The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0936 The Wizard Who Yields (for Subscription)

(Old wolf wants to eat meat, and old wolf wants to subscribe!)

Although the situation in the entire Klein Continent has become a mess, this does not prevent Li Xun from examining his recent gains as a victor.

After successfully killing the legendary wizard of the elves, the predetermined "Seed of Life" also fell into the hands of the Great Cemetery. As a bonus for the battle, the magic equipment covered by the legendary mage became Knox's collection, and the remains of the legendary mage became Karthus' trophies.

According to Karthus, with this excellent skeleton, he will definitely be able to create a legendary death clone. At that time, his basic combat power can be more than doubled.

After several twists and turns, the "Seed of Life" was finally sent to the Undead Research Institute. Here, work is underway on "Nightchaser," a fallen elf belonging to the Necropolis. After previous experiments and explorations, the psychic master Kel'Thuzad has submitted a complete set of plans to Li Xun, the master of the cemetery, and the preliminary assessment is extremely feasible.

If this "Night Chasing Elf" plan is successful, then the Great Cemetery will get an additional non-staff army with the characteristics of forest elves on the basis of the army directly under it.

As for the site selection of the future night elves, Li Xun did not place it on the plane of Klein after in-depth discussions with the city lords and staff. Now the plane of Klein is in an eventful season. One continent is plagued by insects, another continent is invaded by underground creatures, and terrifying demigod creatures appear out of their hearts. Not secure anymore.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket!

After comprehensive consideration of the situation in each city, Li Xun finally chose Death Valley, the cultivation base for night elves.

Death Valley of the wizarding world, a newly rising cemetery city.

After experiencing massacres some time ago, the wizards in the wizarding world finally realized the horror of the Great Cemetery, and the attitudes of several major wizarding organizations towards the Great Cemetery also changed subtly.

As a rare main plane, the Great Cemetery does not want the world to be devastated by too much violence, so it is the first priority to eliminate all additional factors that affect stability. Therefore, the Plague Legion led by Plague Maiden Sara and the invading demon army must find a way to control it in order to avoid affecting the Necropolis' income in the Wizarding World.

Plague Legion is now mostly done.

Through the exchange of benefits with Plague Maiden Saila, the Plague Legion will become a non-staffed army of the Great Cemetery in the future, and the Great Cemetery will be responsible for finding a place for Plague Maiden to grow and thrive. The initial intention of both parties is of course an abyss world where everything is included and nothing is tolerated. There is a gathering place for evil creatures in the entire multiverse, which is just suitable for lawful evil guys like plague creatures to survive.

As for the demon army "invited" into the wizarding world by Karthus' whistle, it was the personal guard army directly belonging to a certain demon lord, and it was not so easy to repel their attack. At least judging from the recent development trend, the entire central part of the Wizarding Continent has become the hardest-hit area of ​​their rampage, and the local indigenous population has been slaughtered by them.

Unlike the deep and introverted cemetery, the demon army has never known what it means to catch big fish with a long line, nor what it means to operate stably, and benefit from it for a long time. They are like a swarm of locusts sweeping past the ground, eating and killing everything they see. In order to collect more and faster soul prisms, they are completely fishing in a dry marsh.

As for the treatment of the local indigenous wizards, the demons couldn't wait to wipe them all out, and they didn't have the slightest intention to sit down and discuss. This will undoubtedly inspire a huge backlash and anger from the entire wizarding community.

In contrast, the performance of the Necropolis can be called enough reason and friendliness.

Except for sticking to the cemetery city of Death Valley, there was no terrible scene of the cemetery army swarming into the human gathering place in large numbers. Moreover, many dracolich from across the plane are still attacking everywhere, constantly contacting the high-level leaders of the major wizarding organizations, and want to start cross-plane resource transactions and knowledge exchanges with them. This made them quickly become the most popular "VIPs" of some wizarding organizations, and various private transactions were booming.

Whether it is a wizard, a mage, or a dracolich, they are all spellcasters who have mastered extraordinary powers. They exist to pursue the deepest and most precious magical knowledge and world reality in the multiverse. Except for knowledge and resources, everything else is something that can be thrown away, and it is also an obstacle for them to move on.

Human feelings, adherence to the homeland, protection of the mother clan, and belief in witches and gods... these things have become objects that can be sacrificed and discarded in the face of the disaster of destroying the world and the huge temptation.

Entrusted by Karthus, all the dracolich from across the plane are desperately lobbying and instilling the "Dragon Cult" to the local indigenous wizards. When the gate of the wizarding world is knocked open by the Great Cemetery, the lives of wizards are destined to be unable to go back to the past.

If wizards had the ability to drive the Necropolis out of their world, Death Valley wouldn't exist at all. But since Death Valley survived, wizards had to think about their future.

Wizards are not fools. Their ancestors also led tens of thousands of local aborigines to open up territories in the wild land with difficulty. Expelling wild beasts, reclaiming land, building homes, and guarding against alien beasts... They are also familiar with the process of pioneering wilderness.

Since they can't drive away the Great Cemetery, they can only accept the existence of the Great Cemetery. Moreover, judging from the level of knowledge and skills of both parties, the Great Cemetery completely came from an upper plane above their level. This also means that in future interactions, the wizarding world is destined to be an oppressed and enslaved world.

But what if you don't accept them?

The Sanlinta Society, a large wizarding organization in the central region, has been turned upside down by the demons and can't take care of itself. The three major wizarding organizations successively organized several joint operations to "conquer evil", but the results were so unacceptable.

The pseudo-legends of the wizarding world are not real legends after all, and they simply don't have the courage and determination to die with the hordes of holy-rank undead in the necropolis. Therefore, several attempts to attack Death Valley were unsuccessful, and nearly 500 wizards lost their lives in vain.

Five hundred wizards!

Even if it is only the lowest rank of wizards, this is a frighteningly terrifying number!

You must know that due to the monopoly of knowledge and the scarcity of resources, the number of wizard groups in the wizard world has not been able to increase quickly. Searching the entire wizarding world, the total number of wizards is between 2000 and 2400. Now that 500 wizards have been lost suddenly, this is a huge damage that cannot be concealed for the entire wizard group.

If the number of wizard groups is below a certain level, then the human gathering points scattered throughout the wizard continent will lack sufficient power to protect them. At that time, there will be no need for foreign enemies to invade, but the huge and powerful indigenous beasts and wild beasts in the Wizarding Continent will be able to destroy nearly half of human cities and villages.

Necropolises are different from demons.

Wizards and demons have no way or means to communicate, and demons are really not a good object of communication. So for the demons, the wizards have already reached a firm consensus, that is to resist bravely and drive them out of the wizarding world.

But for the large cemetery, the attitudes of the wizards after this period of contact and communication have become complicated and subtle.

Some radical wizards still firmly believe in the wizard gods, and define the necropolis as an invader that must be eradicated, and they do not hesitate to launch continuous wizard wars for this reason. Among them, the Northland Witch was the most fierce and resolute.

Some moderate wizards uphold political neutrality. On the one hand, they are willing to exchange knowledge and resources with the dracolich who are lobbying everywhere, and on the other hand, they remain vigilant against what the Necropolis is doing. Among them, the Silver Alliance and some loose small wizard organizations are the main ones.

As for the rest, their attitudes are ambiguous and repetitive.

Take the Wizarding Association as an example, they are simply a group of grasshoppers, and they will fall to whichever side is more powerful. When the witch god angrily lowered clones one after another, and the witches of the Northland shouted loudly and gathered a large number of radical wizards, they also became a member of the crusade against the invaders as a matter of course.

But when the crusade failed and the army of wizards was completely defeated, they kept their words flashy and secretly maintained a good personal friendship with some dracolich.

In fact, the attitude of the wizard association also represents the attitude of the vast majority of wizards. They were originally unwilling to accept the enslavement and driving of the outside world, but seeing that the necropolis was so powerful that the wizarding world was powerless to contend with it, and they were unwilling to die together, so they became compromised and pragmatic.

However, under the guidance of the general trend, many mid-level and low-level wizards who are stalking have no principles and shame to join the "Dragon Witch Cult" repeatedly lobbied by the dracolich, and have become a growing subsidiary force in Death Valley.

Li Xun came to Death Valley, and after listening to the above reports, he had a preliminary understanding of the world of wizards that had just been brought under the control of the Great Cemetery.

However, Li Xun was not interested in these red tapes at all. All he cared about was what the Great Cemetery could gain here. As for these, the dracolich Dogosos, who has been working hard in the wizarding world for several months, immediately came up with a long list of resources. It not only lists the distribution and mining levels of the most basic metals, gemstones, magic crystals and other mineral deposits in the wizarding world, but also lists some rare resources that make even Li Xun feel excited.

You must know that some of the resource names above are rare even in the Klein plane, and they can be called rare resources at the treasure level.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the dragon.

In the Klein plane, apart from some remnants of the Elf Continent and the Warcraft Continent, the giant dragon has almost disappeared in the Klein Continent. But in the wizarding world, there are still some original five-color dragons. According to the surrendered wizards, there is a huge dragon island in the depths of the wizarding world, and there are no less than a hundred five-color dragons on it.

It is also a forbidden place that wizards never dare to set foot on!

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