The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0890 Worm Mage (update)

(Karbymon, I added this worm mage at your request. To be honest, the writing really makes me sick. I also thank Nanshanhuo for his consistent rewards and support!)

Not to mention anything else, the problem of a single faction is difficult to solve.

The elves are lawful good, but the Necropolis is lawful evil.

It sounds like there is something in common between the two parties, both of which belong to the lawful camp. But if you really want to lock an elf and an undead in the same room, they will fight to the death every minute. Because one of the two sides belonged to the good camp and the other belonged to the evil camp, they were completely different from each other.

Among the nine common camps in the plane world, one must first distinguish the three camps of goodness, neutrality, and evil, and then within these three major camps, the specific distinctions between lawful, neutral, and chaotic. Therefore, only neutral good and chaotic good can form allies with the lawful good of the elves, and the races of the neutral camp can also interact with the elves occasionally.

Therefore, elves and dryads have been friends since ancient times, because dryads are neutral and kind.

As a lawful evil, the Necropolis naturally belongs to the evil camp. Therefore, those who can make friends with them are mostly abyssal creatures, dark creatures and various evil gods.

This is the main reason why Saint Druid Diesel's attitude changed drastically when he heard that Li Xun was a necromancer. It is also a helpless thing to have different ways and not to seek each other!

Since it was difficult for the two sides to accept each other in a short period of time, Li Xun simply let go of his heart and regarded everything that happened in front of him as a free magical blockbuster, enjoying it with relish.

In addition to looking around and spying on the defensive layout, arm configuration and battlefield performance of the elves, Li Xun paid more attention to the performance of the Zerg on the other side. The great reputation of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg was established by destroying several large planes. No matter in terms of war potential and attitude towards war, the other party must have a strength far beyond that of ordinary plane races, otherwise, how could they survive? Slaughter so many powerful clans.

Therefore, the greatest significance of Li Xun's trip is to perceive the strength of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg in advance, to understand the opponent's ruling structure, to understand the opponent's resource operation method, to understand the opponent's main combat unit composition, and to understand why the opponent can become a prestigious "" Plane Disaster".

More importantly, Li Xun wanted to know whether the invasion of the Klein plane by the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg was an ordinary invasion or a long-planned strategic shift. You must know that in the history of the planes spread within the multiverse, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is a terrifying and powerful race protected by evil gods.

C'Thun, the supreme master of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, is rumored to be a terrifying evil god whose rank reaches level 33. If such a guy appears in the plane of Klein, I'm sorry, Li Xun can only decisively give up the plan to use the plane of Klein as his main plane, and instead try to move the main city of the Great Cemetery out.

However, after Li Xun had a deep understanding of the history of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, he was very happy to get an important piece of information. It is said that C'Thun, the supreme ruler of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, has been sealed, and the Zerg lair it established has also been completely destroyed.

The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg encountered in Klein's plane at this moment may be just a remnant of the other party's exile, or it may be an attempt by them to make a comeback. But no matter which one it is, it is a huge ordeal for the creatures of the Klein plane. It is said that where the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg appeared, all creatures other than the Zerg would become extinct, and only a very few races would be enslaved by them, thus surviving as servants.

Therefore, as soon as the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg appeared, it would arouse the greatest hatred and fiercest resistance of the local plane creatures, and there was no possibility or space for the two sides to make peace.

According to Issa's speculation, the plane of Klein is just a medium plane. Even if there is really a huge conspiracy behind the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, it is impossible for the other party to treat the plane of Klein as an all-out opponent. So as long as they can control it and cut off the connection between the Zerg in the Klein plane and their supporters in time, it is still possible to win this war in the plane.

But that will inevitably require all the races and creatures in the plane of Klein to unite and unite, and there is only a slight possibility of joining this war with one heart, otherwise...

Regarding this point, many staff members of the cemetery are not optimistic.

Not to mention that the elves and orcs in the Elf Continent have been confronting each other for tens of thousands of years, and the Klein Continent alone has become a mess. In the north, the United Council of the Undead is making waves, and in the south-central, dark creatures from the underground continue to surge up to the surface, fighting against the human kingdom.

One of the main reasons why the human kingdoms of the Klein Continent are so prudent in supporting the elves is that their country is not peaceful.

It can be said that the invasion of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg came at the right time, and it was a dangerous moment when the internal disputes in the Klein plane were fierce and the war situation was turbulent. If it is not handled well, maybe this Zerg invasion is a sign that the plane of Klein is coming to an end.

Just like the wizarding world is closed and self-defense, but it still can't stop the blatant intrusion of the necropolis, and now it has become a huge testing ground for the experience and training of high-level troops in the necropolis. However, the Klein plane, which maintains a development advantage in front of the wizarding world, is also trembling when it faces the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg of the "plane disaster" level, fighting bravely for its own survival.

