The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0954 Brain Worm (for subscription)

(Thanks to Priest Bai Yi and Mirsr for their great subscription support!)

This is an elven city in the midst of war!

The ferocious war insects swarming out from the depths of the forest surrounded the south side of the city impenetrably, and the huge insect swarm continued to extend to the left and right at both ends, as if to swallow the entire city in one gulp.

Most of the elven civilians in the city have retreated, and all the unicorns, hippogryphs, chimeras, and silver pegasus that are usually used for combat are used to transport civilians, which makes the battle on the front line even more tense. The tree warriors and deadwood guards were the least likely to escape the siege of the Zerg due to their slow movements, so they had already said goodbye to their elf companions, and they still stood on the outskirts of the city together with some elf warriors.

It was their bravery and sacrifice that bought time for the elves to retreat.

Freya stood on top of a tall ancient war tree, looking down at the panicked refugees below her with a painful face. She had tried her best to disperse her sword dancers and warriors to help them, but it was still to no avail. The whole fleeing team was messy and disorderly, and from time to time there were lost elf girls crying and shouting.

It can't be delayed any longer, the outer defense line can't stand it for a long time. However, there are still about 3000 elf civilians left here, but there are only 120 elf warriors who can help them.

As a high-level war dancer at level 17, Fulia may be able to make a huge impact in the depths of the insect sea, but here, she is powerless, unable to help her compatriots escape from the city at all.

Anxious Freya turned around and grabbed one of her subordinates.

"What the hell are those human mages doing? They have occupied our teleportation array for three days and three nights, but they have brought nothing! Now go and tell them, if they don't want to die, they should leave this city quickly! We have I can't take it anymore..."

She who was roaring loudly didn't even notice that the subordinate who was grabbed by her neck opened his eyes wider and wider, and was staring behind her in horror. The huge shock made him speechless!

Finally, Freya noticed his strange appearance, and suddenly turned around, her whole body froze on the spot after a shock. is this possible!


A white undulating wave is gushing out from the position where the teleportation array is located.

From a distance, a clear white line is spreading all over the jungle.

Freya was at a high place, with good sightlines, and she could see very clearly.

Then there are no huge waves, but a bunch of undead ghouls!

In the shadow of the jungle, a group of vigorous and flexible lickers marched side by side, the speed became faster and faster, but the running was silent. The hard-to-pass forest roads do not constitute any obstacle for them. When they encounter dense bushes and flowers, they often jump up, and they can grab the huge tree trunks with their sharp claws and bounce forward in the air.

With pale bodies, nimble and vigorous movements, and dense formations, these lickers looked like a white wave that devoured everything from a distance, sweeping across a large area of ​​urban space in an instant.

A particularly powerful and ugly terrifying ghoul king escaped from the white wave, turned over and climbed to the top of an ancient tree in the distance, where he looked far away, as if he was looking at the battle situation on the front line.

Freya's gaze obviously attracted its attention, and the ugly ghoul king opened his mouth wide and "smiled" towards this side, then raised his neck and let out a hoarse and ugly cry.

The sound may not be too loud, but the effect is so immediate.

In an instant, the momentum of the white wave turned, making a huge arc, rushing from the flanks to the front line where the battle was fierce. And behind them, another even bigger white wave is still gushing out, which are some stronger and more terrifying "ghouls" than the former.

This group of later ghouls did not change their castration, and rushed towards the elf battlefield from the front.

Enemy or reinforcements?

The urgency of the battle made Freya break out in a cold sweat instantly.

Looking up at the direction of the white wave, it was the teleportation array occupied by the human mage. Freya gritted her teeth fiercely and jumped off the ancient tree.

The front line must be notified as soon as possible, these sudden undead are likely to be reinforcements. Once the frontline commander made a wrong reaction and attacked back and forth, the elf fighters here would really be over.

The speed of the white wave was much faster than Freya imagined, and the distance of five or six miles was gone almost instantly, and the front of the wave had already licked the back of the elf defense line.

If this is still a line of defense!

When fighting Zerg, the number of elves is always at a disadvantage. Almost from the moment the war started, the elves were surrounded by ten times and a hundred times more insects.

Due to the small number, the elves couldn't support a solid defense line that completely kept the bugs out, so the entire elf defense line was like a section of isolated islands among insects. Four or five dryads and deadwood guards formed a small circle back to back, and there were a hundred or so elf warriors hidden inside, most of them were sword dancers and elf shooters.

The Dryads and Deadwood Guards, who were usually old and senile and would not move their nest once in a hundred years, changed from their previous clumsiness at this moment, and all of them showed terrifying combat power and excellent killing skills. At their feet, thick insect corpses have been piled up to form a wall, and the thick tree trunks in their hands are still pounding non-stop, each blow can take away five or six war insects. life.

