At this time, the energy reserve of 0542 was quite low. If it was a real battle, he could not resist the attack of the fifth-class strongman for Jiang Fei. He could not stop even the aftermath of the battle.

However, the energy wave that Lockwood uses to spy is not strong. After all, he is quite impolite to do so. If the energy wave is too strong, it will likely be attacked by others and face the extremely powerful Zhuge in the legend. Shan Zhen, rashly starting a war with him is definitely not a good choice.

Therefore, Lockwood's energy wave used to test Jiang Fei's engulfing position was easily offset by 0542. Not only was it unable to detect the depth of Zhuge Mountain played by Jiang Fei, but the energy wave sinking into the sea made Rockwood's heart panic!

"How is this possible ?!" Lockwoods widened his eyes and stared at Jiang Fei. His energy wave was swallowed up as soon as he approached the other side, as if the Zhuge Mountain in front of him was really a terrible black hole. For him it was absolutely unseen and unheard of!

Does this guy really reach level 6 which is impossible in the legend? Thinking of this, Lockwood's cold sweat came down. It should be known that spying on others is an impolite behavior. If a supernatural person level 4 spies on him, he will definitely kill him with anger.

So if the old man in front of him is really a sixth-class power ... Lockwoods dare not imagine it ...

Although the fifth-level powerhouse has a theoretical immortality, the problem is that no one knows what the sixth-level thing is. God knows that when the sixth-level powerhouse deals with the fifth-level power, will it be like the fifth-level overthrown the fourth-level power. Unmatched advantage!

And Zhuge Shanzhen is really too mysterious. Jiang Hu is rumored that this guy is almost omnipotent, so it is not impossible for him to have a sharp blade in his hand. This has led to the sudden snag in Lockwoods ’failure. A fear began to spread.

Sometimes people are like this. The higher they are, the more they are afraid of death. The grass roots may have a fearless sacrifice spirit. They may be desperate with their opponents when they are forced into a hurry. Woods is no exception. They have been enjoying the immortality for too long, and once they encounter life threats, this fear is often more serious than ordinary people!

"What's the matter?" Mordred and Qin Wuyang looked blank. Although they didn't know what was happening, they saw the cold sweat oozing from Lockwood's head, and looked at Zhuge Shanzhen in horror!

"Somewhat interesting!" Jiang Feizhuang was already a senior person, so one look at Lockwood's expression knew that his opportunity was coming.

"Huh! Something that you can't control yourself, don't want to kill yourself today, get out of here!" Jiang Fei glared at Lockwoods with a fierce glance, and at the same time 0542 opened the only energy to cooperate with Jiang Fei's engulfing position Slowly pressed past Lockwoods!

"Thank you ... Master Xie ..." Feeling that weird and horrifying engulfing force slowly pressed to himself, Lockwood apparently felt that the energy afterglow from his energy was continuously being devoured, and the fear in his heart soared, so After hearing Zhugeshan's true forgiveness, it almost disappeared in almost an escape!

"Huh ..." Jiang Fei secretly relieved, the energy of 0542 was almost exhausted, the oppression just now was just a semblance, and the outermost part that could devour the energy rhyme of Lockwood was already the limit. If he insisted for a while, Then Jiang Fei would almost have to put on the filling.

"What's the situation?" Qin Wuyang and Mordred glanced at each other. Just now the two of them were unaware of it, but Lockwood escaped with sweat and sweat. This situation is really weird.

Is it true that Zhuge Shanzhen and Rockwoods played against each other? From the conversation between the two just now, this seems very likely.

"What to do?" Qin Wuyang and Mordred were quite entangled at this time. They were originally for the reincarnated eggs, but they did not expect to encounter the legendary Zhuge Shanzhen.

And from the performance of Lockwood, this Zhuge Mountain is really not very easy to mess with, so these two extremely savvy guys didn't dare to try Zhuge Dao.

"It seems that the Chief Tao has already obtained the reincarnation egg, then we will not bother and say goodbye!" Qin Wuyang turned his eyes, he didn't want to rush to Zhugeshan really, and wanted to ask Lockwood for the situation first.

"I'm saying goodbye too!" Mordred wasn't stupid either. At first glance, Qin Wuyang knew what the other party had planned, so he left immediately.

"No!" Jiang Fei said indifferently. He was also frightened at this time. After all, the energy of 0542 was almost exhausted. At this time, if Qin Wuyang and Mordred took the initiative to test him, he might not be able to devour each other's energy wave perfectly .

"Well ..." Two streams of light passed away, Qin Wuyang and Mordred went looking for Locke Woods to inquire about the situation, and Jiang Fei was relieved.

"Hum ... almost help me! Come on!" Jiang Fei winked at Isabella, and then Bella immediately launched a teleportation, and the two returned to Manda Square.

"No! Now you must find a new energy source!" Jiang Fei secretly made up his mind, at least until there is not a certain amount of energy, he must not pretend to be Zhugeshan true again, otherwise it is likely to be dangerous.

"Master Captain, in fact, this reborn egg is a very good source of biological energy!" A voice of 0542 sounded in Jiang Fei's heart.

"Huh?" Jiang Fei froze.

"Master Captain ~ ~ I can not only use physical energy, I can also use this kind of biological energy. If this reborn egg is sent to a biochemical laboratory and then squeezed out, then a fifth-level strong The strength is enough to support me to run for a long time, of course, you can also resurrect a biological person of Ariel's level! "0542 said.

"This ..." Jiang Fei was really hesitant at this moment.

To be honest, Jiang Fei has no friendship with Beowulf. The two have not met for more than five minutes, so let alone any feelings. At the beginning, Jiang Fei didn't want to swallow the egg. The main reason is that the side effects are more foolish. Obtaining the fifth-level power is just a pseudo-fifth level like Ariel. If it is only this level, as long as Jiang Fei has enough energy, he can infuse him directly with 0542, then it will not become Beowulf. There is nothing in this state.

But now 0542 proposes that he can squeeze out the power of the reincarnation egg and use it as bioenergy, which is a real temptation for Jiang Fei.

"Should I squeeze him out?" Jiang Fei was at war with the heavens and the heavens, on the one hand, the genuine interests, on the one hand, justice and morality.

... ()

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