This is actually the essence of the World of Great Controversy!

In the great development of the multiverse, a plane can be lucky to continue to grow and grow, and gradually become the enviable main material plane. But luck is not forever! The better a plane develops, the more it needs to arm itself, otherwise, there are countless traps, conspiracies, and disasters waiting for it among the thousands of planes.

The wizarding world is closed to the outside world, and the top power inside the plane is never allowed to explore the mysterious world outside, but this still cannot avoid the outrageous invasion of the Great Cemetery. The plane of Klein completed the accumulation of strong people early, so many legendary strong people stepped out of the plane to explore the mysterious and fascinating star sea world, but this also increased the possibility and probability of them causing super troubles.

Therefore, the development of the plane has never been absolutely safe and absolutely smooth sailing. Every disaster is actually an opportunity. You carry it through, and the harvest you get can definitely make you a thousand miles a day. But if you don't get over it, I'm sorry, there is no place for you in the world!

Li Xun, who was full of thoughts and thoughts, was thinking and watching silently, and he outlined the possible future of the large cemetery bit by bit. Under his distant gaze, the scale of the war between the elves and the swarming Zerg showed signs of escalation.

Because the middle and high-level arms of both sides have already appeared one after another.

From the beginning of the war, most of the swarms from the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg were beetles that were as big as Ao dogs and shaped like enlarged black ants. They are ruthless and bloodthirsty, fearless of death, relying on their giant jaws and sharp limbs to fight, their carapaces are as hard as iron plates, and it is difficult for ordinary weapons to hurt them.

This... This is simply the most perfect killing weapon.

However, because they are too cruel and violent, Li Xun doubts whether they are intelligent creatures. Li Xun, who has the memory of his previous life, can't help but wonder, is this also a strange race with group wisdom or a supreme mastermind?

If they only possess group intelligence, then there is no other way but to reduce their number to a certain level, so that their threat will be greatly reduced. But if they have a supreme mastermind, and the following are all obedient killing tools, then the beheading tactic is undoubtedly the best choice.

While observing and spying, Li Xun was thinking about how to deal with and countermeasures if the large cemetery encountered Zerg. But at this time, some strange combat aliens appeared in the Zerg that had been unable to attack for a long time.

The first thing that caught Li Xun's eyes was the worm mage.

Alright, alright, this is a vulgar name Li Xun gave himself, but it sounds very appropriate.

Seriously speaking, this strange guy hiding in the swarm turned out to be a special kind of spellcaster. They are covered with mysterious black robes, and inside are full of thousands of worms that are constantly wriggling and changing. Yes, you heard it right, these worm mages are humanoid monsters condensed from a bunch of real worms.

But although they are strange, they are also out-and-out spellcasters.

Li Xun saw it with his own eyes, a worm mage mingled with the swarm, and secretly approached the frontline battlefield under the cover of his companions. When it was hiding behind a tree and muttering spells and casting spells, a war dancer rushing to the front of the battlefield found it.

Without any explanation, after several consecutive vertical leaps and dodges, this powerful war dancer rushed to it with his agile figure. Two elf curved blades held behind their backs crossed and wiped the throat of the black burqa, beheading him directly.

But the next scene is enough for all elf sword dancers to remember for life.

There were no flesh and bones inside the shattered burqa, only swarms of wriggling and rolling worms. The densely packed worms in front of the eyes are enough to make any elf who witnesses this scene nauseated and vomited.

But just as the elf war dancer was stunned, the worm mage whose "head" had been cut off still moved slightly in his robe, completing the terrifying spell he had carefully prepared.

The deadly cold ray made the elf war dancer's body cold and stiff, and he initially lost his ability to move. And the withering flame that followed made his spirit wither, and his body and flesh were eaten away. What's even more frightening is that the weirdest alternative spellcaster, the worm mage, pounced forward, and his entire body smashed into the thin and powerful body of the elf.

In an instant, thousands of worms covered the body of the elf war dancer. They are constantly climbing and wriggling, looking for any "gap" that can be entered. Whether it's the wounds caused by the battle, or the eyes, ears, mouth and nose, as long as there is a mouth, they all rush in.

So the next moment, after the elf war dancer broke free from the shackles of the death-cold ray, he knelt down on the ground clutching his throat, losing the ability to fight.

In his perception, countless horribly sticky, slippery soft bodies are wriggling in his mouth, nasal cavity, and ear canal, crazily digging into his body along the ready-made "pipe". The terrifying sound of gnawing was endless, and thousands of pains came from all over the body at the same time. This desperate and crazy feeling broke his mental defense in an instant.

Thus, he collapsed in pain, his entire body buried in the tumbling and wriggling pile of terrifying insects.

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