearance, which is really extraordinary." Zhao Yuanzheng teased.

Although he redefines extraordinary.

"I think it's good. As a rookie, I don't want to be greedy for success, and I don't shoot uncertain shots. I admire him very much." Louis said to himself.

Wang Mukong's debut made Miller angry, and he also slapped Ewing, but overall, he played a good performance.

Played 11 minutes, 3 of 4 shots, scored 6 points and 1 rebound.

By the way, his only rebound was still from Ewing...

It was an out-of-control rebound, Ewing and Wang Mukong were chasing the ball at the same time, but Wang Mukong was faster.

"Rookie, slow down!"

Ewing lost his demeanor and restraint.

Because his average rebounds per game this season has dropped to 9.6, and the reason is very simple. Although Rodman was off the bench, he played with him most of the time and averaged 14 rebounds per game.

Kemp, who has been a firm starter, ushered in a contract year. In order to sign a big contract with the Knicks, he needs to prove himself with data.

So, he averaged 18 points and 10 rebounds in 28 minutes per game.

Because of Kemp, who has both points and rebounds, Ewing not only rebounded, but his scoring average also dropped to 19.8.

While Wilson's scoring average has also dropped, it's not like Ewing was kicked out of a 20-point-per-game club.

Where is Ewing, who averaged 19.8 points and 9.6 rebounds per game, better than Kemp who averaged 18 points and 10 rebounds per game?

Camp doesn't have this idea, but the media has and the media has it greatly.

Kemp's popularity in New York has surpassed his big brother Ewing and is catching up with Wilson because of his style and personality.

Although Camp is his little brother, Ewing doesn't want to be overtaken just like that.

He wants data, Kemp wants data, and everyone else needs data protection... The Knicks have unknowingly reached a dangerous state.

Against the Cavaliers, the Knicks won by 32 points.

As usual, the performances of the two Chinese players, Wang Mukong and Yu Tiancan, were the focus.

For domestic reporters, this must be asked.

Regarding Wang Mukong's debut, Louis has only one sentence: "I never worry about his offense. What he really needs to improve is the defensive end."


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