He can bring out all the strength of the soldiers in the sea area without any reservation, and the people in the sea area are also very cooperative, and they will obey no matter what the order is.

Even if they were asked to sacrifice, they would have no problem. Now Luo Xuan's prestige in the sea area has even surpassed that of the Sea King at that time. Even some soldiers in some sea areas began to recommend him to succeed the Sea King and become the leader of the sea area. Luo Xuan also did Have this strength.

You must know that it has only been a few days since the Dragon King conquered the sea area, and the Dragon King has almost no time to take care of the sea area. Since the sea area was recovered, Luo Xuan has been taking over for the Dragon Emperor.

He actually gained respect from the sea area at the beginning, especially some powerful soldiers who were not convinced by Luo Xuan at all, but he also used his absolute strength to make them realize how powerful Luo Xuan was and how powerful Fire Dragon Island was.

It also lets them know the price they need to pay for resisting Luo Xuan and Fire Dragon Island. To deal with the soldiers in the sea, they need to use extraordinary means.

Ordinary methods have no effect on them at all. They are naturally cruel. If they cannot fight violence with violence, they will never be suppressed. Luo Xuan knows this clearly, so he used thunderous means to defeat all the soldiers in the sea in a short time. Surrender.

In just a few days, he won the hearts of countless people. Coupled with the war with the gods, everyone in the sea area clearly knew how powerful Luo Xuan was. At the beginning, the people in the sea area were not yet ready for the war. Obey his orders.

Later, they discovered that as long as they followed his instructions, they could win a great victory, and it would be easier than when Neptune ruled them. Although they enjoyed fighting, they hated the gods in the divine world. Even if they enjoyed They are also tired of fighting with the gods, so they want to end the battle with them as soon as possible.

They also know that the largest battle will take place between Fire Dragon Island and the God Realm soon. It is not for the showdown with the God Realm that the Dragon King will come to regain the sea area, but also to rule the sea area. That is why the Dragon King kills the Sea King.

Their current battle was just a small-scale battle. Compared with the upcoming war, it was like playing house, so he lost the fun of fighting. They wanted to enjoy the future war.

In the battle with the God Realm, Luo Xuanhui personally took action and killed large swaths of soldiers every time. He killed almost one-third of the soldiers.

This kind of harvesting speed is beyond the reach of the soldiers in the sea area. Even if they are proficient in killing methods, they are not as fast as Luo Xuan, because Luo Xuan is stronger than them.

Although he is only a quasi-sage, he can exert strength that far exceeds that of a saint. At first, the soldiers in the sea were not even willing to believe that Luo Xuan was only a quasi-sage. The various abilities he exerted were beyond the reach of even saints.

Even Neptune is not sure. He has done so well. At the same time, they are more curious about Fire Dragon Island. They want to know if there are other more powerful existences on Fire Dragon Island.

They also understood why the Dragon Emperor could kill Neptune so easily and cultivate such powerful subordinates. The Dragon Emperor's strength was definitely more terrifying than it looked. Maybe the Dragon Emperor didn't even have the strength when he killed Neptune. Use all your strength.

But that's right. When the Dragon King and Neptune were dueling, his expression was very relaxed and he didn't even take it seriously. When he killed Neptune, it was like doing a very ordinary thing.

At that time, the Dragon King's expression was as if he was killing an ant. Perhaps in the eyes of the Dragon King, there was no difference between the Sea King and the ants. If they killed a saint, it would be fine if they roared out in displeasure.

Luo Xuan's strength is very terrifying. Although Luo Xuan's strength is not as strong as the Dragon Emperor, it is not something that anyone in the sea area can compete with. The soldiers in the sea area respect the strong and will obey orders as long as they are stronger than them.

The rule of the sea area is simple and crude, that is, the strong are respected. As long as they can defeat them, they are willing to become Luo Xuan's subordinates. Luo Xuan's various methods have indeed won their trust.

Every battle was won, no battles were lost at all, and dangers were even saved many times, and almost no one died every time.

At most, they were only seriously injured, and only a few were seriously injured. In the past, no matter what the scale of the war, dozens or even hundreds of people would be killed or injured. The death of dozens of people was considered good.

Sometimes it is a war that must be lost. If there was a sea king to rule them, they would not win that kind of war, but led by Luo Xuan, they won the war. Luo Xuan was like the god of war.

Moreover, his soldiers have defeated the gods many times, and their methods of fighting the enemy are far superior to ordinary people.

Even if he has no advantage, he can still turn defeat into victory with a small chance.

However, there are many gods who are stronger than him. There are so many people in the nine continents who also have talents in both cultivation and military.

Why he can be appreciated by the Dragon King is unknown. Maybe there are other things about him that the Dragon King appreciates. Maybe he has something that others don't have, so he makes the Dragon King trust him so much.

Otherwise, the God of Death would not believe that the Dragon Emperor would trust him so much because of his talent in cultivation, and would even be willing to let him be his right-hand man. The reason why Luo Xuan became so powerful in such a short period of time was definitely because of the guidance of the Dragon Emperor.

There are not many people who can get guidance from the Dragon King. Perhaps he is the only one in the entire Fire Dragon Island who can make the Dragon King bother so much. Just being able to explain a few words from the Dragon King can be considered very lucky.

Not to mention being able to stay with the Dragon King all the time, even if there are many dragon clans on Fire Dragon Island, they are not treated as well as Luo Xuan. I wonder how many people in Fire Dragon Island secretly envy Luo Xuan.

There must be many people on Fire Dragon Island who want to be with the Dragon Emperor. Not to mention the people on Fire Dragon Island, even in the underworld, even the God of Hades has many people who want to be with the Dragon Emperor. Even if they don't get the Dragon Emperor's guidance, Just being around them is beneficial to their cultivation.

If the Dragon King is in a good mood and gives them some magic weapons, they will benefit a lot and use them for a lifetime. Even without magic weapons, they can gain cultivation experience. The Dragon King is so powerful that he can realize the great truth almost every moment. .

If they can understand some of the Dragon King's great ways, their strength will definitely be greatly improved, and maybe they can be directly promoted to a higher level.

If you can follow him, you may be able to know why the Dragon King became so powerful, why the Dragon King became so powerful, and how he improved. This should be something that everyone in the Three Realms wants to know.

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