The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 65: Great supplement!

Mei Qianxiao hurried for a while and found some camel footprints on the ground. Judging from the degree of the camel's hoof sinking, it was obviously loaded with heavy objects.

Judging from the direction of travel, nine times out of 10, the team came out of Devil's City... From the perspective of the journey, it didn't go very far. It is estimated that they set off during the daytime today.

Mei Qianxiao hurriedly stepped up her speed, catching up to do a good check, only to ask that the tribute was in this caravan. Otherwise, if the earlier team was transported out, according to the cycle of the Jingsha Gang taking the goods once a week, the pile of tributes would have been transported into the Central Plains long ago, and I don’t know where they went.


Jiang Hao followed Qiu Junai and others for a long time, and finally came to their warehouse. It is said to be a warehouse, but it is actually just a relatively large room, probably the residence of the village chief and other leading figures when this tribe lived here in the past.

Qiu Junai took out the key and unlocked the door, and reluctantly pointed inward: "That's it."

Jiang Hao and the others filed in. These guys with martial arts are not afraid of the other party locking the door. In this kind of ordinary house, let alone the wooden door, even the wall can be knocked down with a few kicks. Qiu Junai glanced at them and left impatiently, leaving a small scoundrel standing at the door to monitor them.

Jiang Hao and the others were a little stunned when they saw that most of the room had been piled up to the top of the house with wooden boxes and soft bundles... How many things did the Jingsha Gang smuggle at one time!

As a monopoly industry, sometimes it is so exaggerated.

Jiang Hao didn't hesitate for a long time, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and started to rummage through things. With so many things to check, how long would she be busy if she didn't hurry up.

As soon as everyone started working, they all assumed their respective responsibilities. As a manly muscular man, Jiang Hao specially looked for those extra large boxes, lifted them above their heads and shook them gently to hear what sounds came out of them. Kong Wu was so frightened that the whale sand gang brother at the door opened his mouth.

Relying on light skills, Yixue jumped to the roof and grabbed the roof beam, and transported the things piled up high, so as not to pull down the things on the bottom and all the things above them fell off. One of Tingfeng and Liu Jingjing was in charge of touching the soft-wrapped stuff, and the other was in charge of stacking the inspected stuff on the other side...

More than half an hour passed without knowing it, and it was already dark outside. They lit the oil lamps on the walls around the warehouse before they could continue to work. After rushing for a long time, after entering the Devil City, I have been vigilant and exhausted, and now I have been working for a long time, and several people are a little hungry.

Just as he was about to sit down and eat some dry food, Zhou Gaozhuo suddenly appeared outside the door and knocked on the wooden door to attract their attention.

"If you want to come here, you should be hungry. It's true when you come here. If a few people admire their faces, why don't we greet them with some authentic food from Devil City? Hot ones are better than cold ones. There's no need to embarrass yourself. abdomen."

Jiang Hao planned to refuse, but when Tingfeng heard that it was the authentic food of Devil City, she became interested and said happily, "Okay! There is a deputy leader of Lao Zhou!"

Zhou Gaozhuo smiled and turned around to call someone to bring some dinner over.

"Tingfeng, remember, when we Jinyiwei were handling the case, we didn't eat anything other than the food we prepared, understand!" Jiang Hao had no time to stop her, so she turned around and taught Tingfeng a lesson.

"It turns out that Jin Yiwei is so rigorous in handling the case... Listening to the wind, I understand, but it's alright to take a look!"

"Alas, the matter is up to now, and I have to be a long-term insight, which is a waste of the good intentions of Deputy Leader Zhou."

After a while, Zhou Gaozhuo ordered someone to bring Yicheng wine and pour a bowl for a few people.

"This is a snake wine that has been brewed for ten years." Zhou Gaozhuo swept his eyes on Jiang Hao and the others one by one, and finally said to Jiang Hao, "This wine is very strong, everyone can taste it. Brother Jiang Hao can drink more. ,Hahaha……"

Yixue had already dealt with people like Mei Qianxiao, and her spirit was somewhat polluted. When she heard Zhou Gaozhuo say and laugh like this, she had a faint feeling of bad premonition, who knew that Jiang Hao was still stupid enough to ask: "Why? "

"One cup of Guyuan, two cups of aphrodisiac, three cups of golden guns every night! A man's holy man, brother!" Zhou Gaozhuo laughed even more cheerfully.

Jiang Hao's face froze when he heard this. He didn't smile, he wasn't so shameless. It was very embarrassing for him to say these things in front of a lady. If it was Mei Qianxiao, who had been laughing and looking at each other with a "hahahaha" this morning, maybe he could have the cheek to let the other party pack a few bags for him back!

"Oh, then I think I need to drink more, so that people don't always say I'm like a sissy..." Liu quietly stared at the bowl of wine.

Hello! Without Mei Qianxiao, I forgot about that Liu Qiang, who had gotten so close to Mei Qianxiao, who was probably spoiled a lot! Boy, are you so eager for power!

"We accept the kindness of Deputy Gang Leader Zhou, thank you!"

Jiang Hao asked Yixue to watch Liu quietly, no matter how much he craved power, he couldn't drink while the case was being handled! It's a big deal, I'll pack it for him to go back to drink!

"Also, the main dish hasn't been served yet." Zhou Gaozhuo clapped his hands, and two people appeared behind him and brought in two small baskets of things, "We don't have anything else in Devil City, there are so many things. Tell you, In ordinary places, you really can't eat such authentic and these things are all great supplements, and many people can't eat them if they want to eat them!"

"Uh... Are you sure someone wants to eat it?" Ting Feng looked at the four baskets of stuff, and had the feeling that his soul ascended to heaven and didn't want to stay in this terrifying world.

Yixue and Jiang Hao didn't look good either, but Liu Quietly looked better and looked at those things curiously.

Four baskets, one of fried spiders, a big spider with a plump body and long limbs; one of roasted scorpions, with a slender body and a stinger tail that is as high as the sky; a basket of steamed snakes, an unknown large khaki snake coil After a few laps, it fell there, and its body was stuffed into a small basket; a basket of fried centipedes, its long body with countless teeth and feet, was fried until golden and transparent...

This week, Gao Zhuo really respected them, and served them directly with small baskets! Brother, you should take it back, don't be afraid that they won't have enough food, they don't even want to touch these things!

"I think I can guess what Brother Xiao said, the rustling sounds from the collapsed houses and the cracks in the rocks and rocks..."

"Shut up, stop talking! I really don't want to know!" Ting Feng was in a hurry, not knowing whether to cover Liu Quietly's mouth or cover his ears.

In short, when I saw these four baskets, I felt that I collapsed instantly!

"Eat them slowly, don't think they look weird, they actually taste good... Remember to eat more, they are all great tonics for nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys!"

Zhou Gaozhuo raised his eyebrows at Jiang Hao and the others, and ran away happily.

Yixue felt that she was going crazy, and she really said with a smile that reproduction in the Western Regions is a very important part of them, and everything has something to do with those things! She just wants to eat ordinary things, not to nourish the yin and nourish the kidneys!

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