The bugs that flocked to them at the beginning of the battle, the dryads and the deadwood guards can also use tree roots to fix the enemies, and then crush them one by one slowly. But then the insect corpses became thicker and thicker, and the roots of the dryads and dead wood guards could no longer penetrate the insect corpses at all. As a result, the turbulent swarm of insects without any cover was able to rush towards them, exchanging huge casualties for deep scratches on the treants.

Fighting here does not require any strategy and tactics at all, only the most efficient killing methods and skills. As for the enemy, if you look around, there are mountains and plains everywhere, so you don't have to worry about finding the target.

The most powerful and sharpest shooter class of the elves when facing the orcs, but it is quite embarrassing when facing the raging insect swarm. The arrows they carried were limited, and the worms could never be killed. Therefore, within half an hour of the battle, the elf archers who had emptied their quiver could only draw out their daggers and act as amateur swordsmen.

In this kind of battle, the most powerful ones are the elf mages and druids. It's a pity that these spellcasters who have obeyed the teachings of nature since childhood are the least good at the fire spells in the evocation system. Flames can easily cause terrifying forest fires, which can destroy hundreds of miles of mountains and forests. Therefore, they who hated flames since childhood consciously abandoned those powerful fire spells.

Now, this paranoid act of unity has caused weakness among spellcasters across the elf race.

Can't burst fireball, can't fire wall, can't fire rain and meteor...even small fireball, many elf masters can't do it. Instead, there was a large-scale snowstorm, wild thorns that strung worms into candied haws, and lightning and thunder that fell from the sky.

But these are difficult to cause serious derivative disasters like fire spells, and they cannot form a super large sea of ​​​​fire that blocks the enemy's action space, so the killing effect on Zerg is not significant.

But once the location of the elf spellcaster is exposed, the sinister, cunning and disgusting worm mages and poisonous sand scorpions will sneak up soon.

Relying on the successive battle insects and a huge number of poisonous insects that can stand upright and continuously spit out acidic venom, this wave of insects has flattened four or five elf strongholds similar to the lonely castle.

Even though the tree people beat and hammered desperately, the turbulent bugs kept coming up, and finally they crawled all over their bodies. The tall and majestic tree spirits, dead wood guards, and ancient war trees were swallowed up in the sea of ​​insects, dumped to the ground, and gradually disappeared. However, the life essence in their bodies was taken out by the bugs, and then secretly transported to some unknown places.

A Zerg cerebrum silently hides in the depths of the distant jungle, and its spirit is directly linked to a host hiding in the high-altitude clouds, with its "eyes" overlooking and controlling the entire battle situation.

The war here was fought calmly, which made it seem a little depressed, commanding the swarm of insects in the distance one after another, repeatedly attacking the fragile defense line of the elves.

To be honest, Cerebral Worm is not too interested in being able to kill these fragile elves on a large scale. The only things that can interest it are the huge metal veins hidden in the ground of the elf continent and the few magical creatures with extraordinary power in the elves. The former is the guarantee for the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg to continuously strengthen itself, and the latter is the key to multiplying the Zerg of different species.

The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg also suffered greatly from the accidental death of the war brood. If it wasn't for a coincidence that the war brood hatched a batch of cerebrates just before dying in battle, the current Zerg would probably become a mess.

There are about 11 brain worms that have grown up in this batch, plus the previous brain worm, which means that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg in the Elf Continent currently has 12 second-level commanders. And the first-level commander is of course the Zerg demigod who just crossed the plane space.

With the loss of the war brood, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg also lost the ability to continuously hatch their eggs, but as the previously hoarded eggs hatched one by one, the number of Zerg still undisputedly rushed to 70 million. The heights of despair.

But this is already the highest position that the Zerg can reach.

Next, if there is no way to solve the problem of the war brood, the Zerg will only fight less and less, and it is very likely that they will suffer a shameful defeat in this inconspicuous medium-sized plane!

And there is no solution.

That Zerg demigod is a well-known general even in the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg Empire. Of course, it has the ability and authority to revive the war brood. The spiritual imprint of the last war brood that died in battle is in its hands. As long as it has enough life energy and some special mysterious substances, it is not a problem to revive the war brood.

So 12 brain worms, each of them was assigned by the Zerg demigods to have millions of Zergs of all levels. They need to use their limited forces to continuously occupy the territories in the elf forest, and then use the looted resources and territories to exchange for more Zerg troops from the demigods.

In this way, in order to have more subordinates, the 12 brain worms are desperately trying to seize the territory of the elves.

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