The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 79: Ancestral tradition

When the Olaf factory was tinkering with refining porcelain at the beginning, Hadar and others felt that Olaf was fooling around. European countries have tried to imitate porcelain for hundreds of thousands of years, but many talented craftsmen have failed. How can Olaf and the six potters make porcelain? Isn't that a miracle?

   But with the appearance of the first bone china, the people of Hadar, Hudik, Hoskurd, Kadir, Heine and others who saw the porcelain vase were shocked.

   They touched the porcelain vase with love, just like touching the skin of a lover, and then Hadar ecstatically rewarded Olaf with the wealth of three hundred slaves, one hundred reindeer, and one hundred Wilgate.

With the production of bone china, Olaf’s prestige and status in the city of Herut have been raised to another level. All high-level, middle-level and even ordinary Vikings and slaves have reincarnated Master Olaf as Lord Hadar’s ancestor, the heroic spirit. The rumors are convinced.

   The various performances of a twelve-year-old boy surpassed adults, even literate and knowledgeable figures, and possessed all kinds of miracles. How could this not be worshipped, awed and trusted by the superstitious people of the 17th century.

   While Olaf led the pottery artisans to study bone china, the pottery apprentices and other artisans were not idle, they were constantly consuming various raw materials shipped by slaves in the city of Groot.

  In the 30-odd days from May to the beginning of June, numerous colorful and dazzling products have been created, which surprised Hadar, Yotte, Hoskurd and Olaf when they saw it.

   There are the most wooden utensils and tools. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of pieces, and there are hundreds of stone utensils, but there are more tools combined with stone and wood, there are nearly a thousand pieces.

There are also more than 400 pots and pots.

The remaining leather shoes, leather clothes, leather pants, etc. are countless, with a total of nearly a thousand pieces. These are not made of expensive and precious leather. The advantage is that they are durable and strong, and the style is far better than that of Beotuk and Ekis. The Moroccan made it looks good.

The pen makers have also produced hundreds of exquisite quill pens, all of which are made from the sturdy feathers of eagles and huge seabirds shot by hunters on the island. Together with the quill are dozens of barrels of plants and Black ink made of minerals.

   If these goods are packaged and shipped to Europe for sale, they can be sold for a little money in addition to the barren Nordic region. If it is in other regions, things other than leather clothes and shoes may not be sold.

   But even in the Nordic region, these items are not enough to buy a ship of flour.

However, in the New World where materials are scarce and also lack of technical personnel and handicrafts, the value of these items will double, because whether they are colonists from Europe or the aborigines of the New World, they have a demand for all kinds of daily necessities made by Wenlan craftsmen. .

   If they get all kinds of tools, they will improve their quality of life, so that the indigenous people no longer have to rely on the simple items made by the rough methods of the old people, and the British and French colonists no longer have to wait for the rare items shipped from Europe.

Olaf immediately discussed with Hadar and the others after seeing the mountain of goods piled up in the warehouse, and planned to consume a batch in the city of Groot, and then transport a batch to New England and New France for sale, and even bring it to the mainland. The savage tribes traded in exchange for fur and other items.

New England and New France have a strong demand for food, clothing, living tools and other necessities of life, but rely on the high cost and small number of merchant ships to and from the New World and Europe. Therefore, most of the colonies are white slaves and colonists. All of them adapt to life and endure the inconveniences of life.

   Inside Hardarburg, Olaf made a proposal to sell factory products to the two colonies.

All the senior officials in Herut City agreed, and Yotte also said with a smile: "The Janis who followed Hagrid is a servant of your father. He once said that Hagrid and New England and New France were originally It is just to solve the problem of food, clothing, clothing, and warmth. I don't think about other problems. After a long time, everyone is like a beast, and they have forgotten the days of civilized society!

   This shows that the lives of people living in the New World are inconvenient because of the lack of tools! Now our neighbors are still suffering from this kind of pain. I think the daily necessities produced by Olaf will be very popular. This is a good way for us to exchange wealth from the French and British! "

Oros also echoed: "The second young master’s factory is amazing! We used to have a large tribe with few people who can make tools. Usually only the leader can enjoy all kinds of living utensils. Now, if the factory’s goods can be shipped to the mainland , The Iroquois, the Hurons, the Abnaki, and the Kerry will all be willing to exchange fur..."

Oros now speaks Old Norse as well as the Icelandic. The more he feels his insignificance as he lives in the city of Groot, the more he realizes that Lord Hadar is very knowledgeable and powerful, although he is very smart. , I also guessed that Hadar is not a god, and the so-called "Sky Fire and Thunder" is only a magic weapon, but he is still very loyal and superstitious.

After seeing that the second young master Olaf was able to surrender the smallpox curse that had plagued the Beotuk people for a hundred years, Oros was convinced of what others had said about the miracles of Hadar, Olaf and others. Raf is also in awe.

   Oros’ words The leaders here will not ignore because he can express opinions on behalf of the indigenous people.

Olaf said with a smile: "Our Viking ancestors used to have knives in one hand and money in the other. The organic combination of robbery and trading is the fine tradition of our Vikings. I can first contact many of our neighbors through business activities. , Maybe we don’t have to fight vigorously, through the penetration of commodities, we can slowly surrender the indigenous people and let them work for us!"

Olaf knows the strategic significance of economic sanctions in later generations, and also understands the strategic layout and influence that can be exerted by controlling the urgently needed products of other countries. The game of "chips", soybeans, pork, cotton and other commodities deeply reflects the mastery of commercial initiative. The power of power.

Olaf feels that if neighbors around him accept, get used to, and adapt to the various living utensils provided by Vinland, Vinland will also be able to influence their purchase and sales demand for other items in the future, and will be able to induce and even induce even through trade inequality Control the conflicts and struggles between one force and another, or buy indigenous people through the gift of commodity resources to help them attack other indigenous tribes, etc.

   But obviously Hadar didn't understand Olaf's subtext, they were just discussing how much fur and wealth they can get from selling items.

Although Olaf’s conjecture did not arouse everyone’s interest, it was indeed a behavior that everyone agreed to sell the products produced in the factory. So on the second day, the Vikings with muskets and swords brought slaves, warriors and many other commodities. Rowed the Viking longboat and left Port Herut, heading towards the neighboring territory.

This time Hadar sent two hundred Vikings and one thousand slave warriors. They drove away all the ships on the island and divided them into four teams to the strongholds in New England and New France, and to the north and south banks of the Saint Lawrence River. Indigenous territory.

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