The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 230: ABO plane 1.28

A few days have passed, and negative news about Jonas has appeared and deleted on the Internet. It has been deleted and reappeared like a spring breeze.

Jonas has been hiding at home for the past few days, and he has been angered while watching the ever-changing Internet.

Borg, this trash, knows that the Internet is resistant to deleting negative news, but continues to use it. What a trash, idiot!

The incident of Jonas's negative news deletion continues to ferment, and it has reached the point where it is out of control. With the fermenting of the incident, even the media, who were convinced by everyone, were questioned.

Borg has always had a good relationship with media people, and has also intersected with various media channels. When he had negative news, Borg got the information before it was released. Sometimes if it's too late to deal with it, Borg will silently kill things before they ferment.

In the end, whether this matter can be settled or not depends on Borg's ability.

Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction and disgust with Borg in his heart, Jonas still endured the resentment in his heart, took a deep breath and called Borg.

The phone only rang once and was picked up. As soon as he answered the phone, and before Jonas could speak, Borg hurriedly said, "Jonas, don't delete any more online news."

Jonas was taken aback, "Didn't you eliminate it? I've been listening to you and staying at home, without doing anything."

"Isn't it you?!" Borg was also shocked, "I thought you asked Mr. Lambert to come forward to settle this matter, so I didn't stop it."

"What do you mean by asking Mr. Lambert to come forward? Where did you see that I asked Mr. Lambert to deal with this matter? I didn't ask him at all."

Borg was surprised, but still said in the calmest tone: "Jonas, since I tried to delete the negative news on the first day and it caused the opposite effect, I have stopped taking action. But I didn't expect that there are endless negative news about you. Still getting deleted. I always thought you asked Mr. Lambert to help, and I just watched things get worse, wasn't that what you did?"

Jonas was furious. "How could I have done it? Am I stupid? I didn't ask Mr. Lambert at all."

Borg on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, then hesitantly said, "Who would be helping you then?"

"Heh! Help me?" Jonas sneered, "This person is clearly hurting me, can't you see it? The faster my negative news disappears, the more it proves that I have a problem. Although the TV media is blocked by you I won't report my news anymore, but those nosy people on the Internet will bite me hard. At this time, they deliberately eliminate my negative news. This is not to black me, what are you doing? ?"

Jonaston paused, gritted his teeth and said, "Borg, I'm going to hold a press conference."

"What are you going to do?" Borg hurriedly stopped Jonas' thoughts, "This kind of incident has surpassed the scandalous negative news, it has escalated into a sensitive topic, what you need to do now is to stay away from this circle, not Move forward."

"I can't escape anymore, the more silent I am, the more the enemy will be satisfied." Jonas made up his mind, "I am sitting still like this now, although the black information about me on the Internet seems to be well-founded, But there is no real evidence, everything is guessed by them. I called you because I hope you can help me arrange the location of the press conference, and try to invite as many reporters as possible, and invite some online platforms. Reporter. Now is an extraordinary period, and we have to make drastic reports to turn the tide. Isn't the host who revealed my secret live on the web? We also broadcast live, ask questions about the host of the live broadcast, and ask all the questions they doubt."

Jonas took a breath, looked at the table and continued: "But these questions are all asked through the mouths of reporters. So what questions to ask, reporters have a subjective advantage, do you understand what I mean?"

Borg said: "I understand, you asked me to prepare questions for the reporters, and when the live broadcast, let the reporters ask the original questions."

Jonas nodded, "Well, that's it. Isn't it time to live broadcast for authenticity? Then we'll show them the most authentic Jonas. You write down the answers to those questions and give them to me, I will know it by heart, time is tight, and I hope you can implement this matter as soon as possible."

Borg gave a "um" on the other end of the phone, "Okay, I'll do it now, I'll tell you the time and place of the press conference when it's almost done."

The two hung up the phone, and Jonas looked out the window, as if remembering something, and made another call.

"Master Lambert, it's me, Jonas."

"Jonas, you are so disappointing to me." Just as Jonas finished speaking, the voice of Mr. Lambert came from the other end of the phone, "Your affairs have been so loud and well known, I once I told you to clean your ass, is your brain used to nurture it?"

Jonas blushed, but still said bravely, "Master Lambert, please listen to me, I still think there is something wrong with Mitchell, he must have something to do with me."

