The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 286: Return to Trial Island

When everything was right, Ying and Aoki fell silent again.

Under the motion of the shadow, Aoki picked up the tea cup and sipped it slowly.

In fact, Aoki likes tea and coffee.

That bitterness first, then the bitterness faded away, a slight sweetness appeared in the mouth.

The contrast between sweetness and bitterness makes it more prominent.

Aoki doesn't care about tea leaves or coffee. He just likes the aftertaste after drinking, which is different from people who pay attention to tea ceremony.

Aoki drank the tea in the cup and the bitterness in his mouth became stronger.

Ying shook his head and poured a glass on Aoki again.

Aoki is also rare to be able to pour water into the Heavenly Kings.

"This kind of good tea is a bit wasteful for you." Ying said faintly, lamenting a little more, sighing more.

Holding up the tea cup for a moment, Aoki said with a smile, "For me, it doesn't matter what tea leaves or tea ceremony. What's important is that the bitterer the tea, the stronger the final taste.

The taste of tea tasted a moment. Aoki's words did not sound like those spoken by his age. Even if he experienced more than his peers, it was not like his age.

Without letting the two wait long, the boat sailed.

Originally, Ying was waiting for Aoki's arrival. Now Aoki has arrived. Although their sailor is now sent to the rescue due to excessive blood loss, the sailor is not very important, is it?

You can do it for another person.

The freighters of the Rockets are still unremarkable. According to special routes, they head to the trial island. The ship is loaded with various materials.


In a luxurious room, a thin middle-aged man looked at the video phone on the wall, supported his head with one hand, and listened to his report.

If Aoki was here, he might be able to recognize that the person in the video call was the captain who had appeared on the freighter before.

I saw that he was very respectful now, and explained what had happened before, without fail.

After listening to the report, he wasted the middle-aged man and said with a smile, "So you, a big captain and a squadron captain, haven't been able to find out the details of the kid, and have been banished?

There was a smile on his face when he spoke, but whoever saw it didn't think he was very happy.

Suddenly, a lot of sweat appeared on the captain's face.

Then immediately said what the movie said, originally.

"Oh? I heard that his mission failed last time and his power was seriously damaged.

If it was before, I still respect him for a three-pointer, and now ... I knew it before. "

According to the strength of the Tianwang class, the movie strength is much better than him, but the last time the movie strength was greatly damaged, no one knows the specific strength now.

"Forget it, it's not interesting. Go tell the stinky boy. If this trial doesn't get the results I want, get off the death squad and fight the league next time. Let him run first."

"Yes!" The captain said quickly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Now it ’s dead, you do n’t die.

The video call was turned off, but the expression of the thin middle-aged man was gloomy. "Shadow group, thought it was the previous shadow group?"


Two days later.

The Rockets' freighter successfully reached Trial Island.

In the past two days, except for Aoki and Ying sitting together to drink tea at the beginning, they have been working in their own room on some things that may be used on the trial island.

The first is to prepare for those men who Aoki conquered on the trial island.

I don't know how many people follow me after I leave for so long.

In other words, how many people really follow themselves, Aoki is not clear, and does not want to figure it out.

Only after leaving the trial island this time, those who chose to follow their own, no matter what they had planned before, must choose to be loyal to themselves in the future. This is the standard that Aoki has set for these people.

And what he tinkered with in the room was also related to this purpose.

I didn't see the shadow for two days, and when Aoki disembarked, I didn't see him.

Maybe, after Aoki got on the boat, Ying had already left.

Uranus-level strong, do you still have to take a boat to get here?

Maybe not.

Ignore the disappearance of the shadow.

Aoki stepped on this **** muddy land, a mixture of smells of smelly and earthy pavement came out.

Here is Trial Island.

If you ca n’t see the full picture of Trial Island from the outside, you can say that he is an island, but rather he is a small land, because so far Aoki does not know how deep the Trial Island is.

But being able to draw such an unknown place on the sea, I have to say that the Rockets have great strength.

It is also possible that the place can only be reached by taking a Rocket-exclusive boat.

Because there was no window in the cabin when Aoki came, and after actually entering the sea, Aoki was told that he was not allowed to leave his room, and he could not leave his room until it was about to arrive.

So how to come to this place, I do not know, how to leave, Aoki has only a general direction.

The Rockets are very strict in protecting this place.

The sailors were busy carrying the goods, and no one ignored Aoki ~ ~ In this way, Aoki quietly returned to the trial island, and one day was left until the end of the three-month trial.

The dark crow stood on Aoki's shoulder, walked on the still familiar land, and slowly walked towards the rocket base.

No one along the way.

In the original base of 300 people, maybe 100 people are not there now.

Aoki did not temporarily leave the island in the previous life, so he experienced the cruelty of the trial island throughout the process, knowing that the later the later, the more bloody.

Walked through the familiar ridge-long aisle and entered the square of the base again.

In the middle of the square was still a dark trial stone, which was no longer shiny, but was stained with blood, but no one cleaned it.

The temporary battlefield that Aoki made while fighting Guga was still there, but the dried blood on it was everywhere.

From this it can be imagined how cruel the Trial Island is in the later time.

Aoki just glanced a little, not paying attention to the **** smell, and walked to the temporary building previously built by Guga and his men.

After entering the base, he still did not see it alone, but surprised Aoki.

No matter how many people die, there won't be many people in the Rockets base, right?

Doesn't the snake mean it?

Slowly, Aoki understood. It turned out that there was no one, but because the final trial will begin tomorrow, so these people have no intention to fight, and return to their own forces to fight for the last chance .

Those who can get out of the line are getting better, and those who can't get out of the line are frantically searching for thighs that can take them to life.


Second, finally returned to Xinshou Village!

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