The light on the screen flickered, and Xiao Ai held up a sign, which said the estimated value of Zhao Yuxi's outfit, 85,000 yuan.

The perfume she wears should be Chanel's latest model, with a unit price of 10,000 yuan per 20ml of summer clear lotus.

Sure enough, beauty is expensive. Even if Zhao Yuxi didn't wear any jewelry, not even the most common earrings, she would have to pay tens of thousands of yuan to make her look dignified and eye-catching.

"What would you like to drink?" The waitress leaned over and asked.

"A cup of blue mountain!" Zhao Yuxi said casually, but his eyes couldn't leave Yang Qing's face.

Yang Qing was a little speechless, but in order to break the embarrassment, he asked first.

"Miss Zhao, thank you very much for coming. Do you have any requirements for work?" Yang Qing asked.

"Mr. Yang, I have also seen your APP. I have to say that it is very powerful. I admire you and your team's technology." After being reminded by Yang Qing, Zhao Yuxi finally recovered. Come on, when I thought of my gaffe, I couldn't help but blush.

But after all, she has been working for a long time, even if her face is red and her ears are red, her psychological quality is definitely excellent. After hearing Yang Qing's words, she quickly regained her senses and entered her own state.

"We don't have any technical problems. This translation software has a multi-language version waiting to be launched, but we don't have any experience in how to operate it. We urgently need an experienced manager to help me."

"I don't know much about technology. If you ask me how to write code, you will be blind. But in terms of operation and management of the company, I have considerable confidence." Zhao Yuxi gradually entered the state, and his language became more confident.

In fact, Yang Qing didn't have too many choices. It was rare that a managerial talent came to his door. How could he let it go? Is it really going to the talent market to recruit? Not to mention the lack of time, even if she doesn't have enough ability, just being eye-catching is enough. After all, the real manager of the company is Xiao Ai in the computer room. I believe she has no objection to taking her out of the picture at any time, or replacing her with someone more capable. .

"Then, does Miss Zhao have any requirements for treatment?"

"My annual salary in UFIDA is 800,000. I hope it will not be lower than this figure here, and there will be certain options in the future." , her annual salary has not yet reached an unattainable level.

"Well, even though our company is new and has not yet been fully operational, I believe you also know our company's profitability. Your annual salary is tentatively set at one million, and the year-end bonus will be calculated separately. As for options, an option pool will definitely be set up in the future. , the company will take charge of it on behalf of the company, and the company's employees will have the right to share dividends."

"In this case, I don't have any opinions, but when I manage the company in the future, I hope to get the maximum degree of decentralization, and don't interfere with my management." Zhao Yuxi said very seriously.

"That's no problem! I usually just focus on technology, do some research, and the management of the company is completely up to you."

"This is the best!"

Seeing that an agreement was reached, Yang Qing asked: "In this case, let's go directly to the company and sign the contract."

Zhao Yuxi hesitated for a moment, but still made up his mind.

"Okay then!"

Yang Qing drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp before asking the waiter to come over and pay the bill.

Seeing Yang Qing's slightly rough behavior, Zhao Yuxi's eyes revealed a look of surprise, but what a good-looking person does makes sense, not only does she not think it is rude, but it has a sense of freedom and ease.

After scanning the QR code, after spending a painful one hundred and twenty yuan, Yang Qing took Zhao Yuxi, got up and walked outside.

Before leaving, he glanced at the untouched Blue Mountain, thinking that if he went back and drank it in one sip, he would look a little silly.

Going back quickly, sitting on the sofa used to entertain guests, Zhao Yuxi looked curiously at this small but well-furnished room.

"Sit down, I'll pour you a glass of water!"

While talking, Yang Qing took a glass of water from the water dispenser in a disposable paper cup and handed it over.

"Thank you! But are you the only one in the company?"

"At present, yes. With you, there are two!" Yang Qing said with a smile sitting opposite her.

As early as when Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi had reached an agreement, Xiao Ai, who stayed at home, had already printed out the contract.

She referred to more than 100 contract templates for recruiting executives in the industry, and drew up a five-page recruitment contract in duplicate, which was being piled up in the paper output port of the laser printer.

"I wonder when Miss Yang will be able to go to work?" Yang Qing asked.

"It's fine during this time, but what about the software development team? Why don't you come out and meet?" Zhao Yuxi asked curiously.

"Software development is mostly me and one other person, but he won't come to the company, so now it's just me in charge of technology"

While talking, Yang Qing went to the printer, sorted out the contract, and divided it into two copies, one of which was handed over to Zhao Yuxi.

Zhao Yuxi took a contract and read it carefully.

It stands to reason that it would be better to have a lawyer take a look at this thing. After all, except for lawyers who specialize in this field, few people can see the trap in the contract stripes.

However, when Zhao Yuxi was in charge of personnel when he was in UF, he was very familiar with this kind of contract, and Xiao Ai inherited the dogma of artificial intelligence and drafted the contract provisions to a level of delicacy that is outrageous.

So after Zhao Yuxi read the contract carefully twice and asked a few questions, he readily signed his name on the two contracts.

After all, no matter Xiao Ai or Yang Qing, they attach great importance to their first employee. The contract is very broad and gives her a lot of authority, but there are not many constraints, which makes her feel that she is valued.

After signing, Yang Qing stood up and shook hands with her. The camera hidden in the room had already recorded this historic moment unconsciously.

"Miss Zhao, you have also seen that there are only you and me in the company. The next urgent thing to solve is to recruit an accountant and a few employees, and then transfer the Hongxin translation software from my personal account to the company. account number, so when will you be able to go to work?"

"How about next Monday? There are still four days, and I still have some personal matters to deal with." Zhao Yuxi thought for a while and replied.

"No, if possible, you'd better go to work now. You know that the company has just opened. I don't have any experience in this area. I just wait for you to come to the rescue. At most, you can go to work and deal with personal affairs at the same time. Anyway You are the manager, you are the biggest."

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