The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 434: Olaf the Nordic Bear

Christina looked curiously at the "Khitanese" who were dressed and looked different from the Nordic people. After listening to Umisen who acted as an interpreter, she looked at Olaf, as if she didn't know how to respond to the bow and bow.

Olaf smiled slightly, raised both hands falsely, and said in standard Zhongzhou Mandarin: "Zhou Qing is flat."

Although Zhou Zhifan and others had long heard that His Royal Highness Olaf, the regent of the Swedish Empire, could speak fluent Chinese and also used Hanchen, they really saw a blond and blue-eyed man speaking in Mandarin that was even more standard than himself. Everyone is unavoidably surprised and shocked.

Olaf was not angry at Zhou Zhifan and other Ming envoys’ disrespectful scrutiny, but rather triumphant. He smiled and said: “Egaku, you will give them a set of "Iceland Saint Hadar" and "Hroot Family". Sakya, they will understand who I am after seeing it."

The stocky Fore Gallery nodded hurriedly, and said in Old Knowles: "Understood, Master."

After years of propaganda by the Viking News Agency, Olaf and Hadar have become saints in Sweden and even the Baltic region. The Church of the King is also in the Nordic countries, Pomeranian Principality, Poland and other places. Although it has not yet formed a great climate, the Protestants in Northern Europe that have influenced the Protestant believe that Olaf and his son went to Wenlan under the guidance of the gods. At the same time, they achieved the kingly hegemony and became the spreading civilization in the wild land. Saints sages.

As the Swedish Empire is becoming the hegemon of Northern Europe and even Eastern Europe under the leadership of Olaf, and it continues to integrate the resources of the three Nordic countries and the Baltic Sea region, the American Vinland, New Stockholm and other colonies, the national power of the Swedish Empire is flourishing, and it has become a land-powered power. Thanks to the giant sea and land power, France, a self-proclaimed Catholic and a filial son in the Christian world, is very unacceptable. Therefore, for the past year, Prime Ministers Louis XIII and Richelieu have been flirting with Russia and Poland. The garden is causing trouble.

Therefore, when Zhou Zhifan and others arrived in Stockholm, it was Sweden representing Protestantism and France representing Catholicism. When the two camps formed in Europe, the United Kingdom lost control of Ireland and its national power declined, so it was unable to participate. Too much. Habsburg is still licking its wounds because of previous consecutive defeats. Therefore, less than ten years after the end of the European War, Europe has risen two major camps, France and Sweden. The Viking News recently He has been publishing lace news about French King Louis XIII and his bisexual friends, in order to strike a blow at this newly crowned "Sun King", and by virtue of the title of "Sun King" crowned by the Holy See against the Swedish Empire Catholic leader.

Olaf has clearly felt that France is targeting Sweden from the beginning of this year. Last month, he also learned that France had also sent a fleet to the Far East. He seemed to want to open business routes from Japan, North Korea and other places to compete with Sweden in the Far East market.

Knowing that France and Germany, as the crossroads of Europe, always fantasize about agreeing to the European continent as the world's hegemon, so Olaf's attitude towards Louis XIII is not uncommon, but the more France jumps, the more he wants to promote the "Greater Northern Europe". "Together Prosperity Plan", think of a way to include the entire Nordic region as the basis for dominating Europe.

Northern Europe’s bitter cold land is sparsely populated and lacks population and resources even if it is integrated. Therefore, through the alliance with Nanming, the resources of the Far East can be effectively mobilized to feed back Northern Europe. Whether it is selfish or public, Olaf must take the opportunity to take advantage of Zhou Zhifan and others. A group of Nanming envoys drew in, letting them have a good impression of themselves and even be loyal.

After chatting for a while, Olaf issued the letter of credence as the godfather regent of the Great Sweden Empire, announcing the establishment of diplomatic relations and trade alliances between the Swedish Empire and the Ming Empire.

After a dinner, the next morning, the "Viking News" covered the entire story of the powerful and civilized ancient country of the Far East sending envoys to establish diplomatic relations with Sweden.

"The Great Far East Empire that inherited the ancient Celes, Aurora, Qin Nai, and Khitan is now called the Ming Empire. After the godfather Regent Olaf sent Lord Thom to show his good, this ancient and silent country sent After the delegation paid a return visit, the leader was the loyal Bo Zhouzhi Fan of the Ming Empire...

"The loyal Earl Zhou, trusted by the Emperor of the Ming Empire, walked into the Throne Hall at 19:12:30. As a diplomatic envoy, he met his father Olaf and Queen Christina, and delivered a personal letter and gifts from Emperor Longwu of the Ming Dynasty..."

"After friendly exchanges, His Royal Highness Olaf issued the letter of credential for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Swedish Empire and the Ming Empire, and agreed to 21 agreements between the two countries’ preferential trade countries. This marked that the Swedish Empire became a superpower across Europe, Asia and the United States. Shaking hands with Eastern and Western civilizations for the first time..."

All kinds of rainbow farts are not only in Paiolaf, but also invisible to praise the Ming Empire. It seems that the Far Eastern civilization represented by the Ming Empire can come to the West to condescend and condescend, and it is something that is worth looking forward to and exciting.

It is the 17th century, and Europe has not yet seen the first industrial revolution. For thousands of years, the legends of ancient civilizations in the Far East and the luxury products such as silk and porcelain have made European aristocrats and literary circles feel inferior in their hearts. Speaking of the Far East The country of porcelain always has a mentality of licking a dog.

This mentality reached a peak after Marco Polo, so going to sea to find China has become the initiator of the great nautical era. uukanshu. Even after com discovered the Americas, European colonists still named the Americas West India, hoping to find waterways and waterways to China through West India.

This kind of dog-licking mentality towards the ancient civilizations of the Far East will continue until more than one hundred years later. After knowing that the Maganil Mission of the British Kingdom had met with the "Elderly Perfect Man", Western talents lost their awe of China at that time. , Only regarded as a general boss empire, backward powers.

As the Viking News went out of stock, the ministers of various countries in Stockholm also brought the news back to China. Within a week, a wave of "China fever" was set off across Europe. What impact will come.

Even though the relevant topic has been said hundreds of times, people still talk about it and marvel at the appearance of a hero in the Swedish Empire after Gustav II.

Olaf is a name that has gradually become louder in Europe in the past ten years. Especially in the past five years, he has become a big figure with Louis XIII, Ferdinand III, Cromwell, etc., but the former is a justifiable one. The lord of the country, Olaf is only the regent, but because he is the godfather of the new emperor appointed by the first emperor Gustav II, his status is also very special.

Olaf was originally a young man and was born as a nobleman in a small place. The leaders of all countries did not take him seriously. It is generally believed that Olaf was just a passing meteor. However, as the King of Poland was hanged by Olaf, Sweden The Prime Minister and Queen Mother were defeated by Olaf one after another. People gradually realized that Olaf might have grown into a new Nordic lion, or that his style was far more rude and cruel than Gustav II. Therefore, as the reputation of the Swedish empire increased after Sweden and the daimyo established diplomatic relations, Olaf was completely called the "Nordic Giant Bear" by Europeans.

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