"Do you have any evidence?"

"Yes! The way my negative news started is because of the news about his identity being revealed. It's too coincidental."

"Heh! This is what you call evidence? Your own reasoning and imagination?" Old Man Lambert snorted coldly, "But I know, I will confirm Mitchell carefully again, you first think of a way to do this. The matter is dealt with.”

Hearing Father Lambert's perfunctory tone, Jonas clenched the phone tightly and bit the corner of his lips: "Okay, master."

"By the way, Jonas." The old man Lambert said again, preventing Jonas from hanging up the phone, "Jonas, this matter of yours is a hurdle. It's over, I will continue to provide you with what you want. The stimulants you want. If you can't get through, you won't see me again in the future."

Jonas was about to speak when he heard the call hanging up.

After a moment of sluggishness, Jonas looked at the phone in his hand and slammed it on the table. Afterwards, a jogger rushed to the corner of the drawer and quickly opened the drawer, took out a needle and injected it into his arm.

After the injection of the needle, he showed a happy expression, and he miraculously regained his excitement after he had not had a good rest for several days.


Old Man Lambert hung up the phone and began to think about Jonas' words.

Seven days have passed since the wedding. After the wedding, Bai Lixin and Halliwitt did not choose to spend their honeymoon, but quickly returned to their normal lives.

Halliwitt has been working overtime in the company recently because of work needs, so Bai Lixin simply stayed in Lambert's ancestral house and got along with Mr. Lambert day and night.

Is Bai Lixin the person behind the manipulation?

The chances are almost zero.

Is he that mysterious host? That is even more impossible.

Sorry for the time.

Mitchell came together almost every morning to accompany him to water the flowers and rest in the garden, and he didn't get to work on it at all.

But Jonas' guessing with certainty made Old Man Lambert hesitate.

Could it be that Bai Lixin is hiding something else, as Jonas said?

Standing up from the chair, Mr. Lambert's eyes flashed for a moment, and then he left the study and walked towards Bai Lixin's bedroom.

When he walked to Bai Lixin's room, he gently pushed the door and found that the bedroom door was actually closed. Pushing the door open carefully, Mr. Lambert saw Bai Lixin holding something in his hand to examine it.

The old man Lambert coughed twice, and saw Bai Lixin shoving things into the middle of the book in a panic.

Seeing this scene, the old man Lambert narrowed his eyes, and began to suspect Bai Lixin in his heart.

Bai Lixin shoved the things in and stood up abruptly, slightly panicked: "Father, you, why are you here?"

The old man Lambert took a deep look at Bai Lixin, walked slowly to the desk, and snorted coldly: "I'm an old man, I was a little bored at night, I wanted to talk to you for a while, why did you meet me? A look of panic, did you do something that is not right for me?"

Bai Lixin kept staring at the book, and smiled awkwardly: "How could it be, it's just that I didn't hear the sound when my father came, so I was a little surprised."

The old man Lambert finally walked to the desk and picked up the book, "I think you just sneaked something into the book, what is it? Can I look at it, old man?"

Although he asked this question, his hand had already opened the book.

There is no need to search page by page, just with a light wave, the book will be opened directly on the page with the things in it.

Lambert sneered, but when he saw what was in the clip, his indifferent expression turned into a look of ecstasy, "Mitchell! Mitchell, are you pregnant?!"

Bai Lixin stood with a blushing face and rubbed his hands, embarrassedly said: "I, I'm not sure yet, I just tested it, and I haven't gone to the hospital for re-examination."

"Not sure?!" Old Man Lambert came over with a pregnancy test stick and said excitedly, "Why are you not sure? It shows clearly, what is it that you are not pregnant? When was the last time your pheromone escaped? ?"

Bai Lixin's face turned red, and the old man Lambert realized his rudeness. If omega asked Bai Lixin this question, he probably wouldn't be so embarrassed. Alpha, asking about the omega pheromone escape time is really a loss of elder etiquette.

The old man Lambert hurriedly smiled apologetically: "Haha, what, just pretend I didn't ask anything, and I'll go to the hospital with you tomorrow for a re-examination!"

The moment he saw the pregnancy test stick, Mr. Lambert immediately forgot about Jonas, and there was only one voice in his heart that exclaimed: Great, great